Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 900

Axe took the crystal shard, immediately connected his mind, and poured his own thoughts on the crystal shard.

The crystal shard flashed in his hand, then disappeared.

Ake was taken aback, "This? Master Xufeng, did I break the crystal shards?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "The crystal shards have been integrated into your body, but you are trying to communicate with me with your mind."

Ax immediately closed his mouth and shouted in his heart with his thoughts: "Dear Master Xufeng, your faithful subordinate Ax has something to tell!"

Xufeng clearly received Aix’s thoughts...

"Well, very good, I heard." Xu Feng replied with thoughts.

Axe said in surprise: "Aha! Very easy to use! So no matter what time in the future, I can ask Master Xufeng you!"

Chapter 6 The Real Relationship

Xufeng shook his head, "Not all the time, you can communicate with me with your mind."

Aix quickly said: "Yes, I forgot, Master Xufeng, you still have to rest, I really deserve to die."

Xufeng smiled and said: "It's not a question of rest, but a question of planes. This arcane crystal of mine is not strong enough to communicate with you through the planes. Only when I am in the same place as you Real-time communication between us can only be achieved during the plane. If I enter a copy of the reward plot, if you tell me with your mind, then you can only receive it after I come out of the copy."

Axe suddenly realized, "Oh, that's how it is."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Well, if the matter is not very urgent, you can do it yourself. If it is very urgent, you can leave me a message. After I come out of the plane copy, I will help you as soon as possible. Solve it. In addition, before I leave, I will also explain to the members of the dark alliance that no matter how big things happen, they can’t fight inwardly. Everything will be dealt with when I come back. Up."

Ax grinned and said: "Understood Master Xufeng! But... the dark alliance now adds me, there are only three guild leaders in total, in case, what I said is in case, in case the dawn guild attack us If so, are we tolerant or unbearable?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "I have considered this issue. The best way is to pull the leader of the Dawn Guild to join the Dark Alliance. However, I don't know about the leader of Liming."

Axe said immediately: "The name of the chairman of the Dawn Guild is Marin. He is a very decent old man. He has helped Xueying fight against Xiang Rong before, and even paid the price of an eye for it. After Xueying defeated Xiang Rong, he did not ask Xueying for compensation or anything. In his words, everything he did was not for Xueying, but to trade most of the survivors in the city."

Xufeng smiled and said, "It sounds like a nice person."

Ax said: "Yes, it's just that he is not very sociable and very uncomfortable. If Master Xufeng wants to pull him into the dark alliance, it may not be that easy."

Xu Feng thought for a while, "Since he is such a person, he will definitely not fight against our dark alliance, unless it is used by a special envoy. Then, can you think of a way to meet President Jomarin alone? "

Axe said: "The Dawn Guild was a very difficult period. At that time, my Abyss Guild was also developing. We supported each other. Although we parted ways because of our different ideas, we should still have a good face. In the past, I can invite him to the auction in my name. When the time comes, Master Xufeng avoids eyes and ears and just comes to my private room."

Xu Feng smiled and nodded, "This method is good."

Axe smiled again: "However, Master Xufeng, I am now degraded, and I don’t know if my face is worthless. Ma Lincoln will not sell my face, if Marlin refuses to sell my face. , Master Xufeng, don't be angry with me."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Well, you can do your best."


"In addition, only me and the three of you know about the dark alliance. For our mutual safety and for the dark alliance to act secretly, you can't tell anyone about the dark alliance."

"Yes, Master Xufeng, the subordinate understands." Akes said quickly.

"Well, get me any piece of equipment and we can leave here." Xu Feng said.

Axe smiled bitterly and said: "Master Xufeng, my good equipment is basically sold out, I am afraid that even the good equipment in the past may not be attractive to you."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Just pick me a piece of high-power equipment, the equipment itself doesn't matter, what I want is to decompose enchanting materials."

Axe woke up immediately, quickly found a dagger with 35 power and handed it over to Xu Feng respectfully.

Xu Feng weighed it and put away the dagger.

"Let's go."


The two of them walked out of the treasure house one after the other, took the upward cage ladder, and returned to the ground.

After a few brief greetings, Xu Feng left the Abyss Guild and went to Hanguang Guild.

This time, he did not walk in secret, but walked to the front entrance of the Hanguang Guild in a swagger.

When the guardian Hanguang Survivor saw Xu Feng, his complexion suddenly changed, and he hurriedly saluted and said in a polite manner: "Hello, Master Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng is the captain of the guard in name, and he has the power to kill him. Who dares not respect him?

Even if they knew that Xufeng was here to ask for debt, they did not dare to neglect Xufeng.

Xu Feng said arrogantly: "Where is your president?"

The guard immediately replied: "The chairman is holding a high-level meeting, Master Xufeng please come in first, and wait for me to report."

Xu Feng snorted coldly, "I am the honorary captain of the Tangtang Guards. You shouldn't have let me wait. What's more, in this incident, it is clear that you Hanguang Guild made the mistake first! Go, let you know Call me out, I'll wait here!"

"This..." The guard was stupid in place for a while after having been subjected to such a big storm.

"Why, do you even want to fight me?" Xu Feng shouted coldly, his eyes full of killing intent.

Of course, his murderous intent was pretended.

The Hanguang Guild is under the banner of his dark alliance. Of course, he will not let Hanguang Guild lose its essence. He did this only for special envoys and those secret agents who were inserted inside Hanguang Guild.

The guard that Hanguang said quickly: "Yes, yes, I'll go and invite our governor to come over!"

There are more and more survivors around the guild's residence, almost all of them are watching the excitement.

Normally, many survivors have been bullied by the Hanguang Guild. Now, when they have the opportunity to see the Hanguang Guild embarrassed in public, they are naturally extremely happy.

Xufeng turned his head and said to the onlookers: "Who can help me get a chair? I'll just sit here and wait."

"I go!"

A survivor with swift hands and feet quickly ran out, and after a while, he moved a well-made chair to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng nodded in satisfaction, "Well, thank you."

The survivor immediately nodded and bowed and said, "Don't dare to be! Ning Xiaofeng is willing to serve Master Xu Feng!"

The surrounding survivors scolded this guy named "Ning Xiaofeng" as shameless in their hearts, but at the same time they were extremely envious.

After moving a chair, you can sign up in front of Master Xufeng, which is really cost-effective.

You know, Master Xufeng is the man whom your envoy has fancy, and it is very likely that he will become the rightful lord of this trading city in the future!

Of course, this is the wishful thinking of these survivors. How could they know what is the real relationship between Xufeng and the envoy Peris?

It seems to be, now it seems that Xufeng came to trouble Hanguang Guild, but in fact, who knows that Xufeng and Nicolas are already on the united front?

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