Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 905

Xufeng nodded, "In front of so many people, I naturally won't go back, and that's 10,000 shadow power points. You can only give me 30,000."

After speaking, Xufeng lost his personal identity token.

Nicolas quickly grabbed it, "Thank you, Master Xufeng."

After speaking, he hit Mind and transferred all the 30,000 shadow power points to Xufeng's account.

Xufeng took the identity token and glanced at Lingshi:

Received 30,000 shadow power points, total shadow power points 36755 points!

A new high in history!

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Okay, the things here are finished, I should go to the next house to collect the accounts.".

With that said, Xu Feng left the resident of the Hanguang Guild triumphantly.

A large group of passers-by also followed Xufeng to leave, and continued to watch the excitement.

Chapter 11

"President! Are you okay!"

"Quick! Take the recovery pills for the president!"

"Starlight tea! Who has starlight tea..."

As soon as Xufeng left, the Hanguang Guild helped the injured Nicolas into the guild, and then closed the door heavily.

This time, the Hanguang Guild can be described as extremely income, but fortunately, in the end Nicolas personally came forward and saved a little face for the entire Hanguang Guild at the small price of a shoulder injury.

Nicolas sat in a chair and drank it with Starlight Tea and a recovery pill. His pale complexion improved a little.

"The wound is still so serious!" Fitz said angrily: "This Xufeng's sword, isn't it poisonous?"

"What? So mean?!"

All the people in Hanguang Guild hated their teeth.

Nicolas shook his head slightly, "No, if the sword is poisonous, I can't sit here and talk to you. Although Mr. Xufeng is fierce, he is not that kind of despicable person. My injury, It’s not that you can recover by drinking a cup of starlight tea and taking a recovery pill. Master Xufeng’s strength is really strong, and my own defense power was broken by his sword. Alas, if it’s a real duel , The two of us are likely to die together in the end."

The Hanguang Guild members present all took a breath.

"Xu Feng is so young and so powerful, how did he do it!"

"Yeah, two months ago, he even fought Gauss by chance and won by fluke. Unexpectedly, after only two months, he would be at the same level as our president!"

"The series of reward mission dungeons are really strong enough! Their Snow Emperor team only got through the "Pirates of the Caribbean Series", and they are already so fierce."

"We should also play the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series!"

"Hmph, stop dreaming, do you think the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series is simple? In the final fifth stage, I don’t know how many awesome teams were stuck! In the history of the trading city, there are also Xueying’s Godkillers and Xufeng's Xuedi team passed!"

"Hey, that said, we don't want to catch up with Xufeng. People who meet Xufeng in the future will have to go around."

Everyone shook their heads and sighed.

Nicolas faintly smiled and said: "Actually, this is not a bad thing. At least, this incident has made us unite within the Hanguang Guild. Today, thanks to everyone, without you, Hanguang Guild is afraid that it would have been dispersed long ago. Lost."

Fitz said quickly: "Sir, don't say that, we all rely on you!"

Nicolas said with a smile: "I know, everyone had a hard time today. But, think about it, Xu Feng is going to ask Zhan Liqun for the bill. Zhan Liqun stabbed him in the back. I’m afraid. Zhan Liqun’s experience is even worse than us."

"Haha, that's pretty fair!"

"Yes, although we have suffered some grievances, I am relieved to think that the next door will be worse than us."

The members of the Hanguang Guild laughed again.

Nicolas said: "Well, everyone will do their jobs. Recently, we have to be very restrained, so as not to be heard by the special envoy again, do you understand?"

"Understood!" everyone replied in unison.

Nicolas nodded and said, "Go ahead."

Fitz's eyes flashed, "Mr. President, I want to go out and buy you more medicine."

Nicolas smiled and said, "My injury is not very serious, just take Mi Xiu's recovery pills."

Fitz said: "I'll see if there are better medicines. After all, the sooner you recover, the sooner we can rest assured."

Sacco smiled and said, "I see it, Master Fitz is interested! Okay, Master Fitz, go ahead. If there are any medicines that are better than Mischau's recovery pills, you can buy them in advance."

Fitz said quickly: "Yes, Lord President, then I will go first."

Nicolas smiled and said, "Well, go to you."

Fitz bowed and turned to leave.

Halfway through, Fitz suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Sacco's words.

Go to hell?

Isn't this a curse?

But Sako shouldn't be scolding him, it should be just a slip of the tongue.

Fitz smiled helplessly, and then hurried out of the Hanguang Guild.

After making sure that no one was following, he went to the side entrance of the castle after making sure that no one was following.

There are almost no people here at the side door, and usually the side door cannot be closed tightly, and no guards can be seen standing guard.

Fitz looked around and knocked on the door panel of the side door lightly.

There was a low voice from inside: "This is the forbidden area of ​​the castle, no one can approach! Get away quickly!"

Fitz said immediately: "There are three flowers in my house."

The voice inside asked, "Oh? What color are they?"

Fitz replied: "They are tall, short, and neither tall nor short."

After such a round of dialogue, the side door of the castle opened.

Fitz made sure that no one saw him, and then quickly got into the side door.

"I want to see your special envoy."

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