Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 853

Xufeng smiled and said, "What do you think in your heart, that is your own business, in short, this is my offer."

Nicolas said coldly: "Then what if I don't give it?"

Xufeng shrugged, "It's easy if you don't give it. Anyway, I have the right to live and kill. I am still the honorary president of the Oasis Guild. If you snatch my shop from the Guangxi Guild, you are declaring war on me. When I see someone who is in your Hanguanghui, I will kill one if I see him, regardless of whether his surname is Zhang or Wang."

Nicolas gritted his teeth and said, "Master Xufeng! You are too arrogant! Do you know that you are threatening the largest guild in the trading city?"

Xu Feng said coldly: "Yeah, I also think I am quite arrogant, but so what? I have a special envoy sister to support me, and have the ability, you go to the special envoy sister to file a complaint."

Zhan Liqun's expression on the side was also pale.

Although Nicolas is his dead opponent, Zhan Liqun should feel happy watching Nicolas being repaired by Xufeng in this way, but he also has a part in taking the shop!

Xufeng dared to threaten Nicolas with such things as declaring war with Nicolas, and he would naturally not be so easy to treat him!

Oh, I misbelieve that damn information!

I thought I could take the opportunity to eat a bite of meat, but this time, I was afraid that I would be taken a bite!

Nicolas pursed his mouth and thought for a while, then looked back at his injured subordinates, and then grinned, "Oh, Lord Xufeng, let's have something to say! Declaring war is too hurtful and kind, so I don't want it. Okay. As for me, I really want to pay for this. However, 30,000 shadow power points are really a bit of a pain for me. Why not, 20,000 shadow power points?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Master Sako, did you come here to bargain with me? Look at the three men behind me. This is Su Xiaoyue, this is You Xiaoxi, and this is Li Hongwei. They are all unarmed and low-level survivors. They are scared by you to eat and sleep well. I am worried that they will have post-traumatic sequelae, so you can't show their sincerity?"

The muscles on Sacco's face twitched slightly.

How can Su Xiaoyue and the others look languid for a long time?All of them are in a state of red light!

"Well, let me tell Su Xiaoyue and the others to go to the treasure house of our Hanguang Guild. How about each one picking a piece of equipment?" Nicolas said with a wry smile: "Master Xufeng, we do know that this time we are wrong. , And, I also killed a Gunther, and there are so many casualties under the members, please also raise your hand high!"

As he said, Ninety-degree bow to Xufeng in public, Ninety-degree Ninety-degree Ninety-degree Ninety-degree Ninety-degree Ninety-degree Ninety-degree Sacco, who was always cold and arrogant.

Xu Feng deliberately pondered for a while, before faintly said: "Well, 20,000 shadow power points, only 20,000 shadow power points! Who told you to be President Nicolas?"

Nicolas immediately said with gratitude, "Thank you, Master Xufeng, for his magnanimity! I will definitely give all the 20,000 shadow power points within three days! Just ask Master Xufeng not to embarrass my Hanguang Guild. What happened today, It was also written off."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "No problem."

Nicolas said again: "In addition, my family did not do this to seize your shop. I also ask Master Xufeng not to favor one another."

Xufeng laughed, "Of course."

Zhan Liqun's face turned green.

Originally, he was still secretly happy that the Hanguang Guild was greatly weakened, but he didn't expect that the old treacherous thing, Nicolas, would not forget to remind Xu Feng to take a bite of the Oasis Guild after he was bitten.

Nicolas took a cold glance at Zhan Liqun, then turned to Hanguang Guild's men and said: "Clean up the battlefield, take the injured companions and the corpses of Lord Gunther, and return to the guild station!"


Many of the men of the Hanguang Guild were unwilling, but since the president had spoken himself, they could only follow suit.

Of course, their unwillingness is not aimed at Xufeng, but at Oasis Guild.

Hanguang Guild Xiangyou thought it was the number one in the entire trading city, and now the Oasis Guild dared to jump out to confront them, and killed their Lord Gunther. This hatred, they have been buried in their hearts.

"Farewell, Master Xufeng." Nicolas said in a deep voice.

"Well, go slowly and not send it." Xu Feng said lightly.

After Nicolas took the people from the Hanguang Guild away, Zhan Liqun approached Xu Feng with a smile on her face, "Brother Xufeng, this Nicolas has always been a treacherous cunning, don't be fooled by him! Twenty thousand shadow power points are nothing to him, and it will not hurt his muscles. Brother Xufeng must be careful that he will retaliate at any time."

Xu Feng sneered: "I know this myself, but no matter how dangerous Nicolas is, it is obvious. I am afraid that some people who claim to be brothers and sisters stabbed me in the back.".

Zhan Liqun looked embarrassed, "Brother Xufeng, you really misunderstood. I really sent a gaopeng to protect the Xiaoyue flower shop. Who knows, gaopeng, he actually carried me on his back and kicked you up? The idea of ​​the month flower shop!"

Xu Feng glanced coldly at the friend who was in a different place on his head, and said faintly: "This pot is really impeccable."

570 The Only Chance to Repair the Relationship

Zhan Liqun hurriedly said with a smile on his face: "Brother Xufeng, you really misunderstood. You see, I am the one who can give you the Oasis Guild. How could I steal your shop? This is really a misunderstanding. Ah! Or else, take it from Oasis Guild! If you are still not satisfied, take my head as well!"

Xu Feng sneered.

This is a typical move to retreat.

He knew very well that Zhan Liqun was not so generous. The reason why Zhan Liqun dared to say that was because he was sure that Xufeng would not want the Oasis Guild, let alone his guild leader.

After all, the current situation in the entire trading city is very complicated and affects the whole body.

The special envoy Peris is committed to weakening the power of the major guilds, and even wants to destroy the major guilds in order to strengthen his rule over the trading city. This time the event of fighting for shops, the driving force behind it is actually Peris.

But Xu Feng was accidentally used by Peris.

Although this has no actual impact on Xufeng, if the power of the four major guilds is weakened severely, then Peris’s power will become extremely powerful, without the four major guilds restraining Peris, will become the unparalleled master of Trading City.

At that time, how can Peris, who is powerful and more powerful, can accommodate a person like Xufeng who is enough to threaten her?

Therefore, what Xufeng has to do now is not to kill Zhan Liqun, who stabbed the knife behind him, to vent his anger, but to continue to maintain the balance of survival as much as possible.

His current strength is not strong enough to directly fight Peris, so these things must be done step by step, especially if Peris can't get the maximum benefit.

Seeing Xufeng pursing his mouth and groaning, Zhan Liqun sighed heavily, and said with a sad expression: "I, Zhan Liqun, I hate the person who is sorry for my friend the most in my life! And now, I was mistaken for you by Brother Xufeng. , I can’t clean up my grievances, what's the point of being alive? Just die!"

As he said, he showed his mace and knocked it on his head fiercely!

The Oasis Guild's men present all exclaimed. Several quick-reaction men hurried up to grab Zhan Liqun's hand and forcibly snatched the mace off.

"President! What are you doing!"

"President, why are you doing this?"

"Master Xufeng, our president is sincere to you! Why did you force him to death?"

The men of the Oasis Guild were filled with indignation.

They all regarded Xu Feng as a wicked person who was unreasonable and unforgiving.

Zhan Liqun hurriedly shouted: "None of you are allowed to say that to my Brother Xufeng! This is my voluntary punishment!"

With that, Zhan Liqun desperately grabbed his mace.

Xu Feng grinned, "It's OK, Brother Zhan, I understand, this matter...you are not the fault."

When Zhan Liqun heard this, he concealed his grievances and wept, as if he had been wronged for many years, and finally got Zhaoxue.

In fact, Xu Feng felt like a mirror in his heart.

Zhan Liqun is the one who stabbed the knife in the back, but Xufeng is now in order to maintain the balance of power and allow himself more time to develop, so this soft knife can't be abolished for the time being. You must take this soft knife and continue to counterbalance Peili. wire.

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