Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 902

Other high-level officials did not dare to make any noises, and the entire Hanguang Guild members bowed their heads and did not speak.

What a shame!

The plaque symbolizing the dignity of the Hanguang Guild was chopped up in the street, but no one dared to stand up and say something.

Blame, blame, the opponent is too strong.

Even if everyone has blood in their hearts, they can't die in vain, right?

Nicolas smiled bitterly and said to Xufeng: "Master Xufeng, some of my subordinates are not so great, what you taught just now!"

Xufeng sneered and said: "Teaching him is still secondary. I mainly come to collect the filming points. I said, I will sit here. When you have enough filming points, I will leave."

Nicolas hurriedly said: "In this case, then we'll get together here."

Fitz said in surprise: "Guild Master! No! It would be too embarrassing for the top leaders.

Nicolas sighed helplessly, "It’s better to lose face than to lose my life. I can’t take the lives of other members of the Hanguang Guild and save myself a little bit of face? Come on, just treat this as our meeting room. , Let's continue to collect the shadow energy points."

"...Yes!" Fitz gritted his teeth, "The meeting continues, now there are a total of 11 thousand shadow power points, Lord Nellie, it's your turn."

A tall, thin and tall person stood up helplessly and handed over 1,500 Shadow Energy Points.

The pedestrians on the street suddenly began to talk:

"Hehe, Lord Nellie can be considered an old man of the Hanguang Guild. This time Hanguang Guild has been in such a big trouble, he has only given 1,500 shadow power points?"

"Huh, obviously I didn't regard Hanguang Guild as my home! If I were Nellie, I would have at least five thousand shadow power points!"

Neili glared at the crowd angrily, "Which one is behind the yin and yang?"

Nicolas said in a deep voice, "Nellie, ignore other people, just do your own thing,"

"Yes! President!" Nellie stood angrily on the side.

Immediately afterwards, another high-level person paid the shadow power points, and every time they paid, there would always be people on the street sneer.

These high-level executives clearly showed the shadow energy points, and in the end they were ridiculed by passers-by, and each of them felt aggrieved.

However, with Xufeng sitting opposite, they can only hold the fire in their hearts, not daring to cross the thunder pond for half a step.

In this way, after about ten minutes tolerated, the 20,000 shadow energy points were finally collected.

Fitz handed 20,000 shadow power points to Nicolas, and Nicolas walked to Xu Feng respectfully, "Master Xufeng, here are 20,000 shadow power points, please check."

Xufeng glanced at Nicolas, "No."

Nicolas was startled, "No?"

Xu Feng said coldly: "The accounts are wrong, what I want is not 20,000 shadow power points."

Nicolas frowned and said, "Master Xufeng, you clearly said yesterday that our Hanguang Guild only needs to pay the compensation of 20,000 shadow power points, and this matter is over! How can you make a mistake?"


"Master Xufeng, if you do this, it is really against the way of a gentleman!"

The members of Hanguang Guild said indignantly.

Xu Feng looked around coldly, and the people from Hanguang Guild immediately closed their mouths.

Xufeng sneered and said, "Yes, I did say that as long as you give me a compensation of 20,000 shadow energy points and seize the shop, it will be over."

Nicolas first heaved a sigh of relief, then frowned and asked, "Then why do you say the accounts are wrong?"

Xufeng sneered: "President Nicolas, you are really a nobleman. Have you forgotten things? Have you forgotten? You sent someone to harass my Xiaoyue flower shop before, and you signed a copy of 20,000 photos. Countable IOUs-I think many people should know about this, right?"

Sacco's face suddenly turned green, "...Yes, I know, there is such a thing."

Xufeng smiled coldly: "Just admit it. I never asked you for the previous 20,000 yuan. That's because I feel that although there are some small contradictions between us, we will not tear our faces. , You have torn my face with me, then I naturally have nothing to be polite with you, the old account plus the new account, 20,000 plus 20,000, you need to give a total of 40,000 shadow power points-so I said, you The account is wrong."

Nicolas frowned and said: "Master Xufeng, you are a bit bullied like this! We said yes, only 20,000, and I also raised 20,000 shadow power points. Now, you suddenly said, Forty thousand! In such a short time, how can I make up forty thousand for you!"

Xu Feng sneered and said: "What? You mean, I want to collect debts, so I have to discuss with you first?"

Nicolas said helplessly: "That's not the case, it's just that I am completely unprepared now! Are you trying to show the ugliness of my Hanguang Guild?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "If you are not convinced, go to my special envoy sister! I have the power of life and death granted by my special envoy sister. If you dare not pay the debt, I will kill you Hanguang Guild every once in a while. "

"You!" Nicolas trembles all over.

The members of the Hanguang Guild also clenched their fists. As long as Sako said... they all hid in the guild together, never coming out.

Fighting is definitely not possible, after all, this kid Xufeng is really too good, even if all the people of Hanguang Guild can really kill Xufeng in the end, it would be a tragic victory.

Moreover, even if it is a tragic victory, the Hanguang Guild will also face the anger and punishment of the special envoy. The powerful guards and guards will definitely take the opportunity to destroy the entire Hanguang Guild.

Therefore, when you kneel down and get angry, you still have to stay sensible when you really can't fight.

After all, anger without strength is meaningless.

Sacco said with a look of grief and angrily: "Master Xufeng, please raise your hand! The owed 20,000 shadow power points, please give me three more days. After three days, I promise to deliver it personally!"

Xu Feng sneered, "Three days? How many three days have you counted since you got that IOU? If you count interest, I'm afraid you should give me 20,000 more!"

"You!" Sacco clenched his fists vigorously, "Okay! Okay! Master Xufeng, let's do this, let me discuss it with the seniors."

Xufeng lazily said, "Okay, then you can discuss it again, but I can't wait too long."

"Yes, I understand."

Nicolas then stepped back a few steps, and all the senior members of Hanguang Guild gathered around Nicolas.

And those ordinary Hanguang Guild members stood in the outer circle...

It seemed that this would prevent outsiders from hearing the conversation between Nicolas and the senior management.

But in fact, it is useless.

Chapter 9 Fitz's Suggestions

"This Xufeng is really bullying!"

"Yes, President! You just tolerate him, he actually pushes his nose again and again, it's really tolerable!"

"I remember before, Master Xufeng was not so aggressive, why has it become like this?"

"Hey, I'm afraid it's because we seized his shop, so he still has a grudge against us."

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