Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 910

Qi Luo smiled and said, "I know you are not targeting the Hanguang Guild and the Oasis Guild, but if this goes on, your reputation will not be very good."

Xu Feng said indifferently: "Fame or something has no practical significance. What I want is the final result, I want to defeat the envoy Peris!"

Qi Luo nodded and said, "I feel relieved to see you so firm."

Xufeng smiled and said, "By the way, sister Qiluo, I still need to trouble you."

Qiluo smiled and said, "What's the matter, just talk about it."

Xufeng scratched his ears with embarrassment, "I want a crystal container."

Qi Luo said in surprise: "A crystal container? Doesn't this mean the old thing again?"

Xu Feng said quickly: "This is an alchemy task given to me by Uncle Mi Xiu, and this alchemy task is about whether this can create a detoxification potion for bone scavengers."

Qi Luo immediately said, "Since this is the case, then it's okay. You eat first, and I will go and make only crystal containers."

Xufeng said quickly: "Sister Qiluo, I'm very curious, can I follow along and have a look?"

Qi Luo smiled and said: "You are my apprentice, of course this is fine, come on."


Xu Feng tore off a chicken leg and hurriedly followed Qi Luo.

Qi Luo walked into the secret room, and after Xufeng followed, he closed the secret room door.

Xufeng asked, "Sister Qiluo, why are you in the secret room? Are you afraid of others peeking? The Arcane Manor is guarded by the four heavenly kings, who dares to make a mistake?"

Qiluo smiled and said, "It’s not that you are afraid of being peeked and learnt by making a crystal container in the secret room. People who don’t have a foundation in arcane arts, even if I make them in front of him, he can’t learn it. Here, the main purpose is to make the stardust light more concentrated, so that it will be convenient for me to cut the crystal with the stardust light."

Xu Feng said in surprise: "It turns out to be cut with stardust light! Wouldn't it cost a lot of stardust energy and also cost several arcane crystals?"

Qi Luo smiled and said: "Well, it will probably consume a dozen or so stardust light balls of level 40, and it will consume eight arcane crystals."

Xu Feng exclaimed: "Damn! The cost of this crystal container is very high! At least-tens of thousands of shadow points!"

Qi Luo smiled and said: "Of course, the crystal container is something that can travel through planes. Such a thing that is against the sky is naturally expensive. However, such a crystal container can be used for three times in a shuttle, so the cost is still acceptable."

Xu Feng took a deep breath, "It can only be used three times, it hurts."

Qi Luo smiled and said: "What do you hurt? Stardust light ball and arcane crystals are all produced by me. Just take the crystal container and complete the alchemy task."

Xu Feng said quickly: "Don't! Sister Qiluo, how can I make you spend money?"

Qi Luo said: "Don't be polite with me, if you really feel sorry for it, then do a task for me too."

Xu Feng asked quickly: "Sister Qi Luo, please give me an order!"

Qi Luo said: "If I'm not wrong, the first stage of the Snow Emperor Team should be "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", right?"

Xufeng nodded and said, "Yes."

Keiro said: "That would be just right-I want you to go to Rivendell, get a piece of elven crystal, and ask Elrond, the elven king, to pour his magic power into it."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Good Sister Qiluo, I remember."

Keiro nodded, "Okay, when I start to cut with arcane spells, you should be careful not to look directly at the light bursting out of the crystal, otherwise you will temporarily lose sight of things."

"Yes, Sister Qiluo." Xufeng quickly narrowed his eyes.

Qi Luo immediately concentrated on her mind, and eight arcane crystals floated out of her clothes automatically, and slowly gathered together.

And at this time, Qi Luo controlled the Stardust Light Ball with his mind, drawing and releasing their energy, forming a dazzling and powerful cutting line.

Qi Luo then manipulated the light to cut the arcane crystal on multiple sides, and the arcane crystal was cut into a crystal cage.

Qi Luo welded these crystals with stardust energy, finally creating a complete crystal cage.

When the crystal cage is completely manufactured, the glare of the secret room will disappear.

Qi Luo let out a deep breath, and almost collapsed to the ground.

Xufeng quickly stepped forward and held Qi Luo's body with one arm.

"Sister Qi Luo, are you okay?"

Qi Luo's face was pale and shook his head, "It's okay, it's just that the experience consumes too much. Just drink a cup of Xingyue tea and rest for a night."

Xu Feng said quite self-blame: "I'm sorry, Sister Qiluo, I had known such a consumption of energy, I would not let you make this crystal cage for me."

Qiluo smiled and said, "Silly boy, it’s a life-saving benefit for you to research out the antidote earlier! I’m so tired, it’s not a big deal at all, just take a short rest—and I’ve been a long time I haven't done this kind of stuff anymore. I do it once in a while, and I feel quite fulfilled. Oh, by the way, you put the crystal cage away, and then hurry up to eat. I can just sit here and rest for a while."

"Sister Qi Luo..." Xu Feng's heart was warmed and doubled.

Qi Luo smiled and said: "Also, the old man should have sent you a lot of alchemy iron ingots and alchemy gold ingots, right? You put them all here, and when I finish my cultivation tomorrow, I will convert them into arcane iron ingots. And arcane gold ingots."

"Well, thank you Sister Qiluo." Xufeng took out the prepared alchemy iron ingots and alchemical gold ingots and placed them in the secret room.

Ke Luo waved his hand, "Go, let me rest here quietly for a while."

Xufeng said, "Sister Qiluo, I'll stay and take care of you."

Qi Luo smiled and said, "No, there's a dull guy, I'll be fine."

"All right," Xu Feng said respectfully, "Sister Qiluo, take a good rest."

After speaking, Xu Feng bowed, took the crystal cage, turned and walked out of the secret room.

Chapter 17

When Xufeng left the Arcane Manor, it was already very late.

There was not a single pedestrian on the street, only the occasional guard patrolling past.

Xu Feng avoided the patrol team and headed to Hanguang Guild in the dark.

This time, he was visiting secretly, so naturally he could not go through the front door.

With his super strong body skills, he easily crossed the high wall of the Hanguang Guild's residence and jumped into the backyard of the Hanguang Guild.

The members of the Hanguang Guild also basically rested, except for the room of President Nicolas Nicolas, who was still lit by a faint light.

Xufeng felt it for a while and determined that there was only one person in Saco's room, and leaned in lightly.

The door was vacant.

Obviously, Nicolas knew that Xufeng would come.

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