Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 872

Seeing that Nicolas did not speak, Xufeng smiled faintly: "President Nicolas, you are a wise man, and there is no deep hatred between us. If you insist on being an enemy of me, then I will not be too much. What are you talking about? Tonight, I will assume that I walked the wrong door. I will leave now. As for when we meet in the future, the road is the road and the bridge is the bridge. If you dare to cross one step, I will fight back with all my strength!"

With that said, Xu Feng stood up, ready to go out.

"Slow!" Nicolas yelled hurriedly.

Xu Feng stopped immediately, smiled and asked, "What?"

Nicolas took a faint breath, "Xufeng, what do you mean?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I want to shake hands with you and make peace."

Nicolas frowned and said, "I have repeatedly targeted you, and I have robbed your shop, but now you are running to shake hands with me and make peace? Why can't I believe it?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "President Nicolas, you have been thinking about it for a long time. You should have figured out who your real enemy is? Since there are only two of us here, then I don’t want to conceal each other. My enemy is exactly the same. Today, she borrowed my hand and suppressed the two strongest guilds and turned us into enemies, but she was hiding behind the scenes to reap the benefits of the fishermen. Forever, you guilds President, it will be finished, and after you are finished, she will go all out to deal with me."

Nicolas said in a deep voice: "Xufeng, you are indeed very smart! It seems that I really underestimate you! You can see this level, you already have the strategic vision to dominate a super guild! "

Xufeng laughed. "President Nicolas, don’t rush to compliment me. There are indeed many contradictions between us. However, in the face of survival, these contradictions are not worth mentioning. I suggest that we secretly join forces. , Will not be eaten by her."

Nicolas said immediately: "Of course this is a good thing! It's just that I still don't understand why you came to me, why don't you go to Zhan Liqun? Are you to blame him, stabbing you in the back?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Weird, of course weird, but this alliance is indispensable for his Oasis Guild."

Nicolas said in astonishment: "You mean, you want to take the Oasis Guild to fight her together?"

Xufeng said: "Not only must you pull the Oasis Guild, but also the Abyss Guild and the Dawn Guild. Now, only your four major guilds can resist her gradual weakening."

Nicolas frowned and shook his head, "...Such an alliance is easy to talk about! Each family has its own ghosts, it is difficult to truly unite together."

Xufeng smiled and said, "President Nicolas Nicolas does not have to worry about this matter. You just need to tell me, if I can build such a secret alliance, would you like to join in and obey me completely."

Nicolas gritted his teeth and said, "Xu Feng, if you can really unify the four guilds and do the bans, you can rest assured that my Hanguang Guild and I will obey you 100%! I will definitely not do anything to stab the back. Things like knives!"

Xu Feng grinned and said: "Okay, nothing is justified, I want you to establish a letter as evidence."

Chapter 589 Dark Alliance Agreement

"Authorization?" Sacco was surprised.

This kind of thing is almost equivalent to a series of treason, and the written evidence is evidence of treason. If this evidence falls into the hands of the special envoy, the special envoy will have the handle to directly destroy the Hanguang Guild!

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Why, President Nicolas, where did all the courage you swore just now?"

Nicolas hesitated, "Master Xufeng, don't blame me for being too mindful, but how can you guarantee that this is not a fishing law enforcement? If you get my autographed handwriting, go back to the woman to complain, then I The Hanguang Guild is over."

Xufeng smiled faintly: "President Nicolas, I just said, I am not a fool, I will not be slaughtered. Today, she really weakened only you Hanguang Guild and Oasis Guild, and tomorrow, you When the four major guilds are unable to form a climate, she will change hands to deal with me, and even encourage you to deal with me. She is more sinister and cunning than you and I imagined. If we can't unite, then we must Losing is undoubtedly just a matter of losing earlier or later. President Sako, you understand this truth, and I also understand this truth."

Seeing Nicolas still frowning and being silent, Xu Feng smiled faintly: "President Nicolas, let me tell you the truth, I didn't plan to unite with you so early. According to my original plan, I will take advantage of the various support that that woman gave me, and then severely weaken your four major guilds, and let my relative level reach at least level 40."

"But the woman's movements were so fast. This time she took advantage of my time when I was not in the trading city and borrowed my knife to weaken you. Even before that, she deliberately gave me the right to live and kill. You know what this means. What are you doing?"

"This means that she started the layout at that time. She deliberately spread the rumors that I was dead, and induced the two major unions to rob my shop, and caused actual losses to my shop."

"In this way, after I return, I will inevitably be furious, and then will kill you two guilds. If you dare to resist, the guards and guards will quickly intervene to calm the chaos, and then others will stand. Watching the excitement on the sidelines, and your two guilds will be weakened to the point where they are not as good as the Abyss Guild!"

"It's just that, she didn't expect that after I returned, I didn't strike at you, but only fined you 20,000 shadow power points. Although 20,000 shadow power points are not a small amount for your two guilds, you should make one. It's still not difficult to get together."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "I'm already showing mercy to your two men, because I don't want that woman to reap the benefits of the fisherman. Isn't it possible that President Nicolas Nicolas is such a clever person?

Nicolas took a deep breath and nodded subconsciously.

For the matter of occupying the shop, Xufeng indeed only fined them 20,000 shadow power points. In this regard, Nicolas had been a little uneasy, because it did not look like Xufeng's handwriting.

The Silver Dragon of the Abyss Guild last time, just because he did not pay for the Starlight Tea in his shop, he was directly destroyed by Xufeng, which also caused the Abyss Guild to still be in a semi-supervised state.

But this time, Xu Feng only fined them 20,000 shadow power points for occupying such a big shop. This punishment is really small.

Originally Nicolas was worried about what kind of tricks Xufeng wanted to play. Now that he heard what Xufeng said, he realized that from that time, Xufeng had consciously and secretly resisted the special envoy's order.

The envoy wanted to weaken the four big guilds into four small guilds, and once the four big guilds fell, it would be Xufeng's turn.

If they want to change this situation, they can only go through unity.

Xufeng continued: "President Nicolas, the reason why you hesitate is that you are worried that I will use your signature to threaten you? First of all, I am not that kind of person. To coerce others to make a living, you can rest assured. Secondly, I ask you to make a written statement. I also want you to make up your mind and stop hesitating and sway. This is not just for you, any president who wants to join our dark alliance. You have to set up such written evidence, otherwise, everyone will be suspicious of each other and will not go all out.

Nicolas nodded slightly, "I understand, Master Xufeng."

Xufeng smiled faintly: "Then, do you sign or not sign this note? If you sign, we will cooperate sincerely. If you don’t sign, things tonight will be treated as if nothing happened. See you tomorrow. You are you and I am me. , As long as there is a little friction, I will go all out to deal with you, never leave my hands-this is not a threat, but not to say that it is unexpected."

Nicolas nodded solemnly, "Can I... take a look at the paper first?"

Xufeng immediately took out a piece of paper, "Here you are."

Sacco read the result and read it carefully.

"...I swear to join the dark alliance today. From today onwards, everything will be centered on the dark alliance, and I will be dedicated to the welfare of all the dark alliance brothers, and work together against our enemy Peris and the forces behind Peris... "

Nicolas exclaimed, "The forces behind Peris?! Could it be that?"

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "Otherwise, why should I come to you in such a hurry to sign this alliance agreement? President Nicolas, on the surface, the trading city is now in a calm state, and your Hanguang Guild is still The first big guild, but in fact, the undercurrent of the trading city is already surging, and the flow of this undercurrent is extremely fast, and a tsunami vortex can be formed in an instant. Once the tsunami vortex is formed, the first force swallowed is your first A big guild!"

Nicolas couldn't help shaking his hands slightly.

He patiently continued to look down.

"I swear that I will obey and support Xufeng's leadership 100%, firmly implement the orders and long-term strategies issued by Xufeng, never call the shots without authorization, and will never be selfish. Everything will be the overall situation. I will Love every member of the Dark Alliance, no matter if he belongs to my own guild or another fraternal guild."

"I swear that I will abandon all previous grievances, no longer entangled in the past, but unanimously externally, not keeping any secrets to Xufeng, and being tight-lipped about the high-level decisions of the dark alliance and will never leak it."

"If you violate this oath, I will be an innocent person, a person who sells friends for glory, anyone, any organization, can kill me, whoever kills me, can get all the assets in my name."

There is a blank in the place where the oath is signed below.

Nicolas took a deep breath.

This paper agreement is undoubtedly tantamount to handing over his wealth and life to Xu Feng.

This is an extremely risky move.

This is much more binding than verbal promises!

Once the agreement is violated, it is tantamount to nailing yourself to the shame of infidelity!

However, from another perspective, this paper agreement can restrain him, and naturally it can restrain others.

As long as everyone is bound by this agreement, it would be relatively fair.

Xu Feng asked faintly: "President Nicolas, how are you thinking about it?"

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