Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 858

But it is such a team that has accomplished the feat of the God Killing Squad!

This can only show that Xufeng is too powerful.

Xu Feng is a man who supports the entire team by himself.

If this team replaced Xu Feng with someone else, even if it was replaced by a strong survivalist with a strength of 40, it might not be successful.

After the success of the God Killing Squad, it went through several follow-up plot series, and then gradually grew into a force that can compete with the Lord God.

Moreover, the God Killing Guild they led really defeated the former lord Xiang Rong.

But from this point of view, the Xuedi squad that Xufeng is in has a promising future!

All fools understand that Xufeng is a potential stock!

Every fool knows that he would rather offend the envoy at this time than offend Xufeng!

"Hello, Master Xufeng!"

"Congratulations, Master Xufeng!"

"Master Xufeng, I am your silver member Zhang Peng! I am deeply honored for this!"

"Master Xufeng, this is the honey I made by myself, please taste it!"

"Master Xufeng, this is the newly roasted goose with honey sauce in our shop. Would you like to try one?"

For other words, Xu Feng just nodded perfunctorily, and stopped when he heard the honey roasted goose.

"Is it free?"

The person immediately said: "Of course! Master Xufeng is a VIP guest of our restaurant. Our boss has ordered it, but everything that Master Xufeng wants will be included in her account."

Xu Feng frowned, "Tian Zihao VIP? I don't remember I had a VIP card?"

The man immediately smiled and said, "Master Xufeng, a big man like you, how can we let you apply for the Tianzihao membership card in person? We have already done it for you."

"Hehe, your service is really thoughtful, even more thoughtful than my chamber of commerce." Xu Feng smiled.

The man laughed and said, "We are just a little trouble, how can we compare with Master Xufeng’s Chamber of Commerce? Please accept this roasted goose with honey, Master Xufeng, what you want to eat in the future. free."

Xu Feng took the roasted goose and weighed it up, "You can eat as much as you want?"

The man smiled and said, "Of course."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Are you not afraid that I will feed you and go bankrupt?"

The man smiled and said, "Don't say Master Xufeng would not do that. Even if it really goes bankrupt, my boss said, that is our blessing."

Xu Feng laughed and said, "Speaking of which, what kind of restaurant are you?"

The man smiled and said, "Master Xufeng, you have been here. We are Zuixianju Restaurant."

Xu Feng was startled slightly, "Oh! I remember."

At first, in order to deal with Yinlong, Xufeng specially arranged Ji Ming and Sui Long's banquet in the best restaurant in the trading city-Zuixianju Restaurant.

To be honest, Zui Xianju's wine and dishes are indeed very delicious.

Moreover, what impressed Xu Feng the most was that the proprietress of Zuixianju, Cheng Fang, although she was a mistress, her appearance and temperament were all first-class. Not only that, Cheng Fang was still exquisite and exquisite. Walking between the major forces, opened a restaurant to such a standard.

This woman Cheng Fang is indeed not simple.

From the point that she sent someone to send Xufeng roast geese, Cheng Fang had already grasped Xufeng's taste characteristics.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, I will accept the roast goose. Go back and tell your boss Cheng Fang, I Xufeng thanked her."

The man was pleasantly surprised: "Master Xufeng still remembers the name of my boss! I go back and tell the boss that the boss will be happy, and he must give a reward to the villain! And this is all thanks to Master Xufeng, thank you Xufeng grown ups!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "You people in Drunk Xianju, really can talk, obviously I took your roast goose, I should thank you, you can find an excuse to thank me."

The man took the opportunity to say, "Master Xufeng, the villain has an unrelenting invitation. If Master Xufeng is not busy lately, can he enjoy the light and sit down in Xianju? Of course, it’s all up to us. The boss paid the bill."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "I think about it. If I can go, I will go."

The man immediately thanked Dade and said, "Thank you, Mr. Xufeng! The villain is grateful!"

Xu Feng waved his hand and turned to continue walking towards the Arcane Manor.

Without Xingyue Lotus, giving Master Qiluo a roasted goose with honey sauce is also reasonable.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xufeng also wants to eat...

Soon, there were more and more people on the street, and everyone learned to be smart. They all sent roast ducks and chickens to roast pigeons, and some ingeniously sent roasted sweet potatoes...

In short, when Xufeng came to the Arcane Manor, his left and right hands could no longer hold him.

Chapter 575 I'm Not Jumping in the Line

The outside of the Arcane Manor was full of people.

All of these people come to enchant master Qi Luo to enchant them.

There was a long line outside the door, some people had even been in line for three days, but still did not get the chance to enchant.

"Hey, when this goes on, when can I enchant it?"

"Who said no! What happened to Master Qiluo? She is the only master enchanter in our trading city!"

"Ah! Isn't it all because of the news?"

"what news?"

"There are rumors that Xufeng died in the plot of the fifth stage of "Pirates of the Caribbean." Xufeng is Qi Luo's only disciple. Qi Luo treats Xufeng like her own son. Now the son is dead, Qi Luo The master doesn't have the mind to enchant people."

"Well, I've heard the news, but... after all, it's just news. Besides, since you also know the news, why are you still queuing here?"

"Haha, I'm also watching in rows. What if the news is inaccurate? You know, Xufeng is a person who is good at creating miracles. Have you forgotten how he singled out the whole in a duel field? Is it from the Silver Dragon Team?"

"That said, but the difficulty of the Silver Dragon team can't be compared with the plot of the fifth stage of "Pirates of the Caribbean"!"

The other third person interrupted and said, "Yes, I think that Xu Feng is only 80% out of play."

The fourth person said: "Then let's go away too, Xufeng is dead, Master Qiluo is definitely not in the mood to enchant, it is estimated that it will take at least half a year, we can't enchant it!"

After the crowd in line listened, some shook their heads and sighed, some were angry, but no one really cared about Xufeng's survival.

At this moment, the door of the Arcane Manor opened slowly.

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