Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 844

"Haha, Master Xufeng is back, and now Hanguang Guild will be over!"

"Huh, Hanguang Guild really shot itself in the foot this time! Even if they wait one more day, they won't be like this!"

Pedestrians in the street talked cheerfully.

Hanguang Guild?

Wouldn't it be Hanguang Guild doing some little tricks?

Hope it's not a big problem.

Xu Feng had no time to think about it, and quickly rushed towards the castle.


The guards of the castle are naturally not vegetarians, and they immediately warned loudly when they saw someone rushing towards here.

Xufeng quickly slowed down and said with a faint smile: "Two brothers, it's me."

"Master Xufeng!"

The two guards quickly put down their weapons and saluted Xufeng respectfully.

After all, Xufeng is the "honorary chief guard" appointed by special envoy Peris himself, and enjoys the power of life and death in the trading city.

Xufeng smiled and said, "The two brothers don't need to be so polite, I'm here to see the envoy sister."

"Yes, Master Xufeng." One of the guards said quickly: "The envoy has issued an order. You can enter and leave the castle freely without notification! Please come in."

"Well, thanks a lot."

After Xu Feng thanked him briefly, he stepped into the castle.

The castle of the trading city is divided into two layers: the inner and outer layers. The outer layer is the military zone, which is in charge of guards, while the inner city is the administrative zone and is in charge of the most elite guards.

After Xufeng passed through the military zone, he was stopped by the guard in charge of guarding the inner city.

Said it was "blocked", but it was actually very respectful and polite to block.

After all, when you arrive in the inner city, you need to inform the special envoy, otherwise, if the special envoy is bathing or changing clothes, it will not look good.

After the guard reported, he quickly turned back and said to Xufeng, "Master Xufeng, please come in, your envoy."

"Okay, thank you brother." Xu Feng smiled faintly, and walked towards the side hall.

"Sister, I'm back." Xufeng pretended to call out affectionately...

"Hehe, you really did not live up to my expectations of you, you actually got through the fifth stage."

Special envoy Peris lay lazily on her luxurious recliner, beautifully looking forward to her.

Chapter 561 The Soft Knife Behind

Xu Feng grinned and said: "This is all thanks to my sister, otherwise, I would really die in the fifth stage of the plot this time!"

Special envoy Peris chuckled, "Hey, there should be a limit to flattering flattery, right? I didn't accompany you in the fifth stage, so why do you thank me?"

Xu Feng frowned and said: "Sister, you don't know anything. When we were looking for the Sea Emperor Trident, we ran into the third-level god Cyclops on the way. That guy's strength is really not covered, I can't beat it anyway. Just when I wanted to accept punishment and escape from the world of the plot, my sister suddenly appeared in my mind—yes, it was you, who gave me courage and strength in the dark, in this courage and strength With the bonus, I hurriedly killed the Cyclops Giant!"

Peris laughed loudly, "You, you, although sister, I know you are complimenting me, but, I don’t know why, when I hear you, my sister is happy — by the way, when you come back, come directly to me Right here?"

Xu Feng said quickly: "Of course it is, sister's affairs are the most important thing."

Peris nodded in satisfaction, "Yes, I have a conscience, and it is not in vain that I love you so much. However, this time the situation is quite special, I allow you to go back to Xiaoyue Flower Shop first."

Xufeng's heart sank slightly, which shows that something happened to Xiaoyue Flower Shop.

However, Xu Feng's face already kept a grin, "Why go back to Xiaoyue Flower Shop?"

Peris yawned and said lazily: "Someone wants to level your Xiaoyue flower shop."

Xu Feng asked immediately: "Hanguang Guild?"

Peris smiled and said: "You guessed it right, Hanguang Guild probably thought that you died in the fifth stage of the plot. Even if you are not dead, you can only escape after lowering the level three. They think this is a blow and take over. The best time for your forces."

Xu Feng asked quickly, "Ssoon, are they okay?"

Peris smiled and said: "People are all right, I have asked Ji Ming to take them away from Xiaoyue Flower Shop and protect them. However, your flower shop is not so lucky."

Xufeng frowned and asked, "In broad daylight, people from Hanguanghui would dare to seize my shop? Special envoy sister, you didn't manage it for me."

Peris smiled and said: "Who are you as your sister? Do you have to ask about any trivial matters? Besides, if I take care of it, what excitement is there to see in the trading city? Anyway, as long as you come back, your shop It will be taken back."

Xu Feng smiled helplessly: "I thank you, sister special envoy."

Peris smiled and said: "What? Listening to this tone, you have a lot of resentment towards me?"

Xufeng said, "Don't dare---Envoy sister, where are Xiaoyue and the others now?"

Peris smiled and said, "In my castle."

Xufeng asked, "Can I see them now?"

Peris smiled and said, "Of course, after you leave my room, a guard will take you to find them."

"Thank you, sister, special envoy!" Xufeng immediately took out a piece of trident fragment, "This is the quest item that my sister wants. I have completed it."

Peris nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, your reward, I will prepare it for you when you come to see me next time. Now, you should go ahead and do your own business."

"it is good!"

Xufeng immediately put down the trident fragment in his hand, then turned and walked out.

Outside the door, there were guards waiting there.

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "Brother, take me to meet my people."

"Yes! Master Xufeng, please come with me."

The guard led Xufeng to the depths of the castle, and after crossing several long corridors, he finally stopped in front of a closed gate.

"That's it, Master Xufeng."

"Okay, thank you very much."

Xu Feng pushed open the door behind him. Between Su Xiaoyue and You Xiaoxi, and Li Hongwei, the owner of the leather shop, the three of them were sitting at a round table sadly.

As soon as the door opened, the three of them immediately stood up, exclaiming.

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