Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 863

The guard gave a wry smile, "Don't dare to conceal Master Xufeng. Some time ago, there was a rumor that Master Xufeng has... After hearing this rumor, our two captains have been languishing."

"Brother Ji Ming and Brother Sui Long?"

"Yes," the guard replied.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Brother Ji Ming and Brother Sui Long really take me as friends, where are they two now?"

The guard immediately said: "At the current time, they should be dining in the banquet hall of the Abyss Guild. Master Xufeng, I will give you a briefing, so that they can be happy."

Xu Feng waved his hand, "You don't need to inform, I can go in person and give them a surprise."

The guard hurriedly bowed and said, "Yes! Master Xufeng."

Xufeng smiled and said, "You two performed very well, and I will say a lot for you two."

The two guards immediately thanked Dade for his salute, and then helped Xufeng open the gate of the Abyss Guild.

Xu Feng stepped into the Abyss Guild and went straight to the banquet hall.

The Abyss Guild was quiet and quiet, except for the arranged bright post and secret posts, the members of the Abyss Guild either stayed in their rooms or were still earning power points in the story world.

The only brightly lit place is the banquet hall.

When Xufeng approached the banquet hall, he heard the sound of Ji Ming and Sui Long drinking and chatting inside.

There were two guards standing outside the banquet hall. When the two guards saw Xu Feng, they were immediately excited to greet him, but Xu Feng waved his hand to signal them not to speak.

The two guards immediately understood, and stepped aside.

Xu Feng approached the window lightly, with his body style, let alone Ji Ming and Sui Long, even the Abyss Guild leader Ax himself might not be able to detect it.

I only heard the voice with a clear name coming from inside, "...Oh, brother Sui Long, I feel bitter as the big brother!"

Sui Long also sighed and said, "Brother, why am I not? Xufeng is our third brother. He can't be better for us, but why is it...this is really jealous of talent!"

"Oh!" Ji Ming took a sip of wine, and said in a deep voice: "The plot of the fifth stage of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is indeed too difficult. I thought I wanted to persuade the third brother to practice some more time. , It’s not too late to go when the relative level reaches 40 or above, but...I’m afraid that the third brother will be unhappy because of this. Looking back now, I was really wrong!"

Sui Long also said: "Brother, don't blame yourself. Actually, this is mainly because you have strong confidence in your third brother. I am the same as you. I always feel that our third brother is a god, no matter how much Impossible, in front of him, is a map of Pingchuan! Our third brother, should have been able to create a new history and new miracles in the trading city!"

Ji Ming said sadly: "It's a pity... now even the special envoy says that the third brother has died in the fifth stage. What can we and we hope for! If we can use my fate to replace the third brother Life, I will give it now!"

Sui Long also said painfully: "Why don't I! Big brother! We have nothing to do now, we can only use alcohol to dissolve our sorrows and get drunk before going to bed!"

When Xufeng listened outside, he couldn't help but smile coldly.

To be honest, he was very grateful to Ji Ming and Sui Long, but the performance of the two was a little overdone.

His relationship with Ji Ming and Sui Long is only an exchange of interests. He helped Ji Ming and Sui Long improve, but Ji Ming and Sui Long are the guards and captains of the guard after all, and they are loyal to the people in the castle. Will betray their own future for some "brother loyalty".

Besides... he has been back for more than half a day, and now most of the trading city knows that he is not dead, so as the two brothers who "care most" about him, how could they not know the news?

How smart is Xufeng?

He doesn't need to listen to whoever steals and plays slippery, he doesn't need to listen, just look at that person and Xu Feng can fully understand.

The people who really treat him well, who really treat him as relatives as friends, are Uncle Mi Xiu, Sister Qi Luo, and Xue Di.

Don't even think that Emperor Xue had never said a gentle word to Xufeng, but Emperor Xue was really kind to Xufeng.

However, Xuedi always deliberately covered up this kind of goodness.

Of course, as for Su Xiaoyue, You Xiaoxi, Hammer, and Uncle Lin Hai are all good friends, but they are not at the same level as Xuedi.

As for Ji Ming and Sui Long-they have different positions and use each other.

Perhaps Ji Ming and Sui Long would be more or less grateful to Xu Feng in their hearts, but if Xu Feng really confronted the special envoy Peris, these two "brothers" would not hesitate to cut the brothers twice.

Chapter 580

Xu Feng almost heard it outside, so he cleared his throat and shouted loudly: "Brother Ji Ming! Second Brother Sui Long! I'm back!"

There was a noise of moving tables, chairs and benches.

Ji Ming said in a trembled voice: "Second brother, did I drink too much and have a hallucination?"

Sui Long said excitedly: "No big brother! It's really the voice of our third brother!"

The two were overjoyed and rushed out by pushing the door. When they saw Xufeng, they immediately rushed up and cried bitterly while holding Xufeng.

This scene is really touching.

Xufeng said gratefully, "Big brother and second brother, my younger brother worried you! Sorry, sorry!"

While crying, Jiming smiled and said, "It's good to be back! It's good to be back! Third brother, don't you know, the second child thinks you are crazy!"

Sui Long also said quickly: "My third brother! My eldest brother wants you to have gray hair! Without you, our two brothers would not be able to live alone!"

Xu Feng said gratefully, "The two brothers are really kind to Xu Feng, and Xu Feng has nothing to do with him!"

Ji Ming patted Xufeng on the shoulder, "My own brother, what you say is not reported! Come on, come in quickly, while happy, the three of us brothers happily have a drink. Sorrow and grief!"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Okay! I have a drink with my two brothers today!"

Sui Longchao the guard shouted loudly: "You, go and add another pair of clean dishes and wine cups! No, I want a wine bowl!"

"Yes! Your lord!" The guard hurried off.

Xu Feng followed Ji Ming and Sui Long into the banquet hall.

On the wine table in the banquet hall, there are four cool, four hot and eight dishes. When you look at the dishes, you know that it is from Zuixianju's handwriting.

Zuixianju generally does not deliver food. After all, during the delivery process, the food will cool down and the taste will deteriorate, which may affect the reputation of Zuixianju.

Unless there is a request from a VIP-level guest, Zui Xianju will agree to the delivery.

Of course, the price of delivery will be doubled, because it needs top-notch insulation measures and extremely stable transportation.

There were only two sets of tableware and two wine glasses on the table, which seemed to be unexpected for Xufeng to come.

But in fact, it is full of loopholes.

First, Ji Ming and Sui Long are relatively stingy people. Although the salary of a guard is higher than that of ordinary people, if a meal is to eat a week's salary, they will definitely not do it. It is impossible to buy so many dishes with four cool and four hot dishes-this is definitely not the amount of food for two people.

Second, the food has basically not been moved. It is not that the food is not delicious, but that they had expected Xufeng to come, and they subconsciously did not dare to use their chopsticks to eat the food before Xufeng was seated.

This is a respect for Xufeng, but it is also a loophole.

Although they acted in a big brotherly drama, they can still put a set of tableware and wine glasses less, but the dishes are too good, and there are too many, and they have not touched the chopsticks. These loopholes add up to prove them. It has ulterior motives.

Of course, Xu Feng will not expose it.

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