Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 895

The hammer said to Lin Hai with a grin: "Uncle Lin Hai, let's get 100 shadow power points!"

Lin Hai smiled and shook his head, "Hey, this kid, Xu Feng, how can you pity Xiangxiyu without moving at all."

With that, Lin Hai gave 100 shadow energy points to the hammer.

Xuedi said coldly: "Xufeng, can you get out of it now?"

Xu Feng no longer "wall-dong", but stood aside with a smile.

Xuedi calmed his breath, "You can join the Xuedi team, and thank you."

Xu Feng grinned and said, "You can understand it."

He didn't use other methods to attack the Snow Emperor, but only relied on strength and speed to attack the Snow Emperor frontally, so that the Snow Emperor could realize the insufficiency of his frontal defense layer by layer!

For Xuedi, this is of great help!

Xuedi hesitated, "If I have a chance...I still want to discuss with you a few times before entering the reward plot next time."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Okay, I'm free tonight, you can just come and find me."

Xuedi said coldly: "I don't want to find you at night."

Chapter 613

Xu Feng wanted to chat with Emperor Xue again, but Emperor Xue took his equipment and walked to Lin Hai and the others.

"Well, since everyone is willing to continue to be in the Xuedi team, then our second problem can be solved."

Xuedi said faintly: "I am very happy to continue to live and die with you old players. Our front is full of danger and uncertainty. I hope everyone will be fully prepared for this."

Lin Hai said with a smile: "Xue Di, we all know these. When did we get through the plot, didn't we all live and die together? Don't worry, we will definitely make a step by step until we get through all the series of rewards. "

Xuedi nodded, "Okay, in that case, let's talk about the third question-our Xuedi team will play that series of plots next."

The Hammer said immediately: "Naturally it is the "Lord of the Rings" series. Xufeng wants to be an epic weapon, and I also need the Hellfire Warhammer. We play the "Lord of the Rings" series, which is absolutely super value."

Emperor Xue looked at Lin Hai, "Uncle Lin Hai, what do you mean?"

Lin Hai smiled and said: "I completely obey Xuedi's arrangement. As long as you give an order, let alone the Lord of the Rings, it will be fine even if you go up to the sword and down to the fire."

Xuedi said in a deep voice: "Uncle Lin Hai, you must know that the Lord of the Rings series is divided into six stages, and the difficulty is much higher than that of the Pirates of the Caribbean series. In the Pirates of the Caribbean series, there is only a small amount of witchcraft, and the fighting power is also dependent on naval warfare. , It was only in the last stage that the three-level deities and the first-level deities appeared, and the "Lord of the Rings" series, but a complete magical plot plane, not only contains many terrifying monsters, but also There are horrible existences like the Nine Ring Spirits and Demon Lord Sauron."

Lin Hai smiled and said: "I don't understand anything else, I only know that with you, I don't have to worry about anything."

Xuedi nodded, "That's good."

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "Is anyone asking my opinion?"

Xuedi said coldly: "Duke Yang, if you don't want to participate, it is too late to withdraw now."

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "No, no, I won't quit. I just want you to pay attention to me. After all, I am also a member of the Xuedi team."

Iron Hammer sneered, "Whenever you do meritorious service, I will admit that you are a member of the Snow Emperor Team, otherwise, you are a donkey in the Snow Emperor Team."

Gong Yang grinned again and said, "Donkeys are fine, at least you don't need to be a meat shield, you can get shadow energy points."

Hammer smiled and said, "You have to be a donkey with a meat shield."

Gong Yang hurriedly said: "No, I think we should find a copy of the story about the same difficulty as the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, so that our safety factor can be greatly improved, and we can get a lot of equipment. The equipment is getting better, let's go to challenge the story dungeon of higher difficulty level. Isn't this bad?"

Emperor Xue said faintly: "It's good, but...it's too slow. Yang Gong, again, if you want stability, then you should leave."

Duke Yang sighed helplessly, "Okay, well, I also obey your decision. In short, Duke Yang will never leave the Xuedi team again. I have been in the trading city for so many years and never Having been so successful, I don’t want to be on the streets anymore, making people look down upon."

Xuedi asked: "Are you sure?"

Gong Yang nodded vigorously, "Yes, I'm sure! "The Lord of the Rings" is just "The Lord of the Rings"! Isn't it just humans, dwarves, elves, half-orcs, and Sauron? Nothing!"

Xuedi said: "Okay, since everyone agrees, our next goal is the "Lord of the Rings" series. The Lord of the Rings series has six stages. The first stage is from the 60th stage before escorting the Lord of the Rings. I talked about how a hobbit helped the dwarf return to the dwarf treasure house, Lonely Mountain. As the beginning of the six stages, the plot of the first part is not complicated. I will accept the first one now. For the rewards of the stage, you are all free to move around now. Oh, yes, there will be an auction tomorrow afternoon. I hope everyone can participate in it. If there is an opportunity to improve your equipment, then everyone should not miss it."


"Well, let's end the meeting."

Xuedi turned and walked out of the box.

The hammer said with a smile, "Xufeng, shall we find a place to drink?"

Xu Feng shrugged helplessly, "I really want to go, but I still have a lot to deal with."

Hammer frowned and asked, "What can be more important than a brother asking you to drink?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "I still have the responsibility of supervising the Abyss Guild, and I have to report to the special envoy, or else, will you go with me?"

The hammer curled his lips, "Then I might as well go back and strike the iron."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Well, if you want to drink, just come to my place to find me at night, and I will be with you at any time."

The Hammer blinked, "You asked me to find you for a drink at night. Are you trying to do something with me?"

Xufeng immediately said: "Iron Hammer! I treat you as a brother, but you think so? Alas! I really misunderstood you!"

Hammer hurriedly smiled and said: "I was joking just now! I think of you as a brother too! I'm really just joking! That's okay, I'll go to you tonight, I'll bring wine, you get some Eat! Whatever you want, peanuts and pickles, we mainly drink and chat!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Okay, I am waiting for you at night."

Hammer smiled and said: "Then I'll go first!"

"I'm leaving too." Xu Feng waved his hands to Lin Hai and Duke Yang again, "See you tomorrow."

"Yes, Brother Feng, see you tomorrow!" Yang Gong said with a grin again.

After Xufeng and Iron Hammer were gone, Lin Hai smiled and said, "It's great, we can live and die together again."

Duke Yang grinned again and said, "Just live together, and die together."

Lin Hai laughed, "You, you, you don’t understand, how did people like you survived in places like Trading City before. Okay, I have to go, go back and sort out my things. If you want to sell it, you can collect your shadow energy points and see if you can buy something suitable at the auction tomorrow."

After speaking, Lin Hai waved his hand at Duke Yang again, turned and left the private room.

In the huge private room, only Duke Yang with a sly smile on his face was left alone.

The smile gradually disappeared on his face.

His eyes became gloomy.

With a voice that only he can hear, he said coldly: "Yes, of course you don’t understand. How I survived in this trading city for so many years, you will not understand why I will So hesitating..."

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