Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 860

Qi Luo smiled and said, "That's because you are hard enough. If you are not hard enough, these difficulties will crush you like a mountain."

Xu Feng didn't forget to compliment, "That's all you taught Qi Luo sister well."

Qi Luobai glanced at Xufeng, "I can't teach this. If I had the ability to do this, I am afraid I would have become the main god."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Master, it's not too late for you to be the main god, I can help you realize it!"

Keira wanted to fight: "Go! Go! After getting through the fifth stage, I think your tail is up to the sky, you dare to tease me, Master!"

Xufeng smiled and dodged, "Master, don't fight, aren't you still worried about me? I heard that since there were rumors that I was dead, Master, you won't enchant others."

Qi Luo said angrily: "As a teacher, I don't want to enchant it. I want to rest for a few days, can't it?"

Xufeng grinned and said: "Of course, Sister Qiluo is kind to me anyway, I remember it in my heart. This time, I should have gone to Uncle Mi Xiu first, and entrusted him to bring you a bunch of stars. Yuelianhua’s, but I am worried that sister Qi Luo is in a hurry, so I will come to you first."

Qi Luo nodded and said, "In the future, I will go to Mi Xiu's place less! Otherwise you will follow Mi Xiu to learn badly."

Xufeng said quickly: "No, I have to go often so that I can look at Uncle Mi Xiu for you."

Qiluo frowned and said, "Looking at what he is doing, we have no relationship anymore."

Xufeng smiled and said: "That's what I said, but Uncle Mi Xiu has always belonged to Qi Luo sister. This is absolutely certain. Besides, Uncle Mi Xiu lives alone and doesn't interact with anyone. Once he poisons himself to death one day, I can also collect his body."

Keira opened her mouth, then nodded silently.

In her arcane manor, there is an arcane puppet, A Dumb, and Mi Xiu, except for the white rat, is a poisonous snake venomous scorpion.

Qi Luo had never thought about Mi Xiu's death, but when Xufeng said that today, she still felt quite uncomfortable.

After breathing for almost half his life, Qiluo realized that in fact, he still couldn't let go of Mi Xiu.

Xufeng could see that Qiluo's attitude towards Mi Xiu had changed. This was a very good sign, but he still couldn't be rushed.

Xu Feng thought for a while, and then asked: "Sister Qiluo, I want to ask you two questions."

Qi Luo said with a smile: "Why are you so polite all of a sudden? I am your master. I have an obligation to answer all your questions."

Xufeng smiled and said, "These two questions are not about arcane enchanting."

Xufeng has basically mastered the theories and techniques of arcane enchantment. What's lacking is just more practice, so relatively speaking, it is not a problem.

Qi Luo asked, "What do you want to ask?"

Xufeng pondered for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Peris cheated me, but I can't pursue her in reverse, so what should I do now?"

Xu Feng also regarded Qi Luo as his own person, so he asked like this. If he were someone else, Xu Feng would never be so close.

Qi Luo thought for a while, "Peris, this woman, is indeed very cunning and insidious. You are very sensible and correct if you don't pursue her now. After all, Peris is much higher than you in terms of strength. Moreover, the city owner has handed over the two most elite trading city forces, the guards and the guards, to her, so no matter in terms of individual strength or overall forces, you do not have the ability to tear your face with her now. Possible."

Xufeng nodded, "That's what I think."

Keiro continued: "Peris is a dangerous woman. You must always keep this in mind. You must remember that the most powerful force in this trading city is not the four major guilds, but the guards in the castle. Together with the guards, these two forces are enough to destroy the four major guilds. The reason why Peris did not use the guards and guards is just to make the trading city look safe and sound. It is really a critical time. These two forces are her assassins."

"In addition, you have to be careful of Peris's ongoing conspiracy." Qi Luo frowned and said, "The lord of the trading city is Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua has never appeared since that incident twenty years ago. Many people suspect that Xiao Hua is dead, but the actual military power is still in Peris’s hands. If Xiao Hua is really dead, Peris can take her place and proclaim herself as the lord of the city without saying that she is the lord of the city. Special envoy. This is suspicious enough."

Xu Feng was startled, "Yes, I have always ignored the existence of City Lord Xiao Hua! I also subconsciously feel that Xiao Hua is dead! But in fact, there is no evidence that Xiao Hua has died! If Xiao Hua It's really dead, then Peris doesn't need to be afraid of anything. She proclaimed herself the city lord, and the four major guilds dare not refute it! She still doesn't proclaim herself, that can only show one problem, Xiao Hua still exists!"

Qi Luo smiled faintly, "Of course, these are just guesses, I just remind you to pay more attention from this aspect."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Thank you Sister Qiluo, this question is really something I have overlooked before. I only consider whether with my own strength, can unite with the four major guilds to raid the castle together, kill Peris, and then kill After Peris, how should I face the four guilds that have lost their checks and balances."

Qi Luo was shocked, "A Feng, you actually want to—"

Xu Feng grinned, "Yes, Sister Qiluo, that's what I think. It seems that this idea is dangerous and immature."

Qi Luo breathed a sigh of relief and gave Xufeng a glance, "Fortunately, you asked my opinion in advance, otherwise, you will be killed by Peris!"

Xu Feng smiled embarrassedly: "Yes, I overlooked the two strongest forces of guards and guards, and also ignored the existence of Xiao Hua, the city lord in the castle."

Qiluo smiled and said, "You, you, but I am very happy when I hear you say that. First, you are willing to discuss such an important matter with me first, so that you are a prudent child. Come, it also shows that you didn't treat me as an outsider as a teacher."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sister Qiluo, don't you blame me for wanting to do something with Peris?"

Qi Luo smiled and said: "Of course it’s not strange. To be honest, I’ve seen that twitchy woman not pleasing to your eyes. If you need help, being a teacher can also help you, but-you have to remember, follow The Peris showdown, that is the ultimate showdown in the entire trading city, don't show the slightest meaning until you are ready."

Xu Feng nodded heavily, "Yes, sister Qi Luo, I can bear it."

Chapter 577 Qi Luo's Suggestion

Qiluo said happily: "Well, I am very happy to see you like this. Peris’s matter, you put it aside for the time being, first develop and cultivate your own power as soon as possible, and wait until your wings are strong enough. Find her to settle."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Yes, sister Qi Luo."

In fact, Xu Feng had some plans for the ultimate showdown with special envoy Peris, but he would never rush for a while.

The reason why he told Qiluo about the plan to deal with Triss was just to hear Qiluo's opinions and suggestions on this.

Sure enough, Qi Luo also advised him to bear with him temporarily.

Qi Luo smiled and asked, "Then what's the second question?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "When I came just now, I ran into a roast goose with honey."

Qi Luo frowned and asked, "What kind of problem is this?"

Xufeng said: "This person who gave the honey roasted goose is from Zui Xianju, and the owner of Zui Xianju is Cheng Fang. She asked me to go to Zui Xianju some time. What I want to ask is, this Cheng Fang, what kind of person is she? Should I treat her as an enemy or a friend?"

Qiluo smiled and said: "Cheng Fang, I know this person. She has a very low level. When she first came to the Trade City, she was completely stunned and bullied, but this person is very smart and will take advantage of opportunities. Seize the opportunity, so her bitter days passed before long. This person is not a bad person, at least on the surface it looks like this, exquisite and exquisite, no one can rely on it, and no one can sin. However, the trading city is a one after all If there is no backing behind the city, it is difficult to gain a foothold. She Cheng Fang can build an expensive and first-rate Zuixianju restaurant on the ground from scratch. Maybe someone is supporting her behind her, but that person is very mysterious. That's it."

Xufeng asked, "Who is behind her?"

Qi Luo shook his head, "I don't know about this, but you can go and ask the old man Mi Xiu."

"Ask Uncle Mi Xiu?" Xu Feng asked in surprise: "Where is Uncle Mi Xiu and Cheng Fang intersecting?"

Qiluo smiled and said: "Yes, Cheng Fang used to have such a small meaning to you Uncle Mi Xiu, but your Uncle Mi Xiu is a straight man of steel, and he doesn't respond to Cheng Fang's cold and warmth at all. Instead, she thinks she is very long-winded. A few times I even thought of Cheng Fang as a guinea pig. I was so scared that Cheng Fang didn't dare to provoke you Uncle Mi Xiu."

When she said this, Qi Luo smiled.

Xufeng smiled and said, "It seems that my uncle Mi Xiu still has advantages."

Qi Luo cleared her throat, and said with a serious face: "In short, this woman, Cheng Fang, shouldn't have been with Peris, otherwise, she wouldn't need to be so slick."

Xufeng nodded and said, "That's what I said."

Qiluo said, "I think, Xufeng, you need to know more forces now so that you can grow up quickly under Peris's nose. Therefore, my suggestion is to meet Cheng Fang. "

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, Sister Qiluo, I understand. Oh, by the way, Sister Qiluo, I have something for you."

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