Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 904

There was still 10,000 shadow power points short of Xufeng's request.

Chapter 10 First Guild President

"President, we have tried our best, there is only so much."

"Well, I know." Nicolas sighed quietly, "You have done your best, let me talk to Xufeng for the rest."

Everyone then stepped aside, and Sako walked towards Xufeng helplessly.

Xu Feng said coldly, "How's it? Have you got it?"

Nicolas said with a wry smile: "I'm really sorry, Master Xufeng, we really couldn't get so many shadow power points all of a sudden, so we got together, but we got 10,000 more-this is our limit, please. Master Xufeng first accept these shadow power points, and wait for the day after tomorrow, no, wait for tomorrow, I will personally give the remaining 10,000 shadow power points."

"Hahaha!" Xu Feng looked up to the sky and laughed. The members of the Hanguang Guild who were present were all straight-haired.

"Tomorrow? It won't be 10,000 tomorrow!" Xu Feng said coldly: "Every time you delay a day, you double it! If you want to give it tomorrow, you will pay 20,000. If you can't afford it, you will pay 40,000 the day after tomorrow!"

Nicolas said with a wry smile: "Master Xufeng, I know we are guilty. I dare not offend you or rob your shop. However, you don't have to rush to kill, right?"

Xufeng sneered and said: "I just want to kill quickly. Who told you to be the largest guild in this trading city? However, don't say that I never gave you a chance. I will make a condition if you can promise. If you do, I won’t need the ten thousand shadow power points."

Nicolas asked in surprise: "Really?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Of course it is true."

Nicolas frowned and said, "I don't know what Master Xufeng wants? If it's something that would harm the interests of my Hanguang Guild, I would never agree to it."

Xufeng smiled and said: "It will not harm the interests of Hanguang Guild, but it will harm your interests."

Nicolas asked: "What conditions?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "You stand still, let me stab you with a blindfold."

The high-level next to him said in astonishment: "Master Xufeng, don't make such a joke! If you are blindfolded, if you stab the key of our president, how can it be good!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "It depends on the destiny. If President Nicolas is lucky, maybe my sword will not pierce your clothes."

Nicolas said with a wry smile: "With the strength of Master Xufeng, even blindfolded, it is impossible to miss, let alone stand still and not move."

Xufeng smiled and said: "As the saying goes, wealth and wealth are always in danger, President Nicolas, if you agree, no matter if I get the stab or not, I don't want the 10,000 shadow power points that I lost. "

"President, don't promise him!"

"Yes! President! Us ordinary members are also members of the Hanguang Guild! We can also earn points!"

"We can also sell our equipment on the street!"

"Yes! President, we are willing to share ups and downs with the guild, and live and die together!"

The entire Hanguang Guild is in the same hatred state.

Nicolas sighed faintly, "For the benefit of the entire guild, let me take the risk alone, what can't it be! You all retreat-Master Xufeng, I accept your terms."

"Haha, great! Enough!" Xu Feng said admiringly: "No wonder you can be the president of the largest guild in the trading city-come, get black cloth!"

A passerby immediately brought a clean black cloth.

Xufeng grinned and said: "President Nicolas, are you ready?"

Nicolas stood still and took a deep breath, "Ready, please show mercy to Master Xufeng."

Xu Feng sneered, "I want to be merciful, but unfortunately, I'm going to be blindfolded, President Nicolas Nicolas, if you are alive or dead, it's your fate."

With that said, Xu Feng put on a black blindfold.

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became tense.

The people of Hanguang Guild all hope that Xufeng will not stab Nicolas, and passers-by are holding the mentality that watching the excitement is not too big, hoping that Xufeng can kill Nicolas with one sword.

Of course, even if Nicolas stood still and wanted to kill Nicolas, it was difficult.

After all, Sako's equipment is very sophisticated, and Xufeng's Triton sword, even if it goes all out, it is difficult to break Sako's defenses with a single sword.

Xu Feng took a deep breath and shouted, "President Nicolas, it's starting!"

With that, his figure rushed towards Nicolas like lightning, and the sword of Triton in his hand also pierced Nicolas's heart fiercely!

The Hanguang Guild members present all exclaimed.

Xufeng's speed is too fast, his strength is too strong, and the aiming angle is very precise!

If this sword is stabbed, death will not be enough, but it will inevitably inflict severe damage on Sacco, and may even cause severe heartburn. It is impossible to recover in a short time. If you want to fully recover, you must rest for at least three or five years. !

Nicolas subconsciously wanted to dodge, but the moment this idea appeared, he gave up again.

He knew very well in his heart that Xu Feng came to be aggressive today, just for acting.

The dark alliance has been established, and Xu Feng has no reason to cause substantial harm to him.

That's right!

Trust Xufeng!

If you don't trust Xufeng at this time, you are pitting yourself!

Nicolas took a deep breath and stood steadily on the spot without moving!


The sword of Triton pierced into Sacco's body, and a blood arrow was ejected immediately.

Sacco's face was pale suddenly, and big beads of sweat ooze from his forehead.


The members of the Hanguang Guild around him lighted up their weapons instantly and wanted to avenge their guild leader.

Nicolas said coldly: "Go away!"

He covered his left shoulder and said to Xufeng with a sad smile: "Thank you, Mr. Xufeng, you are merciful..."

Xu Feng's sword of Triton did not pierce his heart, but staggered a little bit and pierced his shoulder!

Although the shoulder injury will last for more than ten days to recover, it is more cost-effective than piercing the heart!

Xufeng sighed, took off the blindfold on his face, shrugged and said, "Actually, I could have been stab, but I judged you would move sideways to dodge, so at the last moment, I shifted the edge of the sword. , I didn't expect... you really didn't hide."

Nicolas said: "Master Xufeng, what I promised you has been done, and I hope you will keep your promise and don't make it difficult for us."

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