Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 859

The puppet structure Adu appeared at the door of the Arcane Manor.

The few people in the front line shouted in surprise immediately:

"Master Qiluo! We want to enchant!"

"I'm the first!"

"I am the second one!"

"We have been waiting for three days! Please Master Qiluo enchant us, the reward is easy to say!"

Those who can come to enchant are all those who have the pursuit of their own strength, and naturally they are also strong survival players above the middle level with no difference in shadow energy points.

But these middle-level powerhouses, in front of the Arcane Manor, looked like ants.

Dui, the puppet structure, did not pay attention to these enchanters as usual—in the past, these enchanters queued up, and then submitted the parts that needed to be enchanted in order, and paid the shadow energy points to Dui. .

Qi Luo almost never showed up.

Today, not only did Qi Luo not appear, and Dumb did not accept the enchanted equipment of the survivors, but bowed deeply into the distance.

Everyone was suddenly surprised.

You know, the arcane puppet structure has no feelings anymore, it only has the setting of honor and inferiority.

And the respect and inferiority of the arcane puppet structure is only directed at the master of Qi Luo.

Now, Dumb actually bowed towards the distance of the crowd?

Could this arcane puppet be short-circuited?

While everyone was puzzled, they looked back, only to see a person with a food container in his hand, walking towards the gate with a hobble.

"Let let, let let, excuse me, excuse me." Xu Feng said politely as he moved among the crowd.

His face was blocked by a large bag of grilled octopus, so no one at the scene recognized it.

Someone was dissatisfied with him squeezing forward, frowning and shouting: "The newcomers are waiting in line, no jump in line!"

Xu Feng said helplessly: "I am not jumping in line, I am going to enter the Arcane Manor."

The man said fiercely: "Who doesn't want to enter the Arcane Manor here? But look at how many can enter the Arcane Manor? Who do you think you are? Xu Feng?"

Xu Feng helplessly lowered the food container in his hand, only then half of his face was revealed.

Xufeng smiled and said, "I really thought I was Xufeng, can you see me?"

"You're a big..." The man opened his mouth to scold, but before the dirty words came out, he recognized Xufeng.

He immediately shrank his tongue and said in amazement: "I, I, I, I, of course I know you! You are Lord Xufeng!"

"Oh my God!"

Everyone present exclaimed.

They have all heard about Xufeng's tragic death in the fifth stage, but they didn't expect to see Xufeng again!

Moreover, looking at Xufeng's state, it should be the fifth stage!

The person who wanted to stop Xufeng immediately said, "Master Xufeng! Let me help you get it!"

Xufeng grinned and said, "No, you just give way."

"Yes, yes!" The man didn't dare to stop him anymore, and quickly stepped aside.

Carrying food boxes, Xufeng ignored the greetings and compliments of the people around him, but quickly walked up to Dumb and said with a smile, "Dumb, I'm back, how about sister Qiluo?"

Dumb nodded mechanically, which was regarded as answering Xu Feng's question.

Xufeng handed over a part of the food box to Ah-Dai, and then walked into the Arcanist Manor on his own. Ah-Dai closed the door easily, shutting out the survivors who had been waiting for three days.

"Well, wait for nothing!" said the person at the top.

Someone behind laughed and said: "Master Xufeng is really amazing, and he has gotten through the fifth stage! But then, Master Qiluo won't be sad anymore, we can all wait for enchantment in the future."

"That's true too!"

"Okay, okay, everyone is gone today. Master Qiluo is going to chat with Xufeng today. I must have no time and no interest in enchanting us. Please be early tomorrow!"

The survivors who had come to enchant were scattered.

Although they did not have enchantments today, taking advantage of Master Qiluo's joy, there must be a chance to enchant them tomorrow morning.

As soon as Xufeng walked into the courtyard, Qi Luo ran out anxiously.

"A Feng!"

"Sister Qiluo!" Xu Feng grinned and said, "I'm back! See I have brought you so many delicious foods!"

Qiluo saw that Xufeng was not injured and mentally well, and couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief, "Great, you finally came back safely, I am still worried as a teacher."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Sister Qiluo, don't worry, your apprentice I am always smart, and I have great luck, so there will be no problems."

"You!" Qiluo gave Xufeng a white look, "It's OK, let's give all these messy things to Dumb, let me go to the inner hall, and tell me in detail about your experience this time."

"Okay, but..." Xu Feng smiled, "Sister Qiluo, I'm hungry, can I say while eating."

Qi Luo smiled and said, "Okay, dumb, you go and heat the food that A Feng brought, don't eat it cold."

Dumb immediately obeyed the order.

Xu Feng followed Qi Luo to the inner hall.

Xufeng told Qiluo about what he encountered in the fifth stage...

Of course, Xu Feng tried to play down and omit the very dangerous situations in the middle, so as not to worry about Qi Luo.

Halfway through, Ah-Dai came over with a hot meal, and Xu Feng was not polite, and continued to talk while eating.

Chapter 576: Ongoing Conspiracy

After talking about the encounters in the fifth stage of the plot, Xu Feng gave a general account of what he encountered after returning.

After finishing talking about the Hanguang Guild and the Oasis Guild, Xufeng's food was also finished.

Qi Luo said emotionally: "A Feng, you have encountered a lot of things."

Xufeng smiled and said: "It was quite difficult at the time, but after experiencing it, it was actually not as difficult as expected."

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