Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 857

Su Xiaoyue walked over with a smile, "Three, do you check out together or do you check out separately?"

One of them asked cautiously: "...Why, didn't Master Xufeng invite us to drink?"

Su Xiaoyue sneered, "Sir, please go out and turn left. There is a grocery store next to us."

"What do you mean?" the man asked puzzledly.

"There are mirrors in the grocery store." Su Xiaoyue sneered: "Please buy a mirror, take a look at yourself, and answer your own question just now."

The man blushed immediately.

It is true that Xufeng brought them into the flower shop. The three cups of Xingyue tea were indeed ordered by Xufeng, but... Xufeng did not say that he should invite them to drink for free!

...That's it!

Drinking a cup of Xingyue tea is also good value for money!

The man gritted his teeth, "I'll settle the tea bill this time!"

The other two said quickly:

"Old Zhang! I'll come, I'll come!"

"Old Li, don't fight, I'll do it!"

"Old Liu, don't hold me!"

Both of them said so, but didn't move forward, just tore them behind the man named "Lao Zhang".

Lao Zhang gave a wry smile, cleared his throat and said to Su Xiaoyue: "There are a total of 297 shadow power points, right-bronze members, can you get a discount?"

The price of a cup of Xingyue Tea is 99 Shadow Energy Points, so three cups are naturally 297 Shadow Energy Points.

Su Xiaoyue grinned, "Sorry, Bronze members only have the right to purchase, but not discounts. In addition... the price you calculated is wrong."

Lao Zhang frowned and said, "How could it be wrong? I have always been confident in my mathematics. One cup of 99 shadow power points, even if one cup is 100 shadow power points, then three cups are 300 shadow power points, and 100 shadow power points. There is a difference of 1 point between the energy points and the 99 shadow energy points, and the three cups are 3 points, so 300 minus 3 points, and the final result is 297 points. What is wrong?"

Su Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Of course your algorithm is fast and simple, but your calculation is wrong. The 99 cups you said are just ordinary Xingyue tea that ordinary customers and bronze members can buy. And this cup is not only a good Xingyue tea, but also Youxiaoxi's hand-made tea, this kind of tea, to be honest, only Feng Ge is worthy of drinking, you have taken a big advantage, you know ?"

Lao Zhang's heart suddenly tightened, "Then...How many shadows can you score a cup?"

Su Xiaoyue grinned, "It's not expensive, it's just 666."

Lao Zhang said in horror: "Three Cups of 666? You guys are robbery!"

Su Xiaoyue smiled and said: "This customer, you are wrong again. It is not three cups of 666, but one cup requires 666. For three cups, 1998 points are required. Do you need me to break down the quick calculation for you? 1800+180 +18, the last is 1998."

Damn it!

Lao Zhang fainted directly.

Lao Li and Lao Liu next to him hurriedly helped Lao Zhang sway and pinch people.

"Old Zhang! You can't faint at the checkout!"

"Old Zhang! You wake up soon!"

No matter how Lao Li and Lao Liu toss, Lao Zhang just doesn't wake up.

Lao Li and Lao Liu pierced Lao Zhang's thigh with a knife.

Su Xiaoyue smiled helplessly: "Several people, I don't think you can come up with so many shadow power points all at once. Why not do this? I will give you a discount with the rights of the store manager. Each person only needs to give me 199 power points, right?

Lao Li and Lao Liu nodded repeatedly:

"Ok, Ok!"


I thought I couldn't escape 666 now, but I didn't expect it to turn around and only 199 would be fine.

Of course, if they were directly asked to make 199, they would be particularly uncomfortable, but if it was reduced from 666 to 199, they would be very happy.

Su Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Of course, this discount can't be used in vain. After you go out, you must advertise my flower shop more, and advertise our Master Xufeng."


"This is absolutely no problem!"

Su Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Well, you can leave after you have settled."

"Yes Yes!"

Lao Liu and Lao Li ignored Lao Zhang lying on the floor, smiled and settled their tea money, and then ran out of the Xiaoyue Flower Shop.

After they left, Lao Zhang got up to his feet, "Boss Su, am I also 199?".

Su Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Well, that's right, as long as you promote our flower shop and Master Xufeng more!"

"Of course!" Lao Zhang said firmly.

Chapter 574

After Xu Feng left Xiaoyue Flower Shop, he immediately went to Qiluo's Arcane Manor.

Originally, after Xu Feng returned, he would always go to Mi Xiu first, and then pretended to get the Xingyue Lotus from Mi Xiu and gave it to Qi Luo.

However, this time, Xingyue Lotus is out of stock, and it will take at least one day before Su Xiaoyue can buy Xingyue Lotus again, so Xufeng simply came to Qiluo first.

What's more, last time, because Xu Feng didn't return to Qi Luo in time, Qi Luo was very worried, and all those worried were a little angry and sad.

In addition, this time, special envoy Peris has been spreading rumors that Xufeng died in the fifth stage. Xufeng is afraid that Qiluo will be very sad after hearing the rumors, so she must go back to see Qiluo first to let Qiluo feel relieved.

After all, Keira treats him like a mother to a child, and he must not make Keira sad.

Xu Feng chose to start from the road in order to let the survivors on the street see his existence.

In this way, the rumors that have been circulating for three days will naturally be self-defeating.

When the survivors on the street first saw Xufeng, they were all shocked, but it didn't take long for these people to react and greeted Xufeng one after another, saying hi.

The so-called Daoxi is naturally because Xufeng successfully opened up the plot of the fifth stage of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

This has only happened twice in the history of this trading city.

The first to get through the five stages of "Pirates of the Caribbean" was the God-killing squad of the God-killing Guild. The leader of the team has become the main god of this plane at this time, and the team members will either become the city owner or the special envoy, or Become a strong master.

The Xuedi team where Xufeng belongs is the second team to get through the fifth stage of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

The Deity Killing Squad is supported by the entire guild. The selected teammates are also selected from a million miles. However, the Xuedi Squad is completely a "grass team". During the first stage, even one of the members appeared. When it came to the second stage of the infighting, I temporarily found someone to make up the count, and even found a trash Lord Yang to make up the count.

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