Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 901

Chapter 7 Public Humiliation!

After sitting for a while, a lot of people ran out of Hanguang Guild.

Headed by the president of Hanguang Guild, Nicolas.

Sacco smiled and put his posture very low, completely unlike what the president of the first big guild should be.

The high-levels behind him have complex expressions. Some people worry that the contradiction will be further intensified, which is naturally not good for Hanguang Guild. Some people glared at Xufeng and resented Xufeng for their Hanguang Guild. Suppressive behavior.

Of course, the top executives have no say.

The only person qualified to talk to Xufeng is President Nicolas Nicolas.

Sacco said with a smile on his face: "I don't know that Master Xufeng is coming, and there is a missed welcome, Master Xufeng, please forgive me."

After speaking, Sacco led all the members of Hanguang Guild and bowed towards Xufeng.

Xufeng said coldly: "Sacco, when you seized my shop, did you think that there would be this day?"

Nicolas said with a wry smile: "Master Xufeng, isn't that all over? How should we compensate? How can we compensate."

Xu Feng said coldly: "Okay, Lord Sako is a refreshing person, then I won't be talking about Lord Nicolas, you hand over the shadow power points, I will leave immediately."

The muscles on Sacco's face twitched slightly, "Master Xu Feng, say it, within three days, this is only the next day."

Xu Feng said coldly: "The next day, within three days! Why, want to fall back on the bill?"

Nicolas hurriedly said: "No, no, no, Master Xufeng, we are holding a high-level meeting to collect shadow energy points to compensate Master Xufeng. However, the meeting is only halfway through, and the shadow energy points we have gathered now are Only more than ten thousand points."

Xu Feng sneered, and deliberately raised his voice and said, "Dignified Hanguang Guild, but the high-level people have to collect money? You have so many good equipment in your treasury, can you just take out a few to sell it?"

Sacco said with a serious face: "Master Xufeng, the equipment in our Hanguang Guild Treasury belongs to all Hanguang Guild members. Only members who reach the corresponding level can apply for the equipment in the Treasure Treasure. The guild welfare measures for members are also the foundation of my Hanguang Guild’s life. If I sell the equipment in the treasure house, how will my members develop? Speaking of, the biggest responsibility for occupying the store lies with me. And the management of the Hanguang Guild, so if you want to punish it, you should also punish the senior management."

These words were neither overbearing nor overbearing. After the ordinary members of the Hanguang Society heard them, there was a wave of waves in their hearts.

Of course, this is a trick to gather people's hearts, and this is also Xu Feng deliberately cooperating with Nicolas, so that Nicolas can pass this incident and win the hearts of Hanguang Guild.

Xufeng sneered deliberately, "All right, Lord Sako, whatever you like, I don't care how you collect your shadow power points, anyway, I will get it now."

Nicolas said in a low voice, "Master Xufeng, I'm the Hanguang Guild. At any rate, I am also the largest guild with only 20,000 shadow power points. We still don't owe you. Please wait a day. No, wait. For half a day, in the afternoon, we will definitely send 20,000 shadow power points to your hands in a neat and orderly manner. Look?"

Xu Feng sneered, "You mean, let me sit here and wait for you all afternoon?"

Nicolas hurriedly said: "No, no, if Master Xufeng has nothing else to do, you can come to the chamber of our Hanguang Guild and watch us raise power points."

Xu Feng sneered and said, "Why bother so much? Isn't it the same for you to gather here?"

As soon as this remark came out, the senior management suddenly made a voice of dissatisfaction.

Where is this place?

On the street!

People come and go, there are ridicule passers-by everywhere!

High-level members of the Hanguang Guild are here to gather shadows and earn points. Doesn’t it mean that you have taken off your clothes and made people appreciate it?

This is simply humiliation!

Nicolas said rightly: "Master Xufeng, I'm afraid it's wrong here, please move on!"

Xufeng said coldly: "Sacco, I am here to talk to you, it will still save you face, don't be shameless, I will sit here today, you either give it to me now, or I just refuse If you don’t pay, you should know the consequences of refusing to pay, right?"

A senior member of the Hanguang Guild really couldn't bear it, and stood up and shouted: "Xu Feng! You are too much! What if you are the proud child of the entire trading city? You should not humiliate us, the proud child of heaven. Come on, although my Qiao Ming has nothing to do, I still have a passion for blood! I am willing to fight you!"

Nicolas hurriedly said: "Shut up! Get out!"

Qiao Ming shouted: "President Nicolas, this guy is humiliating you! He humiliating you is equivalent to humiliating everyone in our Hanguang Guild! I want to talk to him—"

"Don't shut up yet!" Sako slapped his hand and slapped Qiao Ming out.

This slap was a little bit practical, Qiao Ming was not prepared, and his whole person was slapped back several steps.

Sacco shouted in a deep voice: "You guys, lock up Qiao Ming, lest he get into trouble here! I will deal with him when I turn around!"

"Yes!" Two guards stepped up helplessly and helped Qiao Ming up.

Qiao Ming said angrily: "Don't touch me, I will go by myself!"

Xu Feng sneered, "Your name is Qiao Ming, right? It's really self-defeating. At your level, you still want to single-handedly challenge me? Huh, but fortunately, your family president has quick eyes and quick hands. You didn't let you tell. The word duel, if you say the word duel, I can splash your blood on the spot in minutes."

Qiao Mingyi yelled: "Xu Feng, I am not afraid of you!"

Before the word "you" was spoken, I saw a cold light, directly rubbing his ears, and then, the guild plaque behind him clicked and shattered into two pieces!

Xu Feng slowly put away the sword of Triton, even the frequency of breathing has not changed.

All the people present were dumbfounded.

No one knows what happened just now.

It looks like...Xu Feng has taken out the sword. With just such a light sword, he used its incomparable sword energy to concentrate into a sword light, and it accurately brushed Qiao Ming’s ears and shattered ten meters. A huge plaque outside.

This speed, this strength, definitely has the strength above level 50.

You know, the presidents of the four major guilds, including their own equipment bonus, are only about 50.

The strongest president, Nicolas, can only reach level 55 in real strength.

As for Xufeng's sword just now, even Nicolas was ashamed.

If there is a fight, Nicolas can barely make a tie with Xufeng!

The point is, this kid is still so young, and the future is really limitless!

All the members of the Hanguang Guild were all faceless, and Qiao Ming himself stood still in shock, his hands and feet numb...

Xufeng was right.

If it were a duel, he would have to die here in less than half a second.

Chapter 8

"What are you still doing?"

Nicolas said in a deep voice, "Take Qiao Ming down and take care of it!"

"...Yes!" The two guards didn't dare to neglect, and quickly pulled the dazed Qiao Ming and left the door.

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