Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 861

With that, Xu Feng gathered his mind and took out the ruby ​​pieces filled with starlight energy.

Qi Luo nodded with satisfaction, "Very well, you have also completed the second-level master mission. You can now be promoted to an intermediate enchanter. You can take the intermediate enchantment books in my library and read it. Of course, you can also disassemble and enchant the people in the trading city, aren’t there still a lot of people in line outside? You just use them to practice."

Xufeng smiled and said, "As soon as they saw me coming, they knew that you would definitely not enchant them today, so they all separated."

Qi Luo frowned and said, "These guys without perseverance!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Besides, I still have a lot of things that I haven't dealt with today. Let's wait for tomorrow."

"Alright, you have to go to Misiu's place, and then you have to meet Peris." Qi Luo sighed quietly, "I really want to help you kill Peris directly, but in that case, the whole situation It will get out of control, and it will be even worse for you."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, I am between the special envoy Peris and the four major guilds. The special envoy wants to work hard to weaken the four major guilds. The four major guilds want to work hard to improve themselves. Both sides must maintain a balance. If you don’t, I will be destroyed with one side."

Qi Luo said: "I am optimistic about you, and I know you can do it. Trading City hasn't considered a wise leader for too long, I think you are that person."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Thank you, sister Qiluo, you are so kind to me."

Qi Luo smiled and said: "Fool, I am your master, of course I will treat you well."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sister Qiluo, I am going to see Uncle Mi Xiu now. Do you have anything you want me to bring him?"

"No." Qi Luo said irritably.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Okay, I will tell Uncle Mi Xiu and tell him two words: No."

Qi Luo quickly said, "I mean I have nothing to bring to him!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Okay, I'll tell him that you have nothing to tell him."

Qi Luo was anxious, "You kid, are you sincerely making trouble with me? Looking for a fight!"

Xufeng pretended to dodge, "Sister Qiluo, I know, I'll tell Mi Xiu, "Look for a fight!"

"You! Come back!" Qi Luo roared.

Xu Feng's speed was quite fast, and before Qi Luo stamped her foot, Xu Feng had already flashed out of the Arcane Manor.

"This little villain!" Qi Luo roared with arms akimbo: "He doesn't come back and I'll be frightened for him every day. When he comes back, I will know that I am angry! Humph! I am really angry! Hahaha!"

While talking, Qi Luo himself laughed.

Of course she wouldn't really be so angry.

Naturally, Xu Feng knew this.

He came to the Arcane Manor in order to let Qiluo know that he was safe, and now that Qiluo's issue was resolved, Xufeng quickly rushed to the abandoned area.

When it reached the abandoned area, the sky was already dimmed[77].

Xu Feng was familiar with the road, and soon came to Mi Xiu's alchemy laboratory.

The abandoned areas here were once the territory of the Old God Killing Guild, but now they have become such a deserted and terrifying place.

I don't know what Xue Ying, who is now the main god, will feel when seeing her former guild residence become like this.

Xufeng knocked on the door, "Uncle Mi Xiu, here I am!"

Mi Xiu's dull voice came from inside: "Xu Feng? Put on a gas mask! Come in by yourself."

Yes, I'm experimenting again.

Xufeng sighed helplessly, took out the gas mask in the inventory of the spirit table, and put it on his head.

Pushing the door and entering, the whole room was covered with green smoke, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Xu Feng exclaimed in astonishment, "Uncle Mi Xiu, what's wrong here?"

At the end of the smoke, Mi Xiu's voice came: "Oh, it's okay, I'm just curious, how long my newly developed gas mask can last in the highest density of poisonous smoke."


Chapter 578

Xu Feng ran away, and a gust of wind flashed out of the alchemy laboratory.

After running to the edge of the abandoned area, Xu Feng stopped, took off the gas mask, and gasped for breath.

The air around the abandoned area does not smell good, but it is better than toxic fumes.

Why would you run out with a gas mask?

Because Xufeng's gas mask is not new, and Mi Xiu wants to test a brand new gas mask.

If something happened first, it would also happen to Xufeng's old gas mask first.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the poisonous gas in the alchemy laboratory disappeared, and Mi Xiu walked out of the alchemy laboratory happily, and said to Xufeng happily, "Afeng, have you seen it? I'm fine! This shows that the new type The gas mask was very successful!"

Xufeng curled his lips, "It is also possible that the poisonous smoke is not ruthless enough."

Mi Xiu said unconvincedly: "How is it possible! The poisonous smoke I prepared is absolutely top-notch! My new gas mask is also effective. If you don't believe me, I will take it off and show it to you!"

"do not!"

Before Xu Feng's words fell, Mi Xiu took off the new gas mask, and then... he foamed at the mouth and fell straight into the poisonous smoke that had not yet dispersed.

"Uncle Mi Xiu, you are really my uncle!"

Xu Feng put on a gas mask anxiously, ran to Mi Xiu, put on a gas mask for Mi Xiu, and dragged him into the laboratory.

Xu Feng had already experienced this situation many times, so he didn't panic at all.

He first dragged a gastric tube from the operating pool, inserted it into Mi Xiu's mouth, and directly inserted it into his stomach, then turned on the faucet, and directly washed the stomach to induce vomiting.

After Mi Xiu finished vomiting outward, Xu Feng found an antidote pill from the medicine box next to the operating table and stuffed it into Mi Xiu's mouth.

After touching for about half an hour, Mi Xiu opened his eyes and stretched his waist tiredly.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Huh, Xufeng, when did you come?"

Mi Xiu said in surprise.

Xufeng said angrily: "Uncle Mi Xiu, did you forget? You are testing a new type of gas mask, and then I came, you said that your new type of gas mask is very successful, I said that it may be that the poisonous smoke has no effect. Then you took off the gas mask yourself."

Mi Xiu blinked, "Well, I seem to remember—Xu Feng, you hurt me!"

Xu Feng said angrily: "What! You are too stupid, okay! Fortunately I am here, otherwise you will poison yourself again! You should thank me!"

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