Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 850

He thought that Xufeng was "confused", and actually believed in an outsider like Gao Peng. Now he understands it thoroughly. Not only does Xufeng have to make both Oasis Guild and Hanguang Guild pay for it, Gao Peng Now I have the heart to die.

Thousands should not, never should!

Offended Xufeng and ended up terribly.

At this time, Gunther's bone-biting axe slashed again fiercely, Gao Peng did not dare to be distracted, and could only continue to flicker.

Gunther regained the advantage of output and did not give Gaopeng a chance to stop at all.

Gaopeng wanted to make a move, and it was difficult to make a move at this time. After all, his right hand was chopped off, and the Silver Moon Blade fell, and only a few sleeve arrows were hidden in his left hand.

Gaopeng tried his best to keep away from Gunther, but Gunther was also an experienced person and he followed every step very closely.

In desperation, Gao Peng could only make a hasty shot, trying to force Gunther back with the sleeve arrow of his left hand, and then took the opportunity to surrender.

Although surrendering is a disgraceful thing, and Gunther's consent may not be obtained, but if it succeeds, his life will be saved.

Even if it is unsuccessful, he can delay for a while and let him prepare more - after all, at his level, he still has a trick.

As soon as Gaopeng's left hand was raised, Gunther sneered, and then a half-moon cut, the bone-biting battle axe drew a curved moon arc and slashed directly on Gaopeng's left hand!


The Hidden Arrow only fired two shots, and all shots were missed, and they hit a survivor from the Guangxi Guild outside.

The survivor screamed and fell down in response.

Gaopeng's hand was too late to retract, and Gunther's bone-biting axe was directly chopped off!

Gaopeng's eyes suddenly went dark, and he knelt down screaming.

He has already taken the recovery pill once and cannot take it anymore.

And... even if he wanted to eat again, he didn't have to take it out.

Both his hands were broken and he couldn't fight anymore.

Gunther laughed loudly: "Have you seen it! This is the strength of my Hanguang Guild!"

Gaopeng said miserably: "I surrender, Gunther, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Gunther carrying a heavy bone-biting axe, he walked to Gaopeng with a sneer, "Gaopeng, it's not that I want to kill you, but you must die! If you don't die, I won't be able to leave the Xiaoyue Flower Shop. ."

Gaopeng turned his head and pleaded at Xufeng: "Brother Feng! Master Xufeng! I know I was wrong! I shouldn't have it, shouldn't covet your shop, please, forgive me!"

Xufeng sighed, "Gao Peng, your opponent is Gunther, what's the use of you begging me? Look at what you are now, both hands are broken, even if you survive, what's the point? What's the point? Can the Oasis Guild support a disabled person like you?"

The muscles on Gao Peng's face twitched slightly.

What kind of person Zhan Liqun is, Gaopeng knows best.

On the surface, Zhan Liqun is very righteous, but in fact, Zhan Liqun has always been “just right” to people who are useful to him.

This competition for Xiaoyue Flower Shop is a good example.

When they judged that Xufeng had died in the fifth stage of the plot, Zhan Liqun immediately sent a friend to occupy Xufeng's industry.

Now, Gaopeng has broken both hands. If he returns to the Oasis Guild in this way, Zhan Liqun will only be blamed.

Gao Peng screamed in pain, "The saddest part of my life is that I haven't followed a great brother! From this point, Su Xiaoyue! I really envy you! I really envy you!"

Su Xiaoyue sneered: "Gao Peng, just like you, who stabbed a brother with a soft knife behind the back, how could a real big brother want you? So, don't blame the heavens! You still can't do it!"

Gaopeng was startled and sighed in pain.

Even his last bit of resentment was ruthlessly broken by Su Xiaoyue.

His life is meaningless.

Gunther raised his bone-biting axe high, and said with a sneer: "Farewell, Gao Peng!"

Gao Peng smiled coldly, "No hurry, we will meet soon, although I am dying, but you don't want to live so happily."

Gunther sneered and said, "I cut off both of your hands, so you dare to speak big words? Go to hell!"

As he said, Gunther's bone biting axe slashed down Gaopeng's neck.

At this moment, the corners of Gaopeng's mouth squirmed, and he spit out a hidden weapon the size of a jujube nucleus.

Gunther leaned back quickly to dodge, and the hidden weapon wiped his exposed shoulders, leaving a faint blood line on it.

The bone-biting battle axe fell at the same time, beheading Gao Peng's head to the ground.

Gaopeng's head rolled three times, and his body shook a few times, completely dead.

Chapter 567: Far in the sky, close in front of you!


Gunther stepped on Gao Peng’s corpse and said with a big smile: “The high level of the Oasis Guild, but so! Master Xufeng, Gao Peng has been killed by me now. According to our previous agreement, you must let me and me People go!"

Xufeng smiled faintly: "If you win this life-and-death duel, you can leave. However, before you leave, I have one more piece of advice for you."

Gunther frowned and asked, "What advice?"

Xu Feng said lightly: "Go back and prepare for the funeral."

Gunther was startled, and then he shouted coldly: "Xufeng! What are you talking about! Even if you are a strong, so what? I Gunther is also a high-level guild of Hanguang anyhow, I don't allow you to insult me ​​like this! If you are If you want to kill me, just come! Hmph, I want everyone in the trading city to know that you Xufeng is a person who doesn't count!"

Xufeng smiled coldly, "Gunther, I didn't say I want to kill you, I just asked you to go back and prepare for the funeral. This is kind advice."

Gunther said angrily: "You are a threat! Do you think I am a fool?"

Xufeng pointed to Gunther's shoulder and said, "I don't know if you are a fool, but you must be blind."

Gunther was startled, and then he saw the tiny scar on his shoulder.

He sneered, "This little injury is not even trivial!"

"is it?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Do you think Gao Peng vomited a hidden weapon casually before he died? As a high-level Oasis Guild, his assassin is so unbearable? You take a closer look!"

Gunther stared quickly to check.

Sure enough, he saw that the small wound he had gotten was turning black, as if he had drawn a thin eyebrow pencil.

If it was just a normal abrasion, it would definitely not be like this.

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