Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 889

Although plane gems are definitely worth it, 1,000 shadow power points are required to replace one, which is a bit too expensive.

"What about the second method?" Lin Hai asked eagerly.

Although he is considered an old man of the plane of survival, he just got the gems of the plane. This was something that he didn't even dare to think about before, so his understanding of the gems of the plane is no different from that of Xufeng. Novice.

Xuedi faintly said: "The second method is to find a high-level enchanter to completely decompose the equipment with plane gems. Only when it is completely decomposed without leaving a trace of stardust, can the plane gems be considered free. However, according to the price of our trading city enchanter, this is obviously not as good as the first method to save shadow energy points. It only costs 1,000 shadow energy points to remove the plane gems with Lingsight, and if the enchanter disassembles it, If the equipment itself is only a single-attribute, it is easy to handle, and it only needs to spend 1,000 shadow power points, but if it is multi-attribute, it needs 2000 shadow power points."

Xu Feng laughed, "This is easy to handle. In the future, the Snow Emperor team will disassemble the gems and leave it to me. I can also enchant you by the way."

Lin Hai said happily, "Haha! Great! Xufeng, it's really great that our Xuedi team has you!"

The hammer smiled, "Brother, I will bring wine to you to find you tonight, how about you enchant me with a demon by the way?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Of course it's no problem!"

Xuedi said coldly: "Hmph, two idiots. Okay, you guys quickly sort out your equipment, and when everything is done, let's talk about the second topic."

"it is good."

The members of Xuedi team immediately became busy.

Xufeng did not rush to equip the four plane gems on his body, but first opened the golden pirate treasure chest to see if the treasure chest could be equipped with suitable equipment.

When opening the pirate treasure chest, a golden light flashed, and a piece of equipment that looked like leg armor appeared in front of Xufeng.

The golden pirate treasure chest is higher level than ordinary pirate treasure chests, and the equipment is naturally better.

Xu Feng swept away with his spiritual vision, and the attributes of the golden leg armor immediately appeared in front of Xu Feng's eyes.

Extraordinary Item: Fire Cloud Leggings.

Item level: level 45.

Item attributes: +30 stamina, +20 agility, +10 strength.

Item special effect 1: Every time the owner strikes, there will be fire damage.

Item special effect 2: Long-term wearing, it will be extremely hot.

This equipment is very good!

Although the main attribute is not too gorgeous, the special effects are still very strong!

However, Xu Feng has the sword of Triton and the ring of tides, which are all equipment of the water system. If you wear this fire cloud leggings, it seems that there will be a little conflict.

This piece of equipment is actually more suitable for hammers.

Xufeng looked at the hammer.

The hammer was frowning and staring at the equipment in his box.

Inside her box is a pair of golden boots with red strokes. The attributes of these golden boots are also very good: Extraordinary Item: Redemption Boots.

Item level: level 45.

Item attributes: +40 stamina, +30 armor, +20 life.

Item special effects: Each time the wearer successfully blocks an enemy's attack, he can restore his health equal to 30% of the armor value.

...I rely on, this equipment is also very strong!

As long as you can successfully block, you can restore your health!

These shoes are very suitable for Xue Di!

With these shoes, Xuedi can almost always be at full blood when dealing with ordinary opponents, which is equivalent to invincible.

Of course, against higher-level opponents, you may not be able to successfully block every time. Even if the block is successful, only one-third of the defense value can be restored. In terms of conversion, it will not be too much .

However, when the masters are fighting, often small improvements and supplements will reverse the situation.

The hammer said displeasedly: "What kind of broken equipment, I really want to throw it away!"

Xuedi said coldly: "Idiot, give me those golden boots."

The hammer curled his lips, "If you tell me, I will give it to you? Wouldn't I lose face?"

Xuedi said coldly: "Idiot, I will give you this piece of mine."

With that said, Xuedi took out the equipment in her suitcase.

Her equipment is a growth helmet that adds 60 points of life attributes, and the special effect is to automatically restore 100 points of life every 10 seconds.

This piece of equipment is obviously not suitable for hammers, but it is extremely suitable for Duke Yang.

The hammer said coldly: "Xue Di, your equipment is worse, I don't want it!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Iron Hammer, give you this one of mine, give the Xuedi your one."

The Hammer looked back at the Fire Cloud Leggings in Xufeng's hand, and his eyes were suddenly full of light, "Aha! This is the equipment I want! Okay, let's exchange!"

With that, the hammer threw the redemption boots to Xufeng, and Xufeng also threw the Huoyun leggings to the hammer.

The hammer was extremely happy, the special effects of this equipment were really suitable for her.

Xufeng took the redemption boots and walked in front of Xuedi, "Here you are."

Emperor Xue said coldly: "Would you not be at a disadvantage then?"

Xu Feng grinned, "It's okay, I earned it last night."

Xuedi suddenly squeezed her fist, wishing to beat Xufeng violently, but in front of so many players, she finally chose to forbear.

The Hammer asked curiously: "What are you two talking about?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "It's nothing, Xuedi thanked me very much, and I said no thanks."

The hammer laughed and said, "Yes, Xuedi, you have to thank Xufeng!"

At this time, Duke Yang opened his golden pirate box again, and took out a twisted ebony staff from it.

This ebony stick, plus 40 mental resistance, and the special effect of regenerating mental energy, is suitable for Lin Hai to use.

Gong Yang squeezed his eyes at Lin Hai again, "How about it, Uncle Lin Hai, selling you a thousand shadow power points, is that interesting?"

Lin Hai laughed and opened his golden pirate treasure chest, only to see a golden battle helmet like a crown appeared in front of everyone.

Extraordinary Item: Crown of Kings.

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