Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 898

"Hello, Master Xufeng!"

Jiana and Aks bowed and saluted at the same time.

Xufeng smiled: "The two are my brothers and friends, so you don't have to be polite. During this time, my hard-working Ji Ji has supervised the Abyss Guild for me. Similarly, I have also worked hard for Master Acres."

Ji Ming said quickly: "This is a matter for his subordinates."

Axe also said quickly: "Thanks to Master Xufeng, our Abyss Guild can breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise, we would be dead."

Xufeng smiled and said: "I just went to meet the special envoy. The envoy is very satisfied with the performance of the Abyss Guild in the recent period. She asked me to tell you that we must continue to maintain it."

Axe said quickly: "Yes! Our Abyss Guild will surely settle down, concentrate on developing the guild's economy, and strive to return the shadow power owed to your envoy as soon as possible."

Xu Feng nodded faintly, "Well said, Master Axe, your attitude is really good. I think that the envoy sister will be very relieved after knowing it. Captain Ji, the envoy sister has Ling, all guards and guards, from now on, can withdraw to the castle and perform their duties-I have worked hard for you during this period. I think the envoy sister should give you rewards."

Ji Ming breathed a sigh of relief immediately, "Thank you Master Xufeng!"

In private, of course he can call Xufeng Feng's brother, but when in front of outsiders, he still has to call Xufeng "adult" respectfully.

In fact, Ji Ming long ago didn't want to stay in the abyss guild resident. There was nothing here in the abyss guild, and it was far from the power center of the castle. There was no way to approach the envoy, let alone make merit.

To be able to return to the castle, Ji Ming's heart is naturally ten thousand joys.

He thought that this was Xufeng deliberately helping him, so he was also full of gratitude to Xufeng.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Brother Jiming, you can organize the team now and take them away. I have something to explain to Master Acres, so I won't send you off."

Ji Ming said quickly: "No need to send it! No need to send it! We will evacuate immediately-Master Ax, how offended we are during this time, please forgive me."

Ax said: "No, no, Lord Ji Ming and Lord Sui Long are also for the good of our Abyss Guild. We only have gratitude in our hearts."

Ji Ming said with a smile: "Don't blame us, we are all just following orders, well, then we will have a period later!"

Accompanied with a smiling face, Axe said: "There will be a period in the future, welcome Master Ji Ming to come and guide at any time."

Ji Ming bowed and saluted Xufeng again, "Master Xufeng, his subordinates are gone."

Xufeng nodded, "Well, Brother Jiming walks slowly."

Ji Ming turned around and left.

In a short while, the guards in the chamber and the gate in the courtyard were also removed.

Ax sighed with a long sigh of relief, "Thank you Master Xufeng! Master Xufeng saved our entire Abyss Guild! There were guards before, I have never dared to speak, but now there are no outsiders here, Master Xufeng As long as you have any requests, please mention them!"

Xufeng paused for a while, and stopped again when he reached his lips.

He perceives that in the corner of the chamber, there is a secret guard of the castle hidden. The regular guards and guards have withdrawn, but the secret guard has not yet been withdrawn.

This must be an order issued by the special envoy very early, and the secret whistle not only monitors the people of the Abyss Guild, but also monitors the interaction between Xufeng and Aix.

Fortunately, Xufeng’s level has increased to 40. If it is still at level 35, then it is very likely that the existence of the dark whistle cannot be perceived. It can only be searched by using the spirit vision, and if you use the spirit vision to search, the dark whistle will immediately You will find Xufeng's intention.

Xu Feng then said calmly: "Master Acres, I have helped you so much. It is not too much to ask you for a piece of equipment as a reward, right?"

Ax was taken aback, he didn't expect Xu Feng to make such a "superficial" request.

It stands to reason that Xufeng had already seen the treasure house of their Abyss Guild a long time ago, and, in order to pay off the debt, the Abyss Guild had already sold most of the valuable equipment, except for a few expensive items that no one cared about. Except equipment, other equipment is rubbish.

If Xufeng wants it, he should say it earlier. Why wait until this time?Isn't this a disadvantage?

However, Axe reacted quickly enough. Although he didn't understand what Xufeng's intention was, he knew that he should follow Xufeng at this time.

Ax then grinned, "Master Xufeng, look at what you said, you will save our lives to our Abyss Guild, let alone one, even if you remove all our treasures, we will only feel honored. That's it."

Xufeng laughed, "Very well, Master Acres, then bother you, accompany me to the treasure house, right?"

Ax said immediately: "Yes, Master Xufeng, please here."

Axe led the way and left the chamber with Xufeng to the abyss treasure house.

After a while, a pitch-black guard came out from the shadows. He hesitated, and finally did not choose to keep up, but chose to evacuate.

It stands to reason that he should have followed the eavesdropper. However, the Abyss Treasury was built in the Abyss Well, and the Abyss Well was completely sealed off after the Bone Etching happened, and the steps were cut away. If you want to descend into the treasury of the Well of Abyss, you can only take the Abyss Cage Ladder, which is unique in the Abyss Guild. This will undoubtedly expose his whereabouts, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, after considering it for a while, the spy agent chose to give up. After all, Xufeng and Aix just went to the treasure house to get a piece of equipment, and it was not worth his risk.

Aix took Xu Feng into the well of the abyss and rode the swaying cage ladder to the treasure house of the abyss.

The abyss treasure house was desolate, and there were a lot of equipment on the shelves before, but now, only one-third of the garbage equipment is left.

In order to keep the Abyss Guild alive, Aix had to bear the pain to sell the equipment he had accumulated over the years. This was an act of shaking the foundation of the guild, but he had to do so in order to keep the guild running.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Master Acres, you...so miserable."

Aix's face blushed, "This...this is all asked by his subordinates."

Chapter 4 Opportunity to Make Hearts

Xufeng laughed, "Master Acres, here are you and me. Let's not be cautious when we speak, just call me Xufeng."

Ax said quickly: "Don't dare! Don't dare!"

In any case, he did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Xu Feng, because he had despised Xu Feng before, which led to a series of disasters in the Abyss Guild.

Xu Feng smiled lightly and said, "Does Master Acres blame me?"

Ax exclaimed, and hurriedly bowed his head and said, "Master Xufeng, what does this mean? Could it be that I disliked that there is no valuable equipment in my treasury, so I thought that his subordinates were dissatisfied with you and deliberately did this? , Master Xufeng! The equipment in our treasure house is really sold to the auction house to pay off debts!"

Xufeng smiled faintly, "I know, I am not asking about equipment, I only ask you, do you hate me in my heart?"

The fat on Aix's face twitched slightly, "No hate! No hate!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, don't pretend, the reason why your Abyss Guild has fallen to this point is not because I singled out the Silver Dragon team? If it were not for me, the Silver Dragon team would still be your abyss. The strongest squad in the guild, and your Abyss Guild is still a very strong presence among the four major guilds, let alone you, even me, I will hate myself."

The sweat on Ax’s forehead came out. He didn’t care about wiping the sweat, and quickly explained with a trembling, “Master Xufeng! I really don’t hate you. You helped our Abyss Guild pull out a poisonous weed, I It’s too late to be grateful, how can I blame you?"

Xufeng sighed, "It seems that you still haven't touched me."

If you can't reach the level of heart-to-heart, Xufeng will not tell Aix about the dark alliance. After all, it involves the other two guilds and must be extra cautious.

Ax hesitated slightly, not daring to speak more.

He was also uneasy in his heart. He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Xufeng's gourd, and he didn't know whether Xufeng was deliberately tempting him, or if he really wanted to have a heart.

He was more inclined that Xu Feng was only here to test him, so he was very cautious about every word he said.

Xufeng continued: "It's normal for you to hate me, but if you really hate me in your heart, then I'm afraid I don't have to be with you anymore. Because I won't be with unwise people. Smart people talk to each other, and in the end I will only be affected."

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