Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 890

Item level: level 50.

Item attributes: 50 strength, 50 agility.

Item special effect 1: Let the wearer have the breath of a king, which can make the opponent in a state of panic.

Item special effect 2: Long-term wearing will produce an illusion of dominating the world.

Damn it!This is good!

Xufeng's eyes lit up!

Chapter 608: Everything Is For The Snow Emperor Team

The side effects of the Crown of Kings are basically negligible, but the basic attributes and special effects are really too powerful!

+50 strength, +50 agility!

And in the battle, always out of a high-pressure attitude!

Xufeng's previous helmet was an endless endurance helmet with +23 stamina. In addition to endurance, it had no other attributes and no special effects.

It can be said that the previous helmet was a rubbish helmet. It was just for not only wearing it, so I just wore one casually.

Although Xufeng also needs endurance, after all, the endurance attribute is related to physical fitness, but the endurance attribute is by no means the main attribute that Xufeng needs most.

The main attribute that Xufeng needs most is power.

As long as the power is strong enough, he can leapfrog the higher level to challenge the strong, and can completely defeat the strong enemy in just a few moves.

The crown of the king, with both strength and agility, is simply tailor-made for Xufeng.

The only problem is...The Crown of Kings is a level 50 equipment, and the minimum wearing requirement must be level 40.

And Xufeng's current relative level is only 35.

This also means that if you want to take the crown of the king, you must first upgrade from level 35 to level 40.

And to upgrade from level 35 to level 40, the number of shadow energy points needed for each level is 1000 points!

From 35 to 40, the total number of shadow energy points that need to be consumed is 5000 points!

In order to wear this crown of kings, Xufeng must pay the price of 5000 shadow power points!

Of course, there will be many other benefits after the upgrade, not just for the crown of kings.

After Lin Hai saw that he had opened the "Crown of Kings", he cheered excitedly, "Xu Feng! I can finally give you back! This crown is none other than you!"

Yang Gong said again: "Brother Feng, your hat level is too high, let's sell it, maybe we can sell it for tens of thousands of shadow energy points! Hehe!"

Xu Feng completely ignored Yang Gongzai, "Uncle Lin Hai, thank you very much."

Lin Hai said happily: "You are welcome, you gave me armor pieces and Xingyue tea again, and you have to enchant me later. I haven't thanked you yet. How can you thank me? "

While talking, Lin Hai handed the crown of the king to Xufeng's hands.

Xufeng immediately followed Duke Yang and said, "Duke Yang, give your ebony stick to Uncle Lin Hai."

Gong Yang quickly grabbed the ebony stick in his hand, "No, I still want to use it to sell some shadow power points, and then upgrade myself."

Lin Hai hurriedly said: "Fairy Yang, the fertilizer will not flow to outsiders' fields, if you want to sell, sell it to me cheaper, I don't have too many shadow power points, so don't be too expensive.

Gong Yang grinned again: "It's easy to talk about, Uncle Lin Hai, if you sell this ebony stick to outsiders, it won't work if you don't have 5000 shadow power points, but we are our own people. I will sell you just...4000 shadow power points. "

Lin Hai was startled, "Huh? So expensive?"

To be honest, the ebony stick is the worst equipment to open in these golden pirate treasure chests. This ebony stick itself is only level 40, has only a single mental attribute, and does not have any special effects. It can sell for 2000 shadow energy. The points are good.

But Duke Yang was another "profiteer" and even asked Linhai 4000 shadow energy points.

4000 shadow power points are definitely not a small number for Lin Hai, but Lin Hai is eager to improve himself, so as to better help the Xuedi team, so he hesitated for a moment, and gritted his teeth and said, "4000 is 4000!"

Gong Yang was overjoyed again, "Uncle Lin Hai, have a vision! I tell you, holding this ebony stick, you will be truly powerful! 4000 shadow energy points, you can't buy it, you can't lose it, you can't buy it!"

"Hold on." Xu Feng said coldly.

Gong Yang hurriedly said with a smile: "Brother Feng, this is a normal business for us. Besides, I have earned shadow power points and will not use it indiscriminately. I will buy equipment that suits me or upgrade my level. Our Xuedi team is good."

Lin Hai also said quickly: "Yes, Xu Feng, just leave it alone. This is a matter between me and Gong Yang. We all want to improve ourselves and contribute better to the Xuedi team."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Uncle Lin Hai, don't worry first-Yang Gong, then sell me the ebony stick."

Gong Yang was surprised again, "But, it was Uncle Lin Hai's request just now."

"I'll buy it for him." Xu Feng said.

Lin Hai quickly said, "No, Xufeng! I have shadow power points myself!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Uncle Lin Hai, just leave it to me here."

Lin Hai nodded helplessly.

Gong Yang laughed again: "If this is the case, I will be disrespectful, Brother Feng, this is my personal identity token."

With that, Duke Yang handed over his token again.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Don't worry, we haven't bargained yet!"

Gong Yang hurriedly said: "I have already said that, 4000 shadow power points."

Xu Feng sneered, "Just now, you just sold it to Uncle Lin Hai for 4000. You can't sell it to me at this price."

Gong Yang asked again: "Why?"

Xu Feng sneered and said, "Because I am your Brother Feng, because you earned a lot of power points by hugging my thigh."

Gong Yang smiled again, "Brother Feng said that! So let's go, I will make a family discount and you will give me...3500 shadow energy points."

Xufeng sneered: "Why, my face is worth 500 shadow energy points?"

Gong Yang smiled again: "Brother Feng, do you want to make a price! The business is a bargaining."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Well, I will set a price-2000 shadow power points."

Gong Yang was startled again, "2000?! Too little, right?"

The Xuedi on the side took up his arm and said coldly: "2000 is a lot. If it is placed outside the auction house, the price will be at most.

The hammer curled his lips. "2000 is too expensive for me. After all, there are not many survivors who follow the route of pure spiritual resistance. Without the support of a strong team, how can there be any survivors with pure spiritual resistance? Let alone let them out. 2000 shadow energy points to buy this ebony stick."

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