Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 852

He wanted to pick up the bone-biting axe and fight with his men, but with his current physical ability, he couldn't hold a heavy bone-biting axe at all.

He spit out black blood on the ground, and he was very weak.

Xu Feng sneered coldly and said, "I said it a long time ago, you are done."

Gunther said weakly, "Xufeng, you... are too powerful."

All of this is in Xu Feng's calculation.

Xufeng didn't do anything, so that the two high-level leaders of the two major trade unions killed each other, and the younger brothers on both sides were also fighting each other, and the follow-up caused by this would obviously make the two guilds more headaches.

Gunther wanted to say something more, but it was a pity that the poisonous blood had penetrated into his internal organs, he coughed heavily, and then fell to the ground.

At this time, a survivor from the Oasis Guild suddenly appeared and slashed Gunther's neck!

This survivor had already stared at Gunther. In fact, in terms of Gunther's strength, even if the survivor had three heads and six arms, he would never want to hurt him.

It is a pity that Huluo Pingyang was bullied by a dog, and Gunther was poisoned with only one last breath, and could not resist at all!

The survivor of the Oasis Guild cut off Gunther's head easily!

The black blood splashed all over the place suddenly!

"Master Gunther!"

The members of the Hanguang Guild present suddenly felt distraught!One by one attacked the despicable sneak attacker like crazy.

The sneak attacker hurriedly retreated, but the members of the Hanguang Guild could not spare him. Several desperate attacks in a row killed the sneak attacker.

The scene was even more chaotic, and the two sides were fighting desperately, leaving no room at all.

Xu Feng said lightly: "This place is too messy, too dangerous, Xiaoyue, let's go into the store, Xiaoxi, Majestic, follow me in and see."


Su Xiaoyue and the others all followed Xufeng around the two groups of people who had cut across and returned to the Xiaoyue flower shop.

Su Xiaoyue said happily: "Brother Feng, you are still great! They will be incapable of fighting without a move! Hahaha! Really enjoyable!"

You Xiaoxi said worryingly: "There is nothing wrong with them fighting so badly, right? If a big war is triggered, the envoy will investigate it again, I'm afraid Brother Feng will be implicated?"

Xufeng smiled faintly: "No, didn't you listen to Gunther? The information they judged that I was dead came from the castle. To put it bluntly, it came from the special envoy Peris. So, like this The chaos is what Peris wants to see."

Su Xiaoyue frowned and said: "I really don't understand, why the special envoy said that you died in the fifth stage! I always thought that the special envoy was my own, but I didn't expect her to be like this!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "The special envoy is a special envoy. She represents the interests of the ruler. Are we the ruler of the trading city? No, we are the ruled. Even if she has a good relationship with you on the surface, we must Understand, we are not the same with her."

Su Xiaoyue nodded heavily, "Understood, Brother Feng."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Okay, let's continue watching the show. It won't be long before someone will intervene."

Before he could say anything, he saw two teams rushing over.

"Stop it!"

"Stop all! Don't fight!"

One of the speakers was Zhan Liqun, the president of the Oasis Guild, and the other was the president of the Hanguang Guild, Nicolas.

When the two leaders learned that Xufeng was not dead, they immediately rushed over.

As a result, they were still a step too late—the Oasis Guild and Hanguang Guild were already losing ground.

The survivors on both sides had already killed their red eyes, and had not heard their respective bosses for a while.

Nicolas and Zhan Liqun had to rush in and forcibly separate the people on both sides.

The battle stopped, but both sides still stared at each other.

Nicolas looked at Gunther who had died in a pool of blood, and his heart ached, "This is, who killed this!"

"Reporting President! It was a sneak attack from the Oasis Guild!"

Nicolas glared at Zhan Liqun angrily, "President Zhan Liqun, you have to explain!"

Zhan Liqun said coldly: "Explain? President Nicolas, I haven't told you yet! My right-hand man, was killed by your people!"

Sacco gritted his teeth and said: "My people can't be so vain!"

Zhan Liqun said in a cold voice: "You have an ass to be ruthless with me? If you have the ability, you will be ruthless at Xufeng!"

At this time, Xu Feng opened the door and walked out, "Oh, the two presidents are here, just so, can you explain to me? Why are you both robbing my shop?"

Zhan Liqun quickly said with a smile on his face: "Brother Xufeng, look at what you said, our Oasis Guild is here to protect your shop!"

Xu Feng smiled coldly, "I have read the contract, Zhan Liqun."

Zhan Liqun was surprised, "The contract? What contract? Why don't I know? Damn! It must be my subordinates messing around! Don't worry, Brother Xufeng, I must thoroughly investigate this matter after I go back, and I will give you a satisfactory one. Explain! Of course, in the final analysis, the Hanguang Guild wanted to grab the Xiaoyue Flower Shop, so Brother Xufeng, if you have to ask questions, you should also target President Nicolas first."

Xu Feng said coldly: "Yes, President Sako, what do you say?"

Chapter 569

President Nicolas Nicolas said coldly: "Master Xufeng, I have nothing to say. I believe that a smart person like you does not need me to say anything. You will naturally understand that if we want to talk, just talk about compensation. Up."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Master Sako is indeed the president of the Hanguang Guild. Okay, then we will talk about compensation."

Nicolas said, "What does Master Xufeng want?"

Xu Feng said coldly: "First, face. My store is a chain store, and it still sells VIP membership cards. Your people come to grab my store while I am away. This will inevitably affect the people's attitude towards us. The confidence of the store, so you must publicly apologize to my store and promise that this will never happen again in the future."

Nicolas nodded and said, "This is natural, and this is easy to handle."

It's nothing more than losing face by yourself, which is not difficult for Nicolas.

"Second, you have to make up for the loss of interest that I have experienced at this stage-as far as I know, your Hanguang Guild occupied my shop for three days. During these three days, my shop did not have any income. It is normal. Say, our shop can earn 1,000 shadow power points at one point, and 3000 shadow power points in three days."

Sacco said immediately: "This is easy to handle, I just compensate you with 3000 shadow power points."

Xu Feng sneered coldly, "It's not that simple. These 3000 shadow power points are just visible influences, and the invisible influences have gone too far."

Nicolas frowned and said, "So what do you want?"

Xu Feng said coldly: "Ten times the compensation."

Nicolas frowned and asked, "Thirty thousand? Mr. Xufeng, your shop has only been closed for three days. It's a bit too cruel for the lion to open his mouth like this?"

To be honest, 30,000 shadow power points can definitely be obtained by Hanguang Guild, but a lot of equipment is sold at a reserve price.

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