Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 871

Can't let ordinary members pay this compensation?In that case, more people will withdraw!

And most of the high-level interests are tied to the Hanguang Guild, even if they have complaints in their hearts, they will not retire because of this.

Seeing the meeting reached a deadlock, Nicolas cleared his throat and said in a deep voice, "Gunther is dead. He is your colleague. If you still have this guild in your heart, then you must fully support the Hanguang Association and let us I can overcome difficulties together. So, I personally give out 5000 shadow power points, and I will not take out this shadow power point again. The right is my apologize as the president. As for you, all your donations will be Regarding our guild as borrowing it from you, after the guild catches its breath, the money will definitely be returned. Of course, if you think that our guild is going to fail, it will close down, and you will not tie your own interests with the guild’s interests. If you are together, then please."

As soon as these words came out, who would dare to hide behind the high-levels?

Immediately, there was a high-level who had only given 8000 shadow power points before, and re-issued 3000 shadow power points!

In less than five minutes, the executives all re-quoted.

After Fitz calculated, it turned out to be 5000 more shadow power points than planned!


Nicolas nodded with satisfaction, "From today’s point of view, everyone is still very united. Although our Hanguang Guild has encountered misfortune, this difficulty has not crushed us! Fitz, all the high-level All donations are recorded. I will look at the list once a day and remember their contributions."

"Yes!" Fitz said, bowing.

"It's not too early. Please go back and rest." Sacco stood up and said, "Please remember, as long as I'm Sacco's reign, Hanguang Guild will be fine! And everyone will be fine! "

"Yes! President!"

The executives bowed and withdrew.

Fitz stayed in the chamber, waiting for further instructions from Nicolas.

After the high-levels had left, Nicolas retreated the other guards, leaving Fitz alone.

Fitz smiled and said: "President, you are so amazing! In one sentence, the high-level people who are full of oil and water are generously donated. Now, you don't need your 5000!"

Nicolas sighed faintly, "I did this not to save my 5000 shadow power points for the sound. I want to tie the interests of the high-level people with the fate of the Hanguang Guild. In this way, the high-level people Only then will I hope that the guild will be revived, and will not be indifferent to the guild."

Fitz said admiringly: "So that's the case—well, when it comes to this, Xufeng and the Oasis Guild are to blame. I even suspect that the information that Xufeng died in the fifth stage was jointly made by them. "

Nicolas shook his head, "No, I can see that Xufeng was not angry with us, because we were originally his enemies, and Xufeng's real anger is on Zhan Liqun's body."

Fitz blinked, "So, what happened this time is not too bad for us? If Xufeng can turn to deal with Zhan Liqun, wouldn't we be able to breathe a sigh of relief."

Nicolas said helplessly: "Not necessarily, this time the false information came from inside the castle. Xufeng is afraid that the woman was used as a gun once. It is the woman who really wants to weaken us."

Fitz suddenly opened his mouth in astonishment, "President...you are talking about your envoy? Then, what should we do!"

Just as Nicolas was about to speak, suddenly a black shadow flashed into the chamber, rushing towards Fitz like lightning!

Fitz only felt a flower in front of him, and then he lost consciousness and fell on the steps of the chamber.

Nicolas was about to call the guards, but after seeing the face of the visitor, he was stunned: "It turned out to be you?!"

Chapter 588

"Yes, it's me, was it unexpected?"

The visitor took off the black hood on his head, revealing a handsome face with a slightly cynical smile.

"...Xufeng." Nicolas subconsciously clenched his fists.

With this face and this smile, even if it turns to ashes, Nicolas will not admit it.

Yes, it was Xufeng who came.

After Xu Feng came out of the castle, he circled the dark streets for a few times. After making sure that no one was following him, he put on a black hood and came to the resident of the Hanguang Guild with extremely agility.

When Nicolas was speaking, he was already in ambush outside the chamber.

After the high-levels were far away and the guards were withdrawn, Xu Feng suddenly appeared, and as soon as he appeared, he stunned Fitz, who had not yet reacted.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Why, don't you welcome me?"

Nicolas sneered coldly and said: "How dare I? But, if Master Xufeng wants to visit our Hanguang Guild, why don't you come openly during the day, but come at night, and stun my senior Fitz. What?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Do you think I am here to find something?"

Nicolas was startled slightly, "Isn't it?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Since the shop robbing, moral public opinion has been on my side, and the envoy also supported me. If I want to trouble you with the Hanguang Guild, the best time is to come in broad daylight."

Nicolas frowned and said, "That's true."

Xufeng smiled and said: "So, take it easy, President Nicolas, I'm not here to cause trouble, I stunned Fitz, but I don't want others to hear the secret conversation between us."

Nicolas frowned and said, "When did you come?"

Xufeng said, "I came when you said you donated 5000 shadow power points."

Nicolas suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Xu Feng's strength has far exceeded his imagination!

Xufeng was able to lurch silently around them when all the senior members of the Hanguang Guild were there!

If this was an assassination, a level 41 master like Nicolas would probably be too much.

Xufeng sat down on his own and said with a faint smile: "Sacco, don't stand stupidly, just as your own home, sit down quickly."

Nicolas roared angrily: "This is originally my own home!"

Xu Feng grinned, "Oh, still today, but what about tomorrow?"

Nicolas said coldly: "Are you threatening me? Don't you just want 20,000 shadow power points? I promised to give you within three days, and I will never break my promise! There is nothing to talk about between us! Hanguang The guild does not welcome you, so please!"

This is an order to chase away guests without giving any face!

Xufeng was not annoyed, but smiled faintly: "President Nicolas, you have grievances in your heart. I understand this, but I want you to calm down and think about it now. I, Xufeng, really are you. The enemy?"

Nicolas suddenly closed his mouth and didn't speak for a long time.

A smart person like him naturally understood that the biggest threat to the Hanguang Guild was not Xu Feng, who had no foundation in power, but the special envoy Peris.

As for other guilds, although there are threats, they are just competing for members. Everyone checks and develops each other, and will never eliminate each other.

And Xufeng...Although Hanguang Guild always suffers a lot when facing Xufeng, but to be honest, Xufeng is really an exception.

Nicolas repeatedly made mistakes in judgment, thinking that Xufeng would be finished every time, but every time Xufeng miraculously won.

It is natural to say that Xufeng is an enemy, but if Hanguang Guild has not targeted Xufeng from the beginning, then Xufeng is naturally not a threat from Hanguang Guild.

Therefore, in a real sense, Xufeng is really not an enemy of Hanguang Guild, but Hanguang Guild has wrongly targeted Xufeng.

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