Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 917

Hearing this, Xu Feng suddenly exclaimed, "Sauron? The villain in the Lord of the Rings movie? The dark lord who cast the Supreme Lord of the Rings? He was originally from the light group?"

Qi Luo smiled faintly, "Yes, who can be born as a wicked villain?"

Xu Feng nodded in agreement, "This is also true... However, except for the fact that Sauron, the villain, was actually a creation of light, I haven't thought of it. It turns out that the four great wizards are not humans. I have always I thought they were all humans."

Qiluo smiled and said: "They are not humans, they are much earlier than humans. They were assigned by the fifteen gods and came to Arda, that is, Middle-earth, and slowly began to establish a new order for Middle-earth."

"Counting from the time when the five secondary gods arrived in Middle-earth, Middle-earth had a year. That year was also the first year of the first era of Middle-earth.

"The five sub-gods carried out drastic transformations in Middle-earth to make Middle-earth more suitable for living things. It was also at this time that the native creatures of Middle-earth began to multiply, all kinds of animals and plants, and at the same time A whole new race was born-elves."

"The elves are blessed by the lord god Iluvata. Although Iluvata has fallen asleep, he created and influenced the birth of the elves with his own divine power when he was dreaming. It can be said that the elves are It was born with the best wishes of the Lord God Iluvata."

"The elves are slender, their skin is gray, and their ears are pointed. Women are extremely beautiful, and men are even more beautiful than women. The average height of this race is two meters, and women are almost 1.8 meters tall and 1.9 meters tall. And men are generally two meters tall, two meters tall."

"The elves like to be close to nature. The territories they live in are lush and beautiful places. They are agile and vigorous, and they are good fighters with dexterity. The most important thing is that they have a very long life span, three thousand years. For them, this time is only equivalent to three years."

"Gandalf, the gray-robed mage, likes the energy race very much. He often changes into the elves, communicates with the elves, and even teaches them magic skills."

"Therefore, the civilization of the elves developed very quickly. Not only did they have their own army, but also formed three elven kingdoms. The first elven kingdom was the kingdom of the dark jungle elves. One of the most important commanders in the Battle of the Five Armies and the Holy War of the Ring."

Chapter 25-A Bigger Conspiracy

"The second elven king is Elrond, also known as Elrond. King Elrond is half human, so he looks a bit older than ordinary elves, but at the same time, he is also the most The wise one has a very harmonious relationship with the human race. King Elrond’s territory is Rivendell, and every time the alliance of various races gathers, it will be held in Rivendell."

"The third elf king, or more accurately, is the elf queen, this elf queen Galadriel, she is also the mother-in-law of King Elrond. Her daughter is married to King Elrond, but her appearance , Younger than King Elrond. Of course, she is also the elf with the strongest magic power. She is one of the few elf who knows the identity of Gandalf's secondary god Maya. She has a very good relationship with Gandalf."

"While the elves are booming, the five sub-gods have not forgotten to foster the civilizations of other races, including humans, dwarves, hobbits, treants, etc., are gradually born and developed rapidly."

"All of this was originally perfect, and it was completely in line with the Creator God's expectation of order and a bright world."

"However, this perfect situation did not last long."

"First of all, there are disputes within the fifteen gods."

"Some of the main gods believe that the development of Middle-earth should not be excessively interfered, as long as the order is established. Another part of the main gods believe that these middle-earth creatures are ignorant and their number is gradually increasing, so more should be sent. The subordinate gods of God rule them so that they can strictly observe the order."

"The two main gods are quarrelsome, and one of them is Morgoth. He deliberately ran to the sleeping star area of ​​Iluvata, and wanted to awaken Iluvata and asked Iluvata to do a detailed description. And tell them what to do next."

"However, Iluvata has entered the deepest sleep, and he simply ignored Morgoth's call."

"Morgoth was very disappointed, but at the same time, an evil thought arose in his heart. He wanted to try to see if something happened in Middle-earth and Iluvata wouldn't wake up?"

"So, he secretly used his power to cause natural disasters in Middle-earth."

"This disaster caused a lot of losses to the Chinese Civilization, but other gods of light quickly intervened to prevent the disaster from spreading further."

"Of course, everyone didn't realize that it was the disaster caused by Morgoth. The gods of light were still busy arguing about their topics."

"So Morgoth secretly created something evil in the Middle-earth Continent. He caught a group of elves and combined these elves with beasts to create a new group of magical species-half-orcs."

"The orcs are huge, with pointed ears, and their skin is like albino. They hate all good things, they are bloodthirsty, and they continue to kill."

"It can be said that half-orcs possess all evil qualities. At the same time, their life span is also very long, and their combat power is more than twice that of ordinary elves!"

"They are as strong as beasts, and they can often run for several days and nights in a row. Of course, they don't like sunlight. When the sunlight is strongest, their strength is relatively weak."

"After the creation of the half-orcs, the original calm situation in Middle-earth was broken. The elves absolutely refused to admit that these ugly, bloodthirsty half-orcs were their kin, but the elves have long been accustomed to a comfortable life. , They don’t have enough troops to defeat the Orcs’ invasion."

"So, the elves began to ask for help from humans and other races, and the five major sub-divine wizards naturally stood on the side of elves and humans, helping the elves fight the invasion of half-orcs."

"Hiding behind the scenes, Morgoth saw that the battle began to turn around, so he boldly began to create Balrog creatures and dragon creatures. Balrogs are pure flame energy bodies that live in the underground magma layer, and dragons are A creature created by Morgoth's own power and personally created."

"After the flame demon and the dragon creatures joined the battle, the elves and other alliance troops were overwhelmed, and even the five sub-gods were difficult to fight. In desperation, the white-robed mage Saruman turned to the gods of light, and the gods of light passed After the discussion, I decided to help."

"It was at that time that the gods of light discovered the power of the gods on the dragon and the flame demon, and finally realized that Morgoth, one of the fifteen gods, was the driving force behind this disaster."

"The fourteen gods found and defeated Morgoth. They asked why Morgoth did this, but Morgoth said that he finally felt the power of the dark power, and he was completely depraved."

"The fourteen gods were shocked, because Morgoth's power was indeed very powerful. If the fourteen gods had not worked together, all of their gods would have lost to Morgoth. However, the fourteen gods did not Killing Morgoth, they thought that Morgoth just went the wrong way for a while. As a kind, they should give Morgoth, who is also the god of light, a chance. Therefore, they exiled Morgoth outside of the void and made it forever Can't come back again."

"However, although Morgoth's celestial body was exiled, part of his consciousness remained in Middle-earth, and took the opportunity to corrupt a secondary god who had the same ambitions as him and longed for powerful power— -That is the later Dark Lord, Sauron."

"After Sauron swore allegiance to Morgoth's consciousness, this part of Morgoth's consciousness and divine power was completely integrated with Sauron. Sauron also changed from a black-robed wizard to an intangible necromancer. At the same time, it is separated from the other four major sub-gods."

"When Morgoth was exiled, the Orcs, Balrog, and Dragon forces were all six gods, and they were eventually defeated by the Human Race Alliance led by the other four lower gods."

"The orcs fled into the dark valley, the Balrog troops were hidden underground, and the dragon was hunted by humans and elves."

"In the next two thousand years, dozens of dragons were killed, and only the last one was left, and the most terrifying fire-breathing dragon: Smaug."

"After Morgoth was banished, Middle-earth Continent returned to calm. From that time on, Middle-earth Continent also opened the Second Age."

"The Second Age itself is beautiful. After all, after the absence of Morgoth, although there are still demon remnants, it is not enough to be afraid. However, everyone did not expect that a greater conspiracy would be in the Second Age of Middle-earth. Brewing."

"This bigger conspiracy is the Lord of the Rings made by Demon Lord Sauron."

Chapter 26 The Origin of the Lord of the Rings

"The Second Era has just begun. Sauron has not yet claimed to be the Demon Lord. He is still a superior secondary god, one of the five veterans of the Holy White Council, and has the right to veto everything."

"It's just that since he merged part of Morgoth's divine power and soul, he has completely hidden his face in the dark hood, and has also become taciturn. He rarely talks to the white-robed mage Saruman and the gray robe. Master Gandalf communicated."

"At that time, Saruman wanted to use the power of the five subordinate gods to create a ring that could compete with the Silmarillion. What he hoped was that with this opportunity to create a ring, the other four subordinate gods would have a relationship. With half of the divine power, he believes that only by concentrating the divine power can we deal with more powerful enemies, so that if they encounter troubles like Morgoth in the future, they will not need to ask the other fourteen deities for help. ."

"The gray-robed mage Gandalf was opposed at the beginning, but the white-robed mage Saruman told Gandalf that Morgoth was a good lesson. Morgoth's case proved that the high gods are not all reliable. Yes, this time it is Morgoth. What if it is another deity next time? If in the end, all the deities are corrupted and degenerate, who should they count on these secondary gods?"

"So, Gandalf was persuaded. He began to help Saruman know about the mana ring. He and the brown-robed mage Radagast both poured part of their divine power into Saruman's mana ring."

"However, the blue-robed mage did not mix this matter, but walked away from the other side, far away from the holy white council composed of lower gods."

"As for the black-robed mage Sauron, he directly rejected Saruman's proposal to let him surrender part of his divine power, and instead declared that he would make a stronger mana ring."

"Saruman dismissed Sauron's remarks, but Gandalf was vaguely aware that there was something wrong with Sauron. Gandalf wanted to talk to Sauron, but Sauron deliberately avoided Gandalf."

"Sauron hid in a place called Modo, and began to build his ring of divine power, because he himself is a secondary god, and he has integrated part of the consciousness and mind of the higher god Morgoth, so his strength is early It has surpassed the sum of Saruman and Gandalf."

"Actually, with Sauron's strength, he can completely destroy the entire Saint White Council, but Sauron knows that he can't be so reckless. He wants to build an army that is completely under his control. With such an army, he is not only It can fight against the Holy White Council, and even against the fourteen gods, and it is even possible to use the power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings to strengthen oneself, so that oneself has the energy to open a portal and summon the exiled Morgoth again."

"If Morgoth was summoned back by him, then, with his and Morgoth's combined efforts, it would be possible to kill 14 deities."

"Therefore, building a strong Lord of the Rings is only the first step, and when doing this, Sauron has not fully demonstrated his conspiracy."

"He made a total of nineteen rings, three of the strongest, and he gave them to the three kings of the elves. All three rings have names, Nanya, the water ring, and Naya, the fire ring. Velia, the Ring of Wind."

"Among them, the Water Ring was given to Elf Queen Galadriel, the Fire Ring was given to the Elf Ship King Zieldan, and later Zieldan gave it to the Grey Mage Gandalf, and the Wind Ring Sauron gave it to King Elrond."

"Next, Sauron gave seven more rings to the dwarves, and nine more rings to humans. These rings have no names and are only called the rings. The power of these rings is also compared to The rings of the elves are a lot weaker, but after wearing these rings, they will increase their strength!"

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