Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 849

Gaopeng’s level is 32. Even if he has awesome equipment, his actual combat power can reach level 40.

But Gunther's level is 35, which is 3 levels higher than Gaopeng. Moreover, Gunther's equipment is also excellent equipment from Hanguang Guild. The overall strength is definitely stronger than Gaopeng.

Therefore, in a one-on-one matchup, Gunther is not afraid of his friends at all, and the only thing that worries Gunther is Xu Feng.

Therefore, Gunther ignored Gao Peng’s suggestion. Instead, he turned his head and said to Xufeng: "Master Xufeng, I Gunther doesn’t want to say those vain words. Let’s get it straight. I’ll come to your shop this time. I just thought you had died in the fifth stage of the plot, so I wanted to eat the fat of Xiaoyue's shop! Hanguang Guild has never been your friend. We do this, and there is nothing to explain! But, you Let Gaopeng come to fight me, if I can kill Gaopeng, will you let us go?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "What you said is quite true, yes, I promise you, if you can kill Gaopeng, I won't embarrass you this time, I will let all of you leave."

Gunther's eyes lit up, "Is this true?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "In front of so many people, I will not lie to you, anyway, I am also a person of identity."

Gunther grinned and said: "Okay, with your words, Master Xufeng, I can let go."

Gaopeng complained endlessly.

He wanted to play a scene with Gunther, but Gunther didn't cooperate at all!

Too!The Hanguang Guild was originally at odds with the Oasis Guild. In this incident, Xu Feng will definitely not spare Hanguang Guild. Only by fighting hard can Gunther lead people to retreat. What's more, Gang Se's strength is stronger than Gaopeng, so why is it necessary to act with Gaopeng?

That's it!

Anyway, Oasis Guild is not a good bird!

Gunther immediately showed a heavy and thick tomahawk, and said to Gaopeng with a sneer: "Gaopeng, are you ready to die?"

Gaopeng sighed in his heart, and then said coldly: "Gunther, the damn person is you! I want to guard the Xiaoyue flower shop for Master Xufeng!"

Gunther sneered, "I just wanted to share my interests equally, now I'm going to guard the flower shop for Xufeng, Gao Peng, let alone Su Xiaoyue, even I think you are too hypocritical!"

Gaopeng's expression rose, "Go to hell, Gunther!"

With that said, Gao Peng had an extra silver moon knife in his hand, making a heavy vertical slash, slashing at Gunther fiercely.

Gunther laughed, and did not dodge, but raised his heavy bone-biting battle axe, facing Gao Peng's silver moon knife.

Clang clang!

In an instant, the two fought three times!

It can be seen that Gaopeng is an agile survivor, while Gunther is an extremely overbearing power warrior. Gunther's moves are wide-ranging, while Gaopeng's moves are feminine and long.

Both of them attacked each other desperately.

Gunther is naturally to save his life, as long as he can kill Gao Peng, Xu Feng can let him go, otherwise, he will be killed by Gao Peng, and his subordinates don't want to leave here easily.

Gaopeng desperately, not to help Xufeng protect the flower shop, but purely to save his life.

The trick Xu Feng used was really too spicy.

This is forcing him to fight Gunther, and forcing the Oasis Guild to fight against Hanguang Guild!

Gao Peng knew all this, but he was unable to change anything.

In the final analysis, I still took a wrong step and acted wrongly.

He really thought that Xufeng died in the fifth stage. If it weren't for this, how could the Oasis Guild rush to take over the Xiaoyue Flower Shop.

Now, it is meaningless to say a thousand words and ten thousand.

There is only one way to go, save your own life first, and then slowly repair the relationship with Xufeng.

Gaopeng took a deep breath, used his body skills to dodge Gunther's tomahawk slam, then quickly backed away, and at the same time shot three bony short arrows from his cuff.

Gunther exclaimed, and there was no time to block with an axe, so he could only lie on the ground and roll in embarrassment.

Short Arrow was avoided, but he was also in a relatively unfavorable situation.

Gunther's strength is very strong, but his body is relatively slow, and Gaopeng's advantage is speed.

Gaopeng rushed up when Gunther just stood up, before he got up completely, and the silver moon knife in his hand slashed at Gunther's head fiercely.

Gunther was too late to dodge, so he reluctantly tilted his head, and the silver moon knife immediately slashed Gunther's shoulder!


A glare of sparks lit up from Gunther's shoulder.

Gunther's shoulder armor was chopped, and his entire shoulder was exposed!

However, Gao Peng's power is still a little weaker. Such a good mobile phone meeting only chopped Gunther's shoulder pads, and even the flesh was not hurt!

Chapter 566 I really envy you!

Gaopeng suddenly exclaimed, and quickly stepped back.

Gunther seized the opportunity, holding the bone-biting battle axe in both hands, turning around, slashing with a whirlwind, and slashing at Gao Peng fiercely.

Gaopeng backed back with all his strength, trying to get a distance, and once again used Hidden Arrows to limit Gunther's attack.

However, although he avoided Gunther's axe, he was still hit by the powerful impact brought by the whirlwind to his right arm!

Gaopeng suddenly screamed, and the hand holding the Silver Moon Sword was completely cut by Whirlwind!

He is also wearing armor, but the armor on his body is simply not enough to resist the damage of the bone-biting battle axe!

His right hand was completely abolished, and the silver moon knife fell to the ground with the broken hand!

But Gunther still didn't stop the whirlwind, he held the whirlwind axe and chased and crushed Gao Peng all the way, and even the members of the Oasis Guild behind Gao Peng suffered!

Gunther laughed frantically, "Hahaha! Come on, Gao Peng! Don't you want to kill me? Come on!"

Gaopeng resisted the severe pain of his broken arm, and while dodge desperately, he stuffed a healing pill into his mouth.

He bought this recovery pill at an auction house with a lot of money, and the seller is naturally Xufeng.

Xufeng puts those recovery pills with strong side effects on auction houses at high prices, and even if the side effects are strong, these recovery pills are very popular.

After all, it can save lives at critical times.

After Gaopeng swallowed the recovery pills, the blood on his broken arm soon stopped. He turned his head and begged Xufeng, "Master Xufeng, help!"

Xufeng said coldly: "Brother Gao Peng, it's a duel, how can I intervene? If I intervene, it will appear that your Oasis Guild is incompetent! No way, Oasis Guild is my Brotherhood Guild. , I can’t let the Oasis Guild discredit you. Come on, I support you mentally! Come on, Xiaoyue, don’t be idle, applaud and cheer for our fellow brothers!"

Su Xiaoyue smiled happily: "Gaopen! Come on! Gaopen! Come on!"

All the grievances and injustices Su Xiaoyue suffered before were completely released.

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