Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 864

In some things, it is better to pretend to be confused than to expose.

If you want to act, I'll just cooperate with it-this is the so-called worldliness.

Of course you can’t treat your true friends with sophistication, but you must be sophisticated when you treat this kind of seemingly brothers.

After seated, the guard brought clean dishes and wine glasses.

Ji Ming first filled Xu Feng with wine, "Brother Feng, the wine table is no size. Today, we must be drunk and Fang Xiu! Come, Sui Long, let's respect Brother Feng, congratulations on his miracle and successful return! "

Sui Long picked up the wine glass and said loudly, "Brother Feng! I am a person of limited skill, so I can't say anything. Let me be practical! Come on!"

With that said, Sui Long and Ji Ming looked up at the same time and drank the wine in their glasses.

"Two brothers, I should be the one who respects you!" Xu Feng quickly drank the wine in his glass.

"Tsk!" Xu Feng frowned slightly.

This wine is really strong!

After a bite, the whole tongue hurts, the throat is burning, the stomach is churning, and big beads of sweat are coming out of the forehead!

"What kind of wine is this?" Xu Feng asked in surprise.

"Drunk Xianjiu!" Ji Ming grinned and said, "This is a wine made by Zui Xianju, with a degree of up to 96 degrees. It was brewed with ninety-nine and eighty-one super large processes. Take a sip like this. Good wine, stamina will excite all day! If you drink a bottle, you will keep your body and spirit at their best for a whole week!"

Xu Feng took a breath, "...good wine!"

Drinking is not only the feeling the moment you enter your throat, but also the feeling when you breathe in your mouth after drinking.

The essence of the wine will hang between the lips and teeth, and when one's own saliva is mixed with the wine and the proportion of oxygen suitable for the human body, the taste of the wine is the ultimate happiness that the drinker pursues!

A sip of wine can make you breathe all day, with such a beautiful feeling.

Those who can feel this way are the ones who really love to drink.

And those who just squirt into their mouths and show off by fighting alcohol have never really drunk alcohol.

Sui Long smiled and raised his thumb to Xufeng, "Feng brother, expert! It seems that we have something to drink today!"

Ji Ming laughed and said: "Last time, the three of our brothers were drinking in Drunken Xianju, and they were mixed up by the two hundred and five of Yinlong. This time, no one can disturb our three brothers drinking! Feng brother, today I Be a host, open up and drink!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay! Thank you elder brother and second elder brother, come, I will borrow flowers to offer Buddha, and offer a glass to the two elder brothers!"

Ji Ming said quickly: "Feng brother, although we are your eldest and second elder brothers by age, in fact, you are our leader. How can we let you toast!"

Sui Long also shook his head again and again, "Yes, it can't be like this!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Didn't you also talk about it? The wine table has no size! Let's only talk about brotherhood today, no matter what else."

Ji Ming said quickly: "Then the relationship between brothers is also the light of your third brother! We should respect you!"

Sui Long followed: "Yes, yes, we should respect you!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Actually, let's not hide the two brothers, I was already outside when you were chatting, and I eavesdropped on the conversation between you."

Ji Ming was taken aback, "Ah? This... ahem! Brother Feng, your second brother and I are both vulgar people. We just say what we have. If we are chatting, what is wrong? , Don't be angry!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "How can I be angry? I am happy! Two brothers, I now understand who is my closest person in this trading city! I originally thought that Zhan Liqun was taking I am a real brother. As a result, what did he do to me? After hearing the news of my death, he was not sad, and he didn't pay any tribute. The first thing he did was to grab my property! And your two brothers What? You two sent someone to help me rescue Su Xiaoyue and the others! Who is the real brother! It's clear at a glance! So don't say anything, this glass of wine, I must respect you!"

With that, Xu Feng drank it first.

Chapter 581 Xu Feng's Drinking Capacity

Seeing Xufeng drank it, Ji Ming and Sui Long also hurriedly drank the highly drunk fairy wine in the cup.

The three of them made a satisfying "Ah" sound at the same time, and then laughed at each other.

Ji Ming said with a smile: "Feng brother, don’t worry, Sui Long and I have come to this step only because of your light. Although we are the people of the special envoy, we have no regard for the special envoy and the castle. There is no emotion, what we do is nothing more than the duty of receiving a salary, but we treat you not out of duty, but true brotherhood! With Zhan Liqun's stuff like a knife behind , It's not a class at all!"

Sui Long also said drunkly: "Yes... wrong! Big brother is right! Third brother! I look down on those who stabbed a knife in the back! Now, as long as you say a word, I will take someone and rush into his oasis. The guild’s resident, beat Zhan Liqun into a pig to relieve you!"

Xu Feng grinned drunkly, "Two brothers, you are kind to me. I feel like a mirror in my heart. As for Zhan Liqun's kind of goods, it is no longer a concern. Come! Let's drink!"

With that, Xu Feng drank the wine in the glass again.

Ji Ming and Sui Long also quickly followed.

"Come on, eat food, eat food!"

The three of them put down the wine glasses, picked up the exquisite dishes with chopsticks, and tasted them carefully.

"Yeah! Good wine, good food!" Xu Feng nodded in admiration.

Ji Ming refilled Xu Feng with a glass of drunk fairy wine, and then lowered his voice and said, "Brother Feng, to be honest, do you feel resentment in this matter?"

Xufeng said as he ate the dishes, "Of course I did. I was so good to Zhan Liqun, and I was the honorary president of his shabby guild. He actually treated me like this! Hmph, fortunately, this happened ahead of time. I can see the true face of this dog! In the future, if he wants to fool me, there is no way."

Ji Ming's eyes rolled slightly, "Feng brother, haven't you hated anyone else?"

Xu Feng blinked, "Who? Nicolas? People Nicolas is my enemy, so Nicolas is not stabbing a knife in the back, people rob him openly, of course I will not hate him."

Ji Ming shook his head, held Xu Feng's wine glass, and whispered: "Brother Feng, do you know, where did the rumor that you died in the fifth stage come from?"

Xu Feng frowned slightly, "I heard that it seems to be coming from the castle."

Ji Ming said in a deep voice: "Yes, it is indeed from the castle, and it is from the mouth of a big man!"

Xu Feng said quickly: "Brother Jiming, I would like to hear the details!"

Ji Ming sighed faintly, "To tell the truth, Brother Feng, I shouldn’t have been talking about this, because after all, I’m from the castle, but who calls you my good brother? I can’t just watch. Brother, you jump into the fire pit, right?"

Sui Long also nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Yes! Brother, I support you!"

Ji Ming hesitated again, and finally made up his mind, and said in a very low voice: "Feng brother, the source of the news that you died in the fifth stage is the special envoy!"

"What?!" Xu Feng pretended to be horrified.

Such a performance is indeed not easy. After all, he had already analyzed in his heart that the special envoy Peris was doing the ghost, but Peris was too powerful, and Xu Feng could not directly confront Peris.

Moreover, Xu Feng is also considering why Ji Ming and Sui Long should tell him this.

Theoretically speaking, Ji Ming and Sui Long are lip-synched brothers, not real brothers, and there is no need to "betray" their envoy.

This is temptation!

Xu Feng immediately understood.

Therefore, in his subsequent words and expressions, he must not show the slightest dissatisfaction with Peris.

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