Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 862

Mi Xiu was taken aback, "No, if you don't come, I won't take off the gas mask?"

Xufeng said dumbly: "Is it so difficult to say thank you?"

Mi Xiu grinned and said: "Haha, oh, help me up, how do I feel that my stomach is full of water?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "That's normal, because I intubated your stomach and lavage."

"Did you lavage my stomach?" Mi Xiu asked in astonishment.

"What? Isn't it right?" Xufeng asked.

Mi Xiu clutched his stomach and said painfully, "I have been poisoned by cigarette smoke. Just take the antidote pills that I prepared a long time ago. Don't you think the poison is in your stomach? You wash your stomach."

Xufeng scratched his head, "...I am also kind, in short, you should thank me, of course, I don’t need you to thank you any more. I took away your new gas mask and gave you the old one. ."

"What!" Mi Xiu said quickly: "That's my new gas mask!"

Xufeng grinned and said, "Yes, it works, I'm very happy."

Mi Xiu said angrily, "But, I'm not happy!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Why, I have returned from the fifth stage of "Pirates of the Caribbean", are you unhappy?"

Only then did Mi Xiu react, "Ah! By the way, you are back, Xufeng! Have you completed my alchemy mission? Did you get the Eye of the Sea Dragon King?"

Xufeng sighed and said, "Oh, it's better for sister Qiluo. Sister Qiluo cares about me and doesn't care about me completing the task of the teacher perfectly.

Michelle hurriedly said with a smile: "How can I compare with Kiruo, in fact, I also care about you, but what I care about is your safety in Trade City. After all, in Trade City, you still have A potential enemy is Xiang Rong. I need the Eye of the Sea Dragon King to analyze the toxins of Xiang Rong’s bone piercing needles. Only then can I find clues to Xiang Rong’s bone piercing needles. The medicine comes."

Xu Feng nodded, and pulled out the bloody Sea Dragon King's eye from the inventory of the spirit table.

Speaking of it, Xufeng forced the Sansa Witch to summon the Sea Dragon King to repay the Sea Dragon King's favor and dug it up by himself.

In fact, Xu Feng felt a little intolerable.

However, the plot is only a plot after all, and what the survivor plane needs is the most important.

At that time, Xu Feng hardened his heart and got the Eye of the Sea Dragon King.

"Great, with this thing, I can analyze it as a corroding needle!" Mi Xiu held up the Sea Dragon King's eyes excitedly, just like holding precious and fragile jewelry.

After Mi Xiu settled the Sea Dragon King's Eye, Xu Feng smiled again and said, "I'm from Sister Qi Luo, Sister Qi Luo asked me to give you a message."

Michelle said excitedly: "Kero is finally willing to talk to me? Great! What did she, she say?"

Xu Feng smiled: "Look for a fight!"

Mi Xiu frowned, "Don't make trouble, tell me quickly, what did Keira say?"

Xu Feng shrugged, "She just said something about looking for a fight."

"Huh?" Mi Xiu asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

"Literally." Xu Feng grinned.

Mi Xiu frowned and said, "It seems that Qi Luo's grievances against me have not subsided! I really should fight!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Okay, then I will reply to her with these words."

Michelle quickly said: "This is not so good? Should I say something else? Greet her or something? Ask her if she needs me to make up for it?"

Xu Feng waved his hand, "No, Uncle Mi Xiu, the way you were just now, it's pretty good."

Mi Xiu said anxiously: "Really? That's good, that's good-Xu Feng, thank you for your hard work."

Xufeng smiled and said: "It's nothing, Uncle Mi Xiu, just get the alchemy iron ingots I want early, oh, give me more ignition pills, preferably a more powerful upgraded version."

Mi Xiu said: "Okay, no problem, this matter is left to me! Give me two or three days, and I will fix all these things for you."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, thank you so much-yes, there is one more thing Uncle Mi Xiu, do you know Cheng Fang?"

"Cheng Fang?" Mi Xiu recalled carefully, "Who is she?"

"The boss of Zuixianju."

"Should I know her?" Mi Xiu asked.

Xu Feng said helplessly: "I have given you autumn spinach! You just forgot about it?"

"Autumn spinach?" Mi Xiu touched the back of his head, "I have no impression."

"All right, it's no wonder Qi Luo sister is so relieved of you, you really are a straight man of steel." Xu Feng smiled helplessly.

Chapter 579: Brotherhood

Xu Feng wanted to chat more with Mi Xiu, but after Mi Xiu got the Eye of the Sea Dragon King, he was anxious to use the Eye of the Sea Dragon King to study the Bone Erosion Needle, and he didn't even bother to talk to Xu Feng.

Xufeng had to say goodbye and left the alchemy laboratory before night fell.

Next, he was not in a hurry to go to the castle to meet with special envoy Peris, nor was he in a hurry to go to Drunk Xianju to find Cheng Fang.

After all, the confrontation between the two major unions has come to an end. Both major unions have been weakened a lot by him. Peris should be very satisfied with the result, so Xufeng doesn't need to rush to take advantage of it.

As for Zuixianju, it's time for dinner, and it's also the busiest time for boss Cheng Fang. It's not the best time to find Cheng Fang now.

Xu Feng turned around to the Abyss Guild.

Because of the Enraged Pill incident, the Abyss Guild is still in a semi-supervised state. As the person in charge, Xu Feng is naturally obliged to inspect and see if the Abyss Guild is operating on the established track.

When it reached the gate of the Abyss Guild, the sky was completely dark. Two bright torches were erected at the gate of the Abyss Guild. Two castle guards armed to their teeth stood indifferently at the door handle.

There was no pedestrian outside the gate, and everyone avoided here.

Xufeng stepped towards the gate. As soon as he appeared at the gate, a guard sternly shouted: "Stop! The Abyss Guild's residence, no other people are allowed to enter!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "This brother, I'm not a mess."

The other guard was startled, and immediately recognized Xu Feng's outline, and said in surprise, "Is it Master Xu Feng?"

Xufeng smiled and walked to the bright light, "It's like a fake replacement."

The two guards immediately bowed and saluted together, shouting in unison: "Hello, Master Xufeng!"

Xu Feng waved his hand, "Okay, okay, two brothers have worked hard. How is the Abyss Guild?"

One of the guards immediately reported: "Report to Master Xufeng that everything is normal for the Abyss Guild, but..."

Xu Feng frowned slightly, "Just what?"

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