Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 906

"Your envoy is waiting for your report, but you have to put on a mask to prevent unrelated people from seeing your face." The guard in charge of welcoming him coldly handed a black mask.

Fitz put it on immediately, and then walked towards the side hall where the envoy was.

When he walked to the door of the side hall, the guard told him: "Your envoy, he is back on the 13th, he has something to tell you."

Then came the lazy voice of the special envoy, "Let him in."


The guard turned around and told Fitz: "After entering, you must take off your mask so that your envoy can see who you are. When you come out, remember to put it on again."

Fitz nodded and said, "I know everything."

The guard smiled and said, "I know you have said it several times, but it is our responsibility to remind you of these things."

Fitz said, "Understood."

"Well, go in." The guard raised his hand.

Fitz immediately walked into the side hall, then took off his mask, and stood with his hands down toward the back room where the envoy was.

"Your Special Envoy, I have something important to tell you."

"Well, it turned out to be you, I put you next to Nicolas, but I didn't let you expose yourself at this time." The envoy said lazily.

Fitz hurriedly said: "Please rest assured, your envoy, that old Sacco has been injured. He will not have any doubts about me. In addition, all the members of the Hanguang Guild are in the resident. I have also been very careful, no one is following me at all."

The envoy said lightly: "Well, it's a good thing to be careful. You just said that Sacco was injured? What's the matter?"

Fitz immediately happily recounted what Xufeng had to do with the Hanguang Guild today.

After listening to the envoy, he said lightly: "So, Xufeng didn't pierce Nicolas's heart?"

Fitz nodded and said: "I can see that Xu Feng wanted to assassinate Nicolas, but unfortunately, he made a mistake. He thought Nicolas would hide, but unexpectedly, Nicolas did not hide. ."

Chapter 12

The envoy was silent for a long time before saying faintly: "Well, it's a pity. Besides, is there any unusual reaction from Nicolas?"

Fitz quickly said: "No, he still hates the Oasis Guild very much, and after today's events, the entire Hanguang Guild is hating Xufeng."

The envoy faintly smiled, "Well, you did a good job, but you are still a bit reckless."

Fitz said quickly: "Your envoy, please rest assured, no one will find me."

The envoy smiled: "I'm not saying you came to the castle to report in broad daylight. I mean, you suggested that Sacco go to single-handedly challenge Xufeng."

Fitz was startled, "At that time...Sacco asked my opinion. I felt that this was a good opportunity to hurt both of them, so I mentioned it."

The envoy smiled and said: "Sacco can be the president of the Hanguang Guild. His city is not what you imagined. He must have already felt it. You want him to die again."

Fitz was taken aback, "No way, he behaved normally. Besides, he praised me to other senior management."

The envoy smiled and said: "I hope I have been thinking about it. After all, Nicolas’s focus today is to deal with Xufeng, so he won’t care too much about some of your loopholes, but you still have to be extra careful. The more you get to this time, the less you can show your feet."

Fitz said immediately: "Yes, your envoy!"

The special envoy said lazily: "Well, I know everything, and I also know that you work very hard. After you destroy the Hanguang Guild, you are a great achievement. I will promote you to the captain of the guards. Your future , Unlimited."

Fitz said excitedly: "Thank you, Your Excellency! Thank you, Your Excellency!"

The envoy said: "Well, go ahead and proceed carefully. If there are no special circumstances recently, don't come to the castle."


Fitz hurriedly bowed to the special envoy, then put on his mask and left the side hall.

After Fitz left, the Shadow Man walked out of the corner.

"That kid Xufeng, actually took the initiative to engage in Nicolas and Zhan Liqun?"

Special envoy Peris smiled: "I said earlier that this kid is desperate for me, and we don't have to doubt him at all. It's impossible for me to go wrong with the Kiss of Souls."

The Shadow Man sneered coldly, "Huh, it's a pity, he didn't pierce Nicolas's heart, and wasted such a great opportunity."

Peris smiled and said: "How many days did Xufeng come to the Trade City? How many days has Nico been to the Trade City? Nicolas is the president of the largest guild anyhow, with first-class strength, experience, and equipment. Xufeng can stab him in the shoulder.

The shadow man said coldly: "I just said that he is not good, so you can help him to speak, is it possible that you already have his place in your heart?"

Peris said angrily: "Why do you always get jealous for no reason? Xufeng is now a tool in our hands! I'm just using him!"

The Shadow Man was silent for a while, "Well, anyway, when the four major guilds are eliminated and our worries are relieved, you must kill him."

Peris smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know that kid's weakness, I naturally have a way to deal with him."

The Shadow Man sneered: "That's good."

At this time, there was another rapid footstep outside the hall.

"Report to your envoy, the 14th is coming."

Peris smiled faintly, "Oh? It's the secret whistle of the Oasis Guild. Okay, let him in."

The shadow man disappeared silently in the corner.

A lean man walked in respectfully, took off his mask, and showed a panic face.

"Report to your special envoy, Xu Feng that he just went to the Oasis Guild. In addition to taking 18,000 shadow power points, he also asked Su Xiaoyueyou, Xiaoxi, Li Hongwei and the three of them to go to the Oasis Guild’s warehouse and move away. Mostly equipped."

"Oh?" Peris raised her brows, "Xufeng actually treats Oasis Guild like this? No love at all?"

The person replied: "Yes, Zhan Liqun begged, saying that each person would take two at most, but Xufeng didn't give Zhan Liqun face at all. In front of many Oasis Guild members, he moved the equipment from the Oasis Treasury. I have seen all of those equipment. Although I took them randomly, there are really a few very good equipment. If the overall loss is estimated, it is at least more than 20,000."

Peris smiled and asked, "What is Zhan Liqun's performance?"

The person replied: "Zhan Liqun was going crazy, shouting to cut off justice with Xufeng En, and then Xu Feng really cut off from him, he didn't dare to do anything with Xufeng, so he could only watch Xufeng leave. Then, he shut himself in the room alone, crying and laughing. I vaguely heard that he said he had taken a wrong step, and it was all over."

"Hahahaha!" Perliss smiled happily: "This Xufeng is really beautiful. Two consecutive blows have severely weakened the two big guilds! Of the four big guilds, I am afraid that the only one who has some strength, just The Dawn Guild is left—well, in this way, I can also free up my hands to deal with the Dawn Guild. Okay, you can go back. Be careful recently. If there is nothing important, please don’t contact me. Show your feet at the critical moment."

"Yes, your envoy." The man bowed, put on the mask hastily, and then turned to leave.

The Shadow Man walked out from the corner again, "I didn't expect that kid to work so hard."

Peris smiled and said: "Yes, I originally thought that after Xufeng entered the story dungeon, I would find a chance to weaken the Hanguang Guild and the Oasis Guild. Unexpectedly, he would do it for me. But think about it. This is also quite reasonable. After all, both the Hanguang Guild and the Oasis Guild have robbed his shop. Xufeng is a young man with a strong spirit, and he values ​​victory and face. He will naturally choose to retaliate in public. ."

The shadow man asked: "Then our next step is to ignore the three major guilds, but to find opportunities to deal with the dawn guild?"

Peris said: "Yes, Marin of the Dawn Guild has always been at odds with us. We have to find an excuse to weaken his guild power. Now the strength of the three major guilds is no longer good. Lin asked for help, but there was nothing to help him. This is a good opportunity for us to take action."

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