Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 845

"Brother Feng!"

You Xiaoxi was the first to see Xufeng, and immediately rushed into Xufeng's arms desperately.

Su Xiaoyue and Li Hongwei also surrounded them excitedly.

"Great Brother Feng! You are not dead! You are not dead! Oh!" Su Xiaoyue, a two-meter tall burly man, was crying like a girl at this time.

Li Hongwei also excitedly said, "Brother Feng, it will be fine if you come back, and we will be saved now!"

Xufeng soothed You Xiaoxi and motioned everyone to sit down and calm down their excitement.

After the three people's emotions stabilized, Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "What is going on?"

Su Xiaoyue said angrily: "It's Gunther, a high-level elite of the Hanguanghui! He insisted on saying that You Xiaoxi’s Xingyue tea formula was stolen from them Hanguanghui. He wanted to catch You Xiaoxi. Interrogation, of course I couldn’t let him do that, so I contacted Zhan Liqun of the Oasis Guild. As a result, Zhan Liqun did bring people here, but he didn’t come to protect us, but wanted us to put the two shops in him. Under the name of the Oasis Guild."

"What?" Xu Feng couldn't help frowning.

Zhan Liqun was a cunning person, and Xufeng knew this, but Xufeng felt that Zhan Liqun could see the situation clearly and would not do stupid things.

However, this time, Zhan Liqun surprised Xu Feng.

"...It seems that my brother doesn't believe that I can get through the fifth stage of Pirates of the Caribbean." Xu Feng smiled coldly.

Su Xiaoyue said angrily: "I told Zhan Liqun to talk badly, let him help Brother Feng, help us get rid of Gunther first, but he said that his name was not righteous, and he had to let us go. After him, he can tear his face with Hanguang."

Li Hongwei next to him also said: "Zhan Liqun is worse than Hanguang, and Hanguang is our adversary. Therefore, Hanguang will take advantage of Feng Ge’s absence to make things difficult for us. From a certain perspective, it is also reasonable. However, Zhan Liqun should be our friend, but at this time, he stabbed us in the back! Moreover, it was still a soft knife! Originally, the Hanguang Club was only aimed at Xiaoyue Flower Shop, but Zhan Liqun was disturbed. After he came in, he didn’t even let the leather shop go. He asked me to sign an agreement to transfer the half of the shares that belonged to Feng Ge to him. Li Hongwei is not the kind of person who has no conscience. I don’t want to do this. If he did, he also sealed my store, and he said that it was to protect it from being snatched by Hanguang Society. It's really hateful!"

Su Xiaoyue continued: "I saw Zhan Liqun's wolves ambitions, it was really unreliable, so I let You Xiaoxi get out of the chaos and ran to the Abyss Guild to find two adults, Ji Ming and Sui Long. Speaking of which , These two adults were strong. They rushed into the shop with ten guards, rescued us, and received them in the castle. We waited in the castle for three days, and finally waited until Feng Ge you returned. ."

Chapter 562

Hearing this, Xu Feng was full of anger.

He actually knew that Zhan Liqun was unreliable, but he didn't expect Zhan Liqun to jump back so early.

Humph, that's fine, in this way, Xu Feng will have an excuse to clean up Zhan Liqun and Oasis Guild.

As for the Hanguang Guild, it was even more difficult to run away.

Ji Ming and Sui Long can't be regarded as reliable friends, but Ji Ming and Sui Long are not members of the guild, but also under the special envoy, so Ji Ming and Sui Long will rescue Su Xiaoyue and the others.

Of course, Ji Ming and Sui Long didn't interfere with the shop. Firstly, they still had their own tasks. Secondly, this was probably also a secret instruction from the special envoy.

The special envoy wished that the four major guilds would sway each other, so this time, the special envoy was able to stop it, but he watched.

Of course, her purpose is not to fight each other between Hanguang Guild and Oasis Guild, but to wait for Xufeng to come back, one by one in each hand, to clean up Hanguang Guild and Oasis Guild.

In this way, she can benefit from the real fisherman.

Everything is calculated!

A small shop has encountered countless troubles from its opening to the present!

Of course, these troubles are not for the shop, but for Xufeng!

When everyone thinks that he will die in the fifth stage, the shop loses its support and will naturally be coveted!

It's just that those coveting people are wrong!

Not only has I returned safely, but my strength has also been further improved!

Xu Feng smiled coldly, "Don't worry, leave this to me."

Su Xiaoyue said quickly: "Brother Feng, I'll go with you!"

You Xiaoxi said: "I want to go too!"

Li Hongwei also said: "I will go too!"

Xufeng said, "You can't help much if you go."

"However, we will be very happy if we can see the group of people being picked up by Feng Ge with our own eyes!" You Xiaoxi said eagerly.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Also, you have suffered because of this, I have to help you get it back, then go with me!"


"Hahaha! Feng Ge mighty!"

"I can't wait to see the faces of Gunther and Zhan Liqun!"

The three of them excitedly followed Xu Feng.

Xufeng took them out of the castle and went to Xiaoyue Flower Shop.

At this time, there were a lot of people around the door of Xiaoyue Flower Shop.

Half are from Hanguang Guild, and half are from Oasis Guild.

Both sides glared at him, and no one wanted to give in.

After all, Xiaoyue Flower Shop is a big piece of fat.

Xiaoyue Flower Shop not only has sufficient shadow energy plant materials, but also has a highly profitable product like Xingyue Tea.

The monthly profit of Xiaoyue Flower Shop is even higher than the monthly profit of the guild!

With such a big piece of fat, no one dared to make an idea when Xufeng was there, but no one wanted to come up and take a bite when Xufeng was gone.

Guild Hanguang was struck twice by Xufeng, and had long been looking for opportunities to retaliate against Xufeng, and the strength of Oasis Guild had improved recently, so he dared to compete with Guild Hanguang for resources.

Regardless of whether it was the Hanguang Guild or the Oasis Guild, they felt that Xufeng could not return from the fifth stage of the plot.

There have been many guilds who wanted to get through the fifth stage of "Pirates of the Caribbean", but in the end, apart from the powerful Godslayer Guild at the beginning, no guild could get through!

However, Xufeng doesn't have the backing of the guild at all, considering it with normal thinking, the Xuedi team is bound to lose!

Therefore, everyone felt that Xufeng could not return.

Su Xiaoyue walked proudly at the front, You Xiaoxi and Li Hongwei followed behind, and Xu Feng walked at the back of them.

When Su Xiaoyue walked to the door of her flower shop, people from Hanguang Guild immediately jumped out.

"Su Xiaoyue, do you dare to come back?"

"Hmph, the guards rescued you before, but now you are back, you are really looking for your own death!"

Before Su Xiaoyue could speak, the people from Oasis Guild also jumped out.

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