Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 894

After the tremor stood still, Xuedi coldly put away the Thunder Sword, and said to the already dehumanized Duke Yang: "You can join the Xuedi team, if you still want to."

No matter how hard and hoarse it is, Duke Yang said, "I...I am willing."

Of the four members of Xuedi Team, three have passed the test, and now Xufeng is left alone.

Chapter 612: I'm Free Tonight

Emperor Xue said lightly: "In the end, you are the only one left, Xu Feng."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Why, do I still need to test?"

Xuedi said: "Everyone has tested it, of course you also need to test, otherwise, who can be convinced?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "But if we really do our best, this bar might not be able to bear it."

Xuedi thought for a while, "That's what you said, it's not as good as that. We control our respective strengths and only take out 30% of our own strength to fight.

Xufeng smiled and said, "This strength is not easy to handle. What if I use too much force?"

Xuedi said coldly: "If you use more than 30% of your power, then you have lost."

Xufeng asked, "If I lose, don't you want me to join the Xuedi team?"

Emperor Xue said faintly: "That's not true, but you even lose to me."

Xufeng smiled bitterly: "That's how you want to beat me?"

Xuedi said in a cold voice, "Yes, the mighty Master Xufeng has never lost in the duel in the trading city. If I can beat you, that would be a very happy thing."

Xu Feng shrugged, "Well, you are the captain. Since you ask for that, then I will have to do it."

Yang Gong said excitedly: "Haha, great, there is a good show! I'll open the market, does anyone place a bet?"

The hammer said immediately: "I'll bet, 100 shadow energy points, bet Xufeng wins!"

Gong Yang was startled again, "Only 100?"

The hammer said in a cold voice: "Why, too little? Then you can pay 10,000!"

Gong Yang hurriedly said: "100 is good, a small bet is good-is anyone else betting yet? Uncle Lin Hai?"

Lin Hai thought for a while, "I think Xuedi will win. Although I admire Xufeng very much, and Xufeng's strength is also very strong, strong enough to kill the gods in the plot world, but only With one-third of the strength, this is difficult for anyone to handle. In addition, I think that Xufeng's one-third attack may not be able to break the Xuedi's defense. Therefore, I bet on the snow Let the emperor win."

Gong Yang smiled again, "Well, if Xuedi wins, you will earn 80 shadow power points for Uncle Lin Hai, if Xufeng wins, you will earn 80 shadow power points for Sister Iron Hammer."

The hammer frowned and asked, "Why are there 20 points missing?"

Gong Yang laughed again: "This is the dealer's rake! After all, I opened the market."

The hammer said coldly: "Then why should we let you open? Uncle Lin Hai, just let us bet, if you win, I will give you 100 shadow power points, I won, you give me 100 shadow power points!"

Lin Hai laughed, "Okay, I agree!"

"Hey, you guys..." Duke Yang said, crying again, "Don't stop playing with me! I am the dealer!"

At this time, Xuedi and Xufeng were already ready.

In order to reduce his strength to one-third, Xu Feng took off all his equipment, even including the sword of Triton.

The Snow Emperor also removed all the equipment, leaving only a Medusa mask.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Snow Emperor, this is not fair. You are still wearing a Medusa mask."

Xuedi said coldly: "I won't take off my mask."

She is socially phobic. If she takes off the mask, she will blush when she sees Xufeng's eyes. Where else can she fight Xufeng?

Xu Feng shrugged helplessly, "Well, let's do it like this."

Xuedi clenched his fists, "I have one more mask for you, so I will let you take action first."

Xufeng grinned and said, "Then don't regret it."

Before the words fell, Xu Feng activated the crane body technique, rushed to the center line of Xuedi at a very fast speed, and reached out to grab Xuedi's mask.

But Xuedi had been prepared for a long time, and immediately jumped half a step, then turned around and kicked again!

Xu Feng dodged immediately, and then a set of Wing Chun combination punches slammed into Xue Di's heart.

Xuedi hurriedly used his arms to block the parry. Without the shield, her arms would be her shield.

Her own defense value is also quite high, and almost every Wing Chun combination of Xu Feng's strokes is blocked by her.

Of course, Xu Feng didn't even use one-third of his power, he didn't want to hurt Xuedi.

After a set of combos, Xu Feng stepped back and looked for opportunities again, while Xuedi shook his painful arm and stared at Xu Feng's movements cautiously.

For Xuedi, this is really a difficult battle.

Xu Feng's speed is fast, and the strength is sufficient. The key is that the moves are still very strange. Xuedi is completely defensive. Even her defensive experience is very difficult to sustain at this time.

"Come again."

Xu Feng smiled and continued to rush towards the front of Emperor Xue with his bare hands.

Xuedi raised his arms and continued to defend in an airtight manner.

The two were entangled together, and after a set of combined punches, Xu Feng retreated.

After repeating this several times, Xuedi was almost unable to hold it.

In fact, with Xufeng's agility, he could completely take advantage of Xuedi's frontal defense, and suddenly circumvent the Snow Emperor, catching Xuedi by surprise, but Xufeng only maintained a frontal attack.

By the seventh time, Xuedi's frontal defense finally could not be supported. Xu Feng saw the neutral position, and quickly broke into Xuedi's midline position, and a set of Japanese characters punched into Xuedi's heart. meat!

Of course, Xu Feng controlled his power so as not to hurt Xuedi.

Xuedi was beaten back one after another, and finally retreated to the root of the wall, and Xufeng followed up while fighting, giving Xuedi a serious wall!

Xuedi covered her heart, breathing ups and downs, and she leaned against the wall in a daze. She didn't know if it was because her heart was too painful, or because she was slammed in public. In short, she couldn't say a word for a long time. .

Xufeng grinned, "I'm sorry, I won."

Xuedi swallowed hard, "Well, that's it."

The hammer smiled happily: "Hahaha! As expected of my brother Xufeng! That set of combo boxing is so cool! It swelled the heart of Xuedi!"

Xuedi roared angrily: "You shut up, idiot!"

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