Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 916

After Xu Feng asked hello, he walked straight to the Deity Killing Treasury, then closed the door, and practiced in the Deity Killing Treasure by herself.

Xu Feng is probably the first one to practice enchanting techniques on the land of an alchemist.

After he disassembled all the equipment, it was almost noon.

Xu Feng temporarily put the decomposed Stardust Light Balls into his own inventory, then walked out of the Deity Killing Treasury, simply bid farewell to Mi Xiu, and then went to the Arcane Manor.

The Stardust Light Ball is in the form of pure energy, which is extremely difficult to save. Even if it is placed in the inventory of its own spiritual table, its energy will gradually fade.

So the last resort is to put it in a special sealed crystal room, and the only one in the trading city that has a sealed crystal room secret room is Qi Luo.

When he arrived at the Arcane Manor, Qiluo had already recovered her spirit.

Yesterday, she made a crystal cage for Xufeng, which almost consumed all her energy. In the end, she fell asleep for a whole day and drank three cups of Xingyue tea before barely recovering.

Although the years didn't make any obvious marks on her face, her energy and physical stamina had reached the peak. It was not easy to maintain it, and it was difficult to improve.

Seeing Qi Luo standing on the steps early and waiting for his arrival, Xu Feng's heart was suddenly filled with warmth.

This situation is like a kind mother waiting for her playful child to come home for dinner.

Xufeng walked up quickly, "Sister Qiluo, I'm here."

Qi Luo smiled slightly, "You didn't come for breakfast this morning."

Xu Feng smiled embarrassedly, "This morning...overslept."

He deliberately concealed the drinking with the two girls last night, after all, this kind of thing should not be shown off.

Qi Luo said with a slight complaint: "Remember to eat breakfast. The plan for a day is the morning. If you don't eat breakfast, it will be difficult to have energy this day."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, I remember Sister Qi Luo, I will have breakfast in the future."

Qi Luo smiled and said, "Well, come on, have lunch together."

Dui served a table full of delicacies, all kinds of delicacies, delicacies and seafood, extremely rich.

Xu Feng said in surprise: "Sister Qiluo, is this... to see me off?"

Qi Luo gave him an angry look, "How do you speak? You can't use auspicious words if you say yourself?"

Xu Feng smiled, grabbed the chopsticks, and ate it without scruples.

Qi Luo ate while exhorting: "Afeng, the "Lord of the Rings" series is no better than the plot copies you have experienced before, and the plot copies you have experienced before are all normal world plots, even if they are "Pirates of the Caribbean" is a copy of the plot with a god civilization, which is also very suitable for the characteristics of Western history in the 16th and 17th centuries, while the Middle-earth continent in "The Lord of the Rings" is a completely different world. The familiar civilizations are completely different, with different species distribution and customs and beliefs."

Xu Feng nodded slightly, "I probably know a little bit, sister Qiluo. However, if you can tell me more, it should be very helpful to me."

Qi Luo was very satisfied with Xufeng’s humbly learning attitude. She put a piece of grilled salmon skin on Xufeng, and then continued: "The plot of "The Lord of the Rings" takes place in a plane called [Middle-earth]. It is a world of high force and high magic. There are not only humans in that world, but also various other races, such as hobbits, such as dwarves, orcs, treants, Maya, elves, strong orcs, and Vera. "

"Needless to say, human beings are just like you and me, but they only entered the Third Age when they were in the Lord of the Rings, which is the year 2850 when Middle-earth was created. Therefore, their civilization is still equivalent to ours. Known as the civilization around the Middle Ages."

Xufeng blinked in surprise, "It's 2850 years old, and still staying in the Middle Ages? Are they mentally retarded?"

Qi Luo smiled and said, "You, how much do you think human history has in the real world? Although the actual era is only around 2000, the civilization recorded in the real world is more than 10,000 years old. !"

Xu Feng suddenly realized, "So, the civilization of Middle-earth is developing faster than our real world."

Qi Luo smiled and said: "More than fast? Our real world is a world without divine power interference, and Middle-earth is a world created by Vera."

"Vera?" Xu Feng recalled carefully, but didn't realize that there was this name in the "Lord of the Rings" movie he had watched.

Qi Luo smiled and said: "Vera, you can understand it as the creator god-of course, this is the creator god in the "Lord of the Rings" worldview. In the "Lord of the Rings" worldview, Vera is the most noble sage in the universe. , The Creator."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "This is the same as all myths and legends tell, there is a main god who created everything in the world."

Qi Luo shook his head, "Vera in the Lord of the Rings is not a single person, but a group of main gods. Each main god has a clear division of labor. There are those who are in charge of creation, those who are in charge of conquests, and those who are in charge of hunting. He has knowledge of life and magic. The most powerful Vera is named Iluvata. He was born at the same time as the universe of the Lord of the Rings. He is the father of all things and the god of gods."

"In the universe of the Lord of the Rings, the universe of the previous generation had no creatures, but it produced countless bright spots. Of course, it also produced a lot of corresponding void forces."

"When the power of light grows to the limit that the universe can withstand, the power of the void also grows to the limit. So, the two forces of yin and yang collide with each other, triggering the Big Bang!"

Hearing this, Xu Feng couldn't help smiling and said: "Sister Qiluo, I don't know, I thought you were telling me about junior high school physics. But you also mentioned Yin and Yang, which doesn't seem like physics anymore.

Qi Luo smiled and said: "The end of science is originally metaphysics. Moreover, light and emptiness are originally pronouns. Naturally, yin and yang can also be replaced by higher scientific terms. It is easier for us to understand what is said in yin and yang. some.".

Xu Feng nodded in agreement, "Yes, Sister Qiluo, you can continue talking."

What Qi Luo talked about was not shown in the movie "The Lord of the Rings" and involved the most basic knowledge of "The Lord of the Rings", so Xu Feng listened with gusto.

Chapter 24 The Origin of the Secondary Gods

Qi Luo drank a sip of Xingyue tea, cleared his throat, and continued: "I just said that the Lord of the Rings has the Big Bang? The cause of the Big Bang is the power of light and the power of void, which can also be said to be Yin and Yang. This is caused by the inability of forces to coordinate with each other. After the Big Bang, the power of light and the force of the void were blown up, and a new universe was born after the explosion."

"Those light forces that have been blown up have evolved into stars, and those void forces that have been blown up have evolved into black holes."

"Some stars are not conscious, and some stars have light consciousness. Such stars, which later became Vera, may be translated as the Creator."

"Of course, these stars with bright consciousness were not awakened in the first place, but at the time of the Big Bang, there was a piece of bright fragment that was so large that the stars and stars could not contain his consciousness."

"His consciousness immediately awakened, and his spirit was no longer bound by the stars and stars. He portrayed himself into the image of a Titan."

"The image of this Titan giant spreads with his mind and spans the entire star area. It can be said that as long as the planetary body affected by his own star can be counted as his Titan body. If we use our Comparing the well-known galaxies, this newborn Titan should be the size of a thousand galaxies."

"And this Titan giant, whose name is Iluvata, is also the top deity in the world of the Lord of the Rings. When Iluvata has finished shaping his star body, and has further improved his mind and consciousness, he felt Loneliness and loneliness."

"Because he is the only creature in the newly born new universe."

"However, he doesn't feel that he is destined to be alone. He can feel the existence of other light consciousnesses. So he uses his light power to continuously explore in the new universe and find his own kind."

"Sure enough, he found fifteen stars in the universe that also possessed the divine consciousness of light. He used his divine power to assist these light fragments to awaken one by one, and guided them to create his own image."

"These fifteen new-born gods are called Vera. If translated into a language that we can understand, they would be-gods. There is only one main god, and that is Iluvata, and Vera is a group of gods. For lower-level divine bodies, the power of these deities comes from the main god Iluvata. If the astral body of Iluvata itself is destroyed, then the divine power of these deities will also be greatly reduced."

"After discovering fifteen gods, Iluvata felt that there would be no other light of the same kind in the universe. At the same time, he was also very satisfied with his achievements. With such satisfaction, he entered infinite dormancy. ."

"Before he enters dormancy, he told his fifteen men to build an orderly and light world in order to fight against the increasing power of the void."

"His gods obeyed his will. After he fell asleep, he found a very perfect planet, Arda, which is Middle-earth."

"However, there is a problem that the nascent Middle-earth world is too fragile and cannot stand the direct visit of the gods with stellar energy."

"So the gods held a meeting, and in the end they decided to separate a part of their permanent divine powers and create some life creations with immortal life and powerful power in accordance with their images, and let these life creations replace them. To build Middle-earth."

"Therefore, the first batch of life creations appeared. They were not born, but fabricated by divine power, just like our legend that Nuwa created human beings, but our Nuwa created a lot. People, and the gods of light, they only created five people in the first batch, and these five people are also the people who have received the most divine power, and the people who are recreated later are far inferior to these five people."

"The gods of light call these five people [Meiya], which directly translates to Vera’s subordinates. Since Maya was also created by the power of light, it is also a god, but it does not constitute the level of a deity. It can only be regarded as a secondary god."

"The first batch of gods are all famous and famous. Among them are the white-robed wizard Saruman, the gray-robed wizard Gandalf, the brown-robed wizard Radagast, the blue-robed wizard Romestaru, and one— -Black-robed wizard: Sauron."

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