Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 907

The Shadow Man asked: "Then what excuse do you find to deal with Dawn Guild?"

Peris thought for a while, and then smiled faintly: "Why don't you want to commit a crime? We want to fuck him, just find an excuse."

The Shadow Man said coldly: "I don't like this feeling. I like to go straight. If I am not injured, I can destroy his entire Dawn Guild by myself."

Peris said softly: "I know, don't be impulsive. Wait for that little idiot Xufeng, get back the quest items we need in "The Lord of the Rings", and all your strength will be restored. Time is when we show off our skills..."

Chapter 13 Newly-developed Moon Sleep Tea

At the same time, Xu Feng took Su Xiaoyue and the others, and returned with a full load.

This time I went to the Oasis Guild to "find something", Xufeng specially brought Su Xiaoyue and the others. After Zhan Liqun paid 18,000 shadow power points, Xufeng asked Su Xiaoyue and the others to go to the Oasis Guild's treasure house to choose equipment at will .

Now, what Su Xiaoyue and the others were holding in their hands and hanging on their bodies were all excellent equipment from Oasis Guild.

The value of these equipment alone can sell for 10,000 or 20,000 Shadow Energy Points.

Li Hongwei smiled happily: "Today is really enjoyable! Zhan Liqun is a big loss now! You haven't seen his last desperate and helpless face, hahaha!"

Su Xiaoyue also smiled happily: "Haha, who is the one who stabbed us in the back? I think that this kind of punishment by our brother Feng to him is considered light!"

You Xiaoxi said anxiously: "But, after all, we took so many things from Oasis Guild. People from Oasis Guild should hate us very much, right?"

Su Xiaoyue said indifferently, "So what? Who told them to come and seize our shop first? Besides, hate is hate, we don't expect everyone to like us, they hate to hate, more importantly It's afraid!"

Li Hongwei smiled and said, "Brother Xiaoyue is right! We can't expect everyone to like us, but we have to let those who don't like us know that they are afraid of us, so that they won't dare to make a mistake."

Su Xiaoyue asked: "Brother Feng, how do you deal with these equipment? It's better to hand it to me, I will put it in the auction and sell it."

Xufeng shook his head slightly, "Not for sale."

Su Xiaoyue blinked, "Not for sale? But, we can't wear these high-level equipment, so it's better to sell them for shadows and use them for points."

Xufeng smiled faintly, "All these equipments are sent to my room. I will use them to practice and decompose enchantments."

Su Xiaoyue laughed, "Yes, these equipment have the value of decomposing and enchanting! Okay, Xiaoxi, you stay to see the store, and Hongwei and I will send the equipment to Feng Ge first."

You Xiaoxi said happily, "Okay. Brother Feng, sit down and I'll make tea for you."

"Yeah." Xu Feng smiled and nodded.

This time he took the initiative to attack and "suppressed" the two big guilds at the same time, causing the two guilds to suffer a huge "loss"-of course, this was deliberately played for the special envoy Peris.

And the result is also obvious, their performance was very successful.

Especially Sacco had a sword in the shoulder, which was enough to make Peris greatly relax her vigilance.

In this way, Peris would no longer deal with the Hanguang Guild and the Oasis Guild when Xufeng went to the story copy.

Among the four major guilds, the only one that still retains strength is the Dawn Guild.

Then, the focus of Peris's next stage is definitely to establish the Dawn Guild.

This can be regarded as Xu Feng's "disaster" to the dawn of the guild.

However, there is no other way. The president of Guild Liming, Marin, is a stubborn old man. If Xufeng alone is to persuade him, it will be difficult for Marin to come together with the other three major guilds to cooperate sincerely. He had to suffer a little bit and let him understand that only the four major guilds were the only way out.

Xufeng closed his eyes to rest his mind, while thinking about the next plan.

The current situation is equivalent to playing chess. The two sides of the game seem to be the special envoy Peris and the four major guilds, but in fact, it is Peris and Xufeng in a duel.

Peris has a powerful advantage, whether in terms of personal strength or military strength.

And Xufeng's only advantage is that Peris hasn't realized that Xufeng, who is disguised as a chess piece, is not actually a chess piece.

Therefore, Xu Feng must make good use of this advantage. Before he is fully strong, he must coordinate the four major guilds and preserve the strength of the four major guilds.

Until he was strong enough to contend with the envoy, and the strength of the four major guilds could also face the guards and guards, Xu Feng could get rid of the camouflage of chess pieces and confront Peris upright.

"Brother Feng, have a cup of tea." You Xiaoxi smiled and held a cup of steaming tea.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Thanks for your hard work, Xiaoxi."

You Xiaoxi blushed and said, "You don’t have to work hard, Feng Ge, you are working hard. Oh, by the way, Feng Ge, I recently studied a new tea called Yuemian Tea. After drinking it, I can immediately fall asleep. Any disturbance, moreover, you can sleep fully in two hours."

Xu Feng was surprised and said: "There is this kind of tea? I think tea is refreshing?"

You Xiaoxi laughed and said: "Tea has refreshing and tranquilizing properties. Xingyue tea is refreshing, and Yuemian tea is soothing. Although Yuemian tea is not as direct as Xingyue tea, after drinking it , It only takes two hours to sleep, and it can achieve the effect that ordinary people must sleep for eight hours, which is even better than the normal sleep of eight hours. This can greatly save sleep time while ensuring sleep quality. Come and do something more meaningful."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Xiaoxi! This new research of yours is really very good! Get me a few cups of samples, and I will try it at night."

I can't sleep now, because Xufeng still has a lot of things to do.

You Xiaoxi quickly said, "There is only one cup of Yuemian Tea now...Why don't it be like this. After I make three more cups, I will ask Brother Xiaoyue to send it to you."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "It's okay. How about the cost of this moon sleep tea?"

You Xiaoxi smiled and said: "The cost is only half of Xingyue Tea. However, during the research and development, it took a lot of effort and the preparation failed hundreds of times."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Then if mass production is possible, one cup will sell for 88 shadow energy points."

You Xiaoxi said in surprise: "88 Shadow Energy Points? Will it be too expensive?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "How much time and cost can Moonmian Tea save? 88 Shadow Energy points are not expensive."

You Xiaoxi nodded, "Yes, I listen to Brother Feng."

At this time, Su Xiaoyue and Li Hongwei came back with triumphant and excited smiles on their faces.

"Brother Feng, guess what? We are walking on the road, and everyone greets us!"

"Haha, everyone who knows or doesn't, bows to us, but makes us so happy!"

Xufeng smiled faintly, "After these two things today, I believe that no one will dare to harass our Xufeng Business Alliance anymore. You can also let go of your hands and feet and expand your business. By the way, Xiaoyue, Majestic, take you Give me your identity token."

"Yes! Brother Feng!"

The two quickly handed over the identity token.

Not to mention the tokens, even if they were asked to hand over their lives immediately, they would not hesitate at all.

After all, their lives and all the honors they now enjoy were bestowed by Xufeng.

Chapter 14 New Alchemy Mission

Xufeng poured ideas into Su Xiaoyue's identity token, and transferred 10,000 Shadow Energy Points to Su Xiaoyue's account.

Immediately afterwards, Xufeng transferred eight thousand shadow energy points to Li Hongwei's account.

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