Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 897

Xu Feng laughed and said: "I can't ask for it, sister, where are you going to fight?"

Perisi gave Xufeng an angry look, "You, it's really getting smaller and smaller, I hate it, be careful, sister will eat you up sooner or later."

Chapter 2 Special Envoy's New Mission

Peris's tone was coquettish to the extreme, even if Xufeng's inner firmness, who had already regarded Peris as an opponent, couldn't help but itch!

Xu Feng quickly turned off the topic, and said with a smile: "Don't dare my sister, don't dare! I'm here this time, actually saying goodbye to my sister."

Peris was slightly startled, "Farewell? Where are you going?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "It's this kind of sister, our Xuedi team decided together to challenge the more difficult "Lord of the Rings" series story copy."

Peris sighed quietly, "...Sure enough."

Xufeng asked, "Why, sister had guessed it a long time ago?"

Peris laughed and said: "The girl Xuedi is really ambitious. All she is doing now is actually to follow in the footsteps of her brother. I think back then, Master Xueying also passed the "Caribbean After "Pirates", six stages of "Lord of the Rings" have been completed. So, when you have completed "Pirates of the Caribbean", I have predicted that you will enter the "Hobbit: Accidents" of the Lord of the Rings series next. "Journey"."

Xu Feng hurriedly laughed and said, "My sister's prediction is really too accurate."

Peris gave Xufeng an angry glance, "You kid, don't compliment me, I can hear it."

Xufeng smiled and said: "I just want to compliment my sister, because in my heart, my sister is the best and most worthy of compliment."

Peris grinned, "You kid, I know you are complimenting me, but I'm still so happy after listening."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sister, this time I am going to "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", do you have any tasks to give me?"

Peris smiled and said: "What? You want a reward, right? Well, I saw it. You have already brought the two plane gems I gave you."

Xu Feng laughed and said: "I mainly want to help my sister to share worries, not for the plane gems. Of course, if my sister can reward me with another one, it would be even better."

Peris smiled and said: "Glib tongue, don't I know what your heart is? Sister me, I want to reward you, but I can't reward you plane gems. Planar gems can only be achieved in the critical stage Rewarded."

Xu Feng said slightly disappointed: "Oh, it turned out to be like this."

Peris smiled and said: "But don't be depressed. If you can help me complete this task, I can give you a level 50 golden equipment, and it is guaranteed to be suitable for you."

Xu Feng said in surprise: "What equipment?"

Peris smiled and said: "I haven't decided this yet. In short, as long as you complete the task that your sister gave you, your sister will never treat you badly."

Xu Feng hurriedly smiled and said, "Then I thank my sister first!"

Peris smiled and said: "What's the hurry, the "Lord of the Ring" series is a world of magic planes, and the NPCs in it are very powerful. I don't know if you can come back alive."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Thanks to my sister, I will definitely be able to come back."

Peris smiled and said, "Well, it's a good thing to have confidence-in that case, I will tell you about the mission first, sister. You should understand the general plot of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"?"

Xu Feng nodded, "Yes, the first step is about Bilbo the Hobbit, who took the dwarf prince Thor and others through the Misty Mountains, looking for the story of Lonely Mountain, which also involves the ogre, brother Powerful enemies like Brin, Orcs, and Necromancers."

Peris nodded and smiled: "No wonder the Snow Emperor team can get through "Pirates of the Caribbean". It turns out that it is Xufeng. You know the plot very well and are better at using it."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I am also lucky."

Peris smiled and said: "The task I gave you is a little dangerous-I want you to fight the Orc commander Azog, defeat him, and get his Orc blood."

Xufeng asked, "Isn't you going to kill him?"

Peris smiled and said: "You can't kill him---sister, I didn't deliberately despise you, but Asog's power is not as weak as you think. Asog and his orcs are the devil. Sauron’s most trusted unit, Asog’s own strength, is equivalent to level 55, and that’s not a big deal. More importantly, Sauron is secretly protecting the spokesperson of this dark empire. Without the power to cut off his inner connection with Demon Lord Sauron, you cannot really kill him."

Xu Feng nodded slightly, "I understand. So, I just need to beat him and get a little bit of his animal blood?"

Peris laughed and said: "Yes, this task seems simple, but it is actually not easy. After all, Asog has countless orcs troops, and every half orc has been subjected to the power of the Dark Lord Sauron. Bonus, so the level of half-orcs soldiers is above level 45, if the leader of the half-orcs, the strength can even reach level 48!"

Xu Feng nodded thoughtfully.

With his real combat power, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with an opponent equivalent to level 50, and it doesn't seem to be a big problem to deal with three or five at once.

However, if it is faced with thousands of troops, it is indeed very dangerous.

Alas, the new series offers a reward, it is so difficult to come up!

Peris smiled and said, "How is it? Are you a little hesitant?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "No, I'm just thinking, sister, what kind of equipment will you give me."

Peris smiled and said, "You, think about how you should come back alive."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Sister, don't worry-by the way, sister, I have one more thing."

Peris asked: "What's the matter?"

"As for the Abyss Guild, after a period of close surveillance, I can basically be sure that the Abyss Guild has nothing to do with Xiang Rong," Xu Feng said.

Peris asked: "Do you want me to remove the surveillance of the Abyss Guild?"

Xufeng said: "Yes, first, the Abyss Guild did not go with Xiang Rong. Second, the Hanguang Guild and the Oasis Guild are now very hostile to me, and the relationship between the Abyss Guild and me is not bad. The coming of the Abyss Guild can at least enable the strength of the guilds to reach a balanced state when I am away."

Peris pursed her lips slightly, "You are right. Now Hanguang Guild and Oasis Guild are dissatisfied with you, and their strength has been greatly weakened by you. At this time, the Abyss Guild is released, and there are also To help balance the situation further... Well, as you said, you tell Jiming them, just say that I meant them, let them withdraw back to the castle and return to their respective posts.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Yes, sister wise!"

Peris smiled and waved, "Go!"

Xufeng leaned slightly and turned to leave.

The shadowy figure walked out and said coldly: "You are getting more and more intimate with him."

Periss frowned, she didn't want to say a word.

Chapter 3 You are so miserable

After leaving the castle, Xu Feng went directly to the Abyss Guild residence.

When the guard at the gate of the Abyss Guild saw Xu Feng's arrival, he immediately bowed and greeted him.

Xu Feng waved his hand, "You don't need to be polite, go and invite Captain Jiming and Chairman Aix to the chamber."


The guards did not dare to neglect, and immediately asked Ji Ming and Aix separately.

Xufeng went straight to the chamber and waited peacefully.

In a short while, Ji Ming and Akes hurried over.

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