Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 851

Obviously, this is poisoned!

Gaopeng actually got poisoned on the hidden weapon!It's really sinister!

Gunther hurriedly found the hidden weapon the size of a date nucleus, which was transformed into a tooth and embedded in a tooth flower.

At the last juncture, Gao Peng bit his teeth and spit out the hidden weapon contained inside as a killer for defeating the enemy.

This is tantamount to a dead end move!

Even if Gunther played well in front of him, he would die with him if he was finally cut with a hidden weapon.

It's no wonder that before Gaopeng was dying, he would say that he would meet Gunther soon.

"Bring the knife! Quick!" Gunther roared loudly.

One of his men quickly handed over his dagger.

Gunther threw away the bone-biting battle axe in his hand, grabbed the dagger, and cut off the poisoned piece of flesh.

You Xiaoxi standing behind Xu Feng couldn't bear to look straight, frowned and turned his head away.

Gunther was really cruel to himself. In order to worry about the toxin penetration, he used the knife quite hard, the blade was extremely deep, even the bones on his shoulders were exposed.

After cutting off the poisonous meat, Gunther laughed loudly, "Master Xufeng, now, I don't need to prepare for funerals, right?"

Xufeng smiled lightly, "Gunther, you are really brave enough, the meat on your shoulders, if you say you cut it off, you cut it off."

Gunther grinned and said: "What is there? As long as it can help this life, you can cut anywhere! Survivors...The most important thing is to survive!"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Yes, it's a good point, but... a pity, a pity."

Gunther's face tightened. "What a pity?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Unfortunately, you are too stupid. Don't you know that toxins have entered your blood vessels? You have a fart for cutting meat, blood with toxins, I am afraid that it has already invaded. Your heart is gone, and then it is pumped from your heart to every blood vessel in your body. You are already deeply poisoned. Go back and prepare for funerals."

Gunther quickly sensed, and sure enough, something was wrong all over his body.

"Master Xufeng! Help me!" Gunther was also simply, kneeling directly in front of Xufeng, knocking his head like garlic.

Xufeng said coldly: "The more you move, the faster the blood circulation will be, and the shorter your life will be."

Gunther quickly stopped kowtow, but pleaded bitterly: "Master Xufeng, you are a large number of adults, you are very compassionate, please, save me! Save me!"

Xufeng shook his head, "It can't be saved, I can't deal with this poison. But I can tell you who can deal with this poison."

Gunther asked quickly: "Who!?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, you have to answer me a question first."

Gunther said: "Master Xufeng, please ask, I must know that everything is endless!"

Xufeng said coldly: "You came to compete for my Xiaoyue Flower Shop. I don't blame you for that. After all, I and you Hanguang Guild can be regarded as grudges and grudges. If I die in the Caribbean. In the fifth stage, you Hanguang Guild came to grab my flower shop, that is normal. But what I want to know is, what kind of reason you judged based on, I really died in the fifth stage plot What?"

The muscles on Gunther's face stiffened slightly, "This, this is top secret information within our guild, I, I can't tell you!"

Xufeng shrugged, "Then please do it, anyway, I can ask the Oasis Guild."

Gunther said quickly: "No, Master Xufeng, I'll tell you! Actually, this news comes from...inside the castle!"

"Oh?" Xu Feng frowned.

He had long suspected that the news of his "death" in the fifth stage was released by an authoritative person, and he also guessed that it would be a special envoy.

I have to say that the special envoy is really insidious!

She was obviously confident of Xufeng's return, but deliberately spread the news that Xufeng had died in the fifth stage, so that the Hanguang Guild could fight with the Oasis Guild.

Had it not been for this news from the special envoy, the Hanguang Guild and the Oasis Guild would not rush to the Xiaoyue Flower Shop to grab the meat.

Gunther lowered his head and said, "Master Xufeng, all I know is this. In short, we only wanted to compete for the Xiaoyue Flower Shop after getting reliable information. Now we want to come... This information is a trap! "

Xu Feng said lightly: "Okay, I probably understand everything."

Gunther said quickly: "Master Xufeng, please tell me who can help me detoxify!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "It's far in the sky, and it's close to you."

Gunther said in astonishment: "You? Didn't you just say that you can't detoxify?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Of course I can't detoxify, what I said is right in front of your eyes, it is him."

Xufeng raised his finger to the Gao Peng whose head had already moved.

Gunther said in astonishment: "Well, Gaopeng is dead! Why should I ask him for an antidote!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "You are so stupid, you don't want to think, the reason why Gao Peng dared to put such a poisonous thing into his mouth, there is no cure for him? Even if there is no cure for him, There should also be an antidote in his blood."

Gunther woke up immediately, turned his head and yelled at his hands: "What are you guys doing in a daze! Grab the corpse!"

Chapter 568 Give me an explanation!

Five or six surviving warriors from Hanguang Guild rushed up immediately, trying to snatch Gao Peng's body.

Xufeng said coldly: "Oasis Guild, are you just watching your high-level corpse being snatched by the hostile guild?"

The survivors of the Oasis Guild were very angry at first, but because of Xufeng's presence, they didn't dare to make a mistake. Now that Xufeng is letting go, then they have nothing to worry about.

A survivor from the Oasis Guild stood up and shouted loudly: "If you let the Hanguang Guild take away the body of Lord Gao Peng, then we would be too embarrassed! Brothers, go together! Protect Lord Gao Peng's body !"


The people from the Oasis Guild immediately showed their weapons and started fighting with the people from the Hanguang Guild.

"Grab the corpse! Grab the corpse!" Gunther roared loudly.

However, the two sides are already fighting together, and no one has time to grab Gao Peng's body.

"I can't do it!" Gunther turned purple, trembling all over, with no strength at all.

"Master Xufeng, please, help me!" Gunther begged.

Xu Feng sat steadily on the seat, sipping the Xingyue Tea that You Xiaoxi had made for him, with a relaxed and cold expression.

"Master Xufeng! Master Xufeng!" Gunther's tears flowed down, and he reached out his hand and touched it, it turned out to be all black blood.

Xufeng said coldly: "Gunther, you are no longer saved. Really, I still said the same thing. Go back and prepare for funeral."

"No!" Gunther stood up angrily, "I don't believe it! I don't believe it! I can't just die like this!"

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