Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 911

Xu Feng smiled knowingly, pushed the door and walked in, closing it smoothly.

"Who?" Nicolas asked alertly.

Xu Feng walked under the light and shadow and smiled faintly: "It's me."

Nicolas hurriedly got up from the bunk and wanted to salute Xufeng. Xufeng helped Nicolas in a hand, "What are you doing?"

Sacco said with a grateful expression: "Master Xufeng, thank you very much! Now our Hanguang Guild is angry, don't mention how all the hearts are! This is all thanks to you!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "We are all members of the dark alliance, don't say anything to thank you, okay, lie down soon-I stabbed you during the day, does it matter?"

Sacco said with a blushing face: "Master Xufeng, your sword is really good at stabbing. If I have such a slight distrust of you, I am afraid I will be useless now! Look at me now, It’s just a little bit of skin and flesh wounds. Just take a rest for two or three days."

Xu Feng nodded slightly, "It is also helpless to stab you, so that the special envoy Peris will stop attacking and focus on your Hanguanghui. I brought you three cups of stars. Moon tea, there are three powerful recovery pills."

With that said, Xufeng took out the Xingyue Tea and the powerful recovery pills prepared in advance.

Nicolas hurriedly said: "Master Xufeng, please don't be so polite. Your sword is a great help to our Hanguang Guild. Why am I embarrassed to accept your things? I should give you the things. !"

Xufeng smiled and said: "We are all members of the Dark Alliance, so you don’t have to be so polite—in addition, according to the agreement, what I weaken you will return it to you intact. I stabbed you. Bring you some Xingyue tea and powerful recovery pills, too. Oh, yes, give me your identity token."

Nicolas said with a smile: "Master Xufeng, are you going to give me the extra 10,000 shadow power points, right? Cough, I'm a bit embarrassed to talk about this. I kept sending people to bother me before. At Xiaoyue Flower Shop, I did not do anything against you. I sincerely recognize the IOU for the 20,000 shadow power points! Therefore, if you don’t weaken me by you, I can’t ask for it."

Xufeng smiled and said, "That said, but I only came to ask you for this account after signing the dark alliance agreement. According to the dark alliance treaty, I should return it to you. Besides, you The Hanguang Guild also needs funds very much now, otherwise when you next system mission, there will be many people who cannot afford the shadow power points needed for the mission."

"This..." Nicolas hesitated.

To be honest, he really felt that he shouldn't want Xufeng's phantom power point.

However, because of Xufeng's "forcing debts", their guild's current shadow power points are very tight. If this continues, I am afraid that they will not even be able to pay the normal membership dues.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Take it, everything is based on the interests of the dark alliance."

"Yes!" Nicolas nodded gratefully, and took out his identity token, "Master Xufeng, this is what I owe you. Don't worry. When the conditions of our Hanguang Guild improve, I will pay 20,000 The shadow energy points are given to you as many."

Xufeng laughed, "Okay, but I remember what you said, then, don't deny it."

Nicolas hurriedly said: "Absolutely not!"

Xufeng immediately transferred the 10,000 shadow energy points to Nicolas's identity token, and then handed the tokens to Nicolas.

"And this." Xufeng then took out a crystal shard, "This is an idea communicator with me. When we are inconvenient to meet in the future, you can contact me by concentrating your mind—— Of course, if I go to the story transcript, then you can only leave me a message, and when I return to the Survivor plane, I will see your message."

Nicolas said with a smile: "This thing is good! As expected, it won't be a direct disciple of Master Qi Luo!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Take the crystal shards, and pour your thoughts into the crystal shards."


Nicolas followed Xu Feng's instructions, and the crystal shards melted into Nicolas in an instant.

"Well, now, you can try to communicate with me with your mind." Xu Feng said.

Nicolas hurriedly closed his mouth and said to Xufeng with his mind: "Master Xufeng! Hanguang Guild will always follow you!"

Xufeng immediately replied with thoughts: "Very well, President Nicolas."

Nicolas grinned and said, "This thing is really easy to use!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "It's a pity, whether it's receiving or releasing, it's very exhausting, so I will use it later for important things."

"Yes, Master Xufeng!"

Xu Feng said again: "Also, I want to inform you that the Abyss Guild has also joined the dark alliance. Therefore, we will all be a family in the future. If there is any conflict, come to me first and let me decide. "

Sako’s eyes lit up, "Great, the Abyss Guild has also joined, then the power of our dark alliance has grown a lot, when the old guy Marin can also join the Dawn Guild, we can really Faced with the old lady Peris."

"Well, there will be such a day." Xu Feng smiled: "You should heal your injuries first, and let the Hanguang Guild take the courage and accumulate strength."

"Subordinates understand." Sacco said immediately, "Oh, by the way, Master Xufeng, I have one more thing to ask you."

"You speak up."

"After my observations and inferences, in our Hanguang Guild, there are indeed a small number of secret whistles sent by special envoys. Among them, Fitz, a high-level member, is one of the secret whistles!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Sure enough, I already thought that Fitz had a problem."

Sacco said with lingering fears: "Fortunately, Master Xufeng, you reminded me in advance, otherwise, I am afraid I don't know how I died! That old lady, Peris, was in the major guilds a long time ago. A secret whistle has been placed! Master Xufeng, should I find an opportunity to get rid of these people completely?"

Xufeng shook his head, "Don’t act rashly. If you move Peris’ secret whistle, Peris will know immediately. In fact, it doesn’t matter if there is a secret whistle. The secret whistle has always been a double-edged sword, and Peris can use it. Secret whistle to monitor us, we can also use secret whistle to deliver false news."

Chapter 18

Sako was startled, and then grinned: "Yeah, why didn't I think of it! Haha, speaking of it, this Fitz can be considered creditable today. If he hadn't reported to the special envoy that old woman, the envoy would have paid Will not move the focus of attention from our Hanguang Guild."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, in short, you can treat these secret whistles as ignorance, just be careful not to let them get close to the core secrets."

"Don't worry about this, I know what to do." Nicolas said with a smile.

Xufeng said, "Well, I can't stay here for a long time. Just take care of your injuries. If you have anything, communicate with me with your mind."

"Yes!" Sako struggled to get up, trying to send Xufeng away.

Xufeng pressed Sacco's shoulders, "You just need to lie down, and I will walk quietly so as not to be seen."

"Okay, Master Xufeng." Nicolas could only lie down.

Xufeng nodded at Nicolas, and sensed the situation outside the door, then quietly opened the door and flashed out quickly.

After leaving the Hanguang Guild safely, Xu Feng went on to the Oasis Guild.

Zhan Liqun was obviously smarter than Sako. Zhan Liqun moved all the guards away and stayed in the room alone. He said that he wanted to be clean and clean by himself, but he was actually waiting for Xufeng's arrival.

Xu Feng easily entered the Oasis Guild, and also easily walked into Zhan Liqun's room.

Zhan Liqun said excitedly: "Brother Xufeng - no, Master Xufeng! You are finally here! I thought you forgot me!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Brother Zhan, don't be so polite, what's your name? I'd better call my brother. What happened during the day today, we are just acting, and it's not really stubborn."

"Yes, yes!" Zhan Liqun said with a smile on his face: "Actually, I did not do the right thing to seize the shop. Brother Xufeng, you punished me like this. I feel happy in my heart. I don't ask for anything else. Brother Xufeng, please don't care about the mistakes I made before."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Brother Zhan, I didn't care about it a long time ago, otherwise, how could I sign a dark alliance agreement with you? Come, give me your identity token."

Zhan Liqun opened his eyes and asked, "Identity token? What do you want this for?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I had someone take 35 pieces of equipment from your treasury today, and when converted, it would cost almost 20,000 shadow power points."

Zhan Liqun said quickly: "No, no, Brother Xufeng, we are our own family, you should take it, don’t be polite!"

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