Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 918

"The elves, dwarves, and humans are all very grateful to the black robe wizard Sauron for making the Lord of the Rings for them. They recognize Sauron as the most powerful god among the lower gods."

"Such a result surprised Saruman, the ruler of the Holy White Council. With Saruman's power, even a regular ordinary Lord of the Rings could not be made, but Sauron made nineteen in one breath."

"Saruman began to doubt Sauron. He asked Gandalf to investigate Modo. Gandalf cooperated with the elf and entered the tightly guarded Modo."

"Gandalf and the elves discovered that they were all half-orcs who served Sauron and helped Sauron forge! And the Balrog and the dragon also joined the ranks of forging! After Sauron had forged the 19 Lords of the Rings, I'm secretly creating another Lord of the Rings-this one is called the Supreme Ring, also known as the Lord of Domination! As long as the creation is successful, the Supreme Lord of the Rings will be able to dominate all people wearing the Lord of the Rings.

"You know, those who were given the Lord of the Rings by Sauron are the kings of all races! If they must be dominated, the entire Middle-earth world will immediately become Sauron's world!"

"Gandalf was too late to report this information to the Holy White Council. He wanted to interfere with the forging ceremony, but was stopped by the Balrog and the dragon. Sauron poured his magic power into it, and the Supreme Lord Ring showed a line in the raging fire. Mantra: The Lord of the Rings belongs to the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Guides the Lords of the Rings, the Supreme Lord of the Rings summons the Rings, and the All Rings return to the darkness."

"At this point, the Supreme Lord of the Rings was finally born. Seeing that the matter was irreversible, Gandalf used the teleportation spell to teleport himself back to the Holy White Council, and reported the fall of Sauron to Saruman."

"Saruman summoned humans, dwarves, and elves immediately, and let them assemble an army against the evil Dark Lord Sauron. The kings of the elven clan took off the ring one after another, and the dwarves also took off the ring, but the humans did not. So noble, they were deeply fascinated by the power of the Lord of the Rings, so they were also controlled by Sauron."

"Fortunately, Saruman and Gandalf responded in a timely manner and did not allow the controlled human king to take the army away. The Supreme Lord of the Rings ultimately dominated only nine human kings."

"In order to save these nine dominated kings, humans, elves, and dwarves have launched a new alliance, and the army is on the way to Modo."

"At that time, Sauron's half-orc troops were not mature enough, and the Balrog troops and dragons were not too large, so Sauron put on the powerful Supreme Lord of the Rings and went to battle himself."

"His strength is only half that of Morgoth, but he is several times stronger than Saruman and Gandalf. After a battle, the alliance's army is about to be destroyed, and even Elf King Elon was injured. ."

"When Sauron thought he was about to win a big victory, a human prince Esiduo rushed from under the dead pile, picked up the fragment of the Nasir holy sword, and cut off Sauron's finger with a single sword."

"The supreme Lord of the Rings also dropped immediately, and Sauron's power gained from the 19 Lords of the Rings faded in an instant. Gandalf, Saruman, and the Elf King rushed in and finally succeeded in killing Sauron. ."

"But the matter is not over yet."

Chapter 27 The Hobbit

"Dark Lord Sauron, when casting the Supreme Lord of the Rings, he anticipated that he might be killed in the end. Therefore, he bound his consciousness with the Supreme Lord of the Rings, so that even if he His body was killed, and his divine knowledge can still be stored in the Supreme Lord of the Rings."

"Therefore, if you want to really kill Sauron, you must destroy the Supreme Lord of the Rings. To destroy the Supreme Lord of the Rings, you must send the Supreme Lord of the Rings to the Doomsday Volcano and throw it into the raging lava. The Supreme Lord of the Rings is deceptive. Therefore, almost no one dares to escort the Lord of the Rings to the Doomsday Volcano."

"However, the action to destroy the Supreme Lord of the Rings is imminent, so everyone finally elected the human prince Esidor and the Elf King Elon to throw the Lord of the Rings into the Doomsday Volcano together."

"Esiduo is the human hero who cut off Sauron's fingers and reversed the entire battle. Everyone asked Esiduo to destroy the ring. It was clear that they wanted to give him a glory and merit, so that when he completes the task of destroying, he will Will become the supreme ruler of the human race."

"However, when Esiduo took the Supreme Ring to the Doomsday Volcano, he suddenly changed his mind. He was bewitched by the Supreme Ring, but he didn't think he was bewitched. He felt that he was himself. After figuring it out, he believes that the Supreme Lord of the Rings has the ability to control the other 19 Lords of the Ring, so as long as he carries this Lord of the Rings, he can rule the entire Middle-earth, not just the human race, even The rich dwarf, the cold elves, must obey him!"

"So, the moment his Elf King Elon urged him to drop the ring, Esiduo smiled strangely, held the ring, and turned to leave. King Elon was unable to stop him from leaving, he could only lament the catastrophe of Middle-earth Continent. It will be here soon."

"Of course, Esiduo did not really get this supreme lord of the ring. There is Sauron’s divine knowledge on the supreme lord of the ring. Sauron used divine knowledge to summon the nine great ring spirits—the nine great ring spirits were originally The kings of mankind, because they were not willing to take off the Lord of the Rings, at the beginning of the war, Sauron used undead magic to turn them into immortal creatures."

"All the nine ring spirits were dispatched, and the half-orcs also came out under the command of Asog. They intercepted and killed Esiduo on the Gratton Plain. Esiduo's troops were weak and unable to resist."

"Finally, Esiduo was killed in the chaos army, but the supreme lord of the ring fell in the mountain stream, unable to search for it-the supreme lord of the ring must be worn before it can use the wearer’s body, Inspire Sauron’s spiritual consciousness, that is, as long as no one wears the ring, it is difficult for the ring spirit to find the existence of the ring."

"After searching for the nine ring spirits, they could only return without success. They waited quietly in their tombs, waiting for the day when the Dark Lord Sauron reigned over the world."

"The day the Demon Lord Sauron died was named the first year of the Third Era, and the year Esiduo was intercepted and killed by the Ring Spirit and the Orc Asog was only the second year of the Third Era. In other words, Essiduo’s dream of the emperor only lasted a year before he died."

"From then on, until 2463 of the Third Age, two hobbits who like to explore were playing along the Anduin River, and the Lord of the Rings finally saw the sky under a large pebble."

"The so-called hobbits are actually half humans. Their average height is only 1.2 meters, and the tallest hobbit is only 1.4 meters, and this height is about to catch up with the height of a dwarf."

"The hobbit is half a head shorter than the dwarf. The average height of the dwarf is 1.5 meters. The body is strong and powerful. They are good at all kinds of close combat. However, the hobbit is naturally not fond of fighting. They are hardworking and comfortable. In the place where they live in their unique tree bag hole, if there is a little thing, they like to have banquets, and they are very harmonious with each other."

"The Hobbits have never participated in any war. Whether it was the war against Morgoth in the First Age or the war against Sauron in the Second Age, they basically did not care about the struggles of the outside world. Even if the world is destroyed tomorrow, only Today there is wine and food, they will still eat and drink happily."

"When dealing with Sauron, Saruman also wanted to unite the Hobbits in the Shire area, but... the hobbits are not even half the height of a half-orc, and even worse than a half-orc. The wolf, fighting with the Hobbit, is really a bit cumbersome."

"Furthermore, the gray-robed mage Gandalf is also opposed to calling the Hobbits to fight. He believes that the Hobbits and the elves are masterpieces of the creator god, but the elves are too perfect. All eyes are on the elves. Ignore the equally good Hobbit."

"Therefore, at the request of Gandalf, the Saint White Council decided not to involve Hobbit. The ancestors of Hobbits have lived in the Shire area for generations, and occasionally some adventurous people will go out to explore."

"In 2463 of the Third Age, two good friends of the Hobbit Dego and Smeago came to the vicinity of the Anduin River, and the two used the rocks on the riverside to float on the Anduin River. Dego opened a piece. After the pebbles, I found the Supreme Lord of the Rings under the pebbles. Of course, the hobbit, who is not very knowledgeable, didn't know that this was Sauron's ring, and thought it was just an ordinary gold ring."

"Dego was very happy. He showed the ring to his good friend Smeago. Smeago was instantly fascinated by the golden ring. The Supreme Lord of the Rings also felt the greed in Smeago's heart. So he continued to catalyze his greed."

"Finally, Smego, who couldn't stand the temptation, smashed Dego's head with a stone while Dego was sleeping, and took away the Supreme Lord of the Rings. He killed his good friend, so he didn't dare to return to the Shire. , But to find a dark place where no one can go, holding the Supreme Lord of the Rings every day, looking at the Lord of the Rings with a smirk like a demon."

"The Supreme Lord of the Rings wants Smeggo to bring it, but Smeggo has no such idea. He just regards the Supreme Lord of the Rings as the most perfect creation in the world, and just wants to appreciate it."

"In this way, nearly 500 years have passed. Under the influence of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, Smeago did not die, but became a faceless, skinny monster."

"This monster even forgot his name, because he always murmured to himself, so people who met him called him-Guru."

Qi Luo said with a smile: "——This is the rough history of "The Lord of the Rings". Of course, the real history is probably more complicated than what I told you. I just picked the simplest one, and that’s right. Tell you what is most useful. As for the next story, that is after you enter the plot."

Xu Feng said with emotion: "Sister Qiluo, thank you so much, these dungeon knowledge is of great significance to me! After knowing this, I will be more confident to face the various NPCs in the plot."

Chapter 28 Enchanting Upgrade!

Qi Luo said with a serious face: "That said, the world in "The Lord of the Rings" is not the world we are familiar with, but a world with high strength and high mana, so you must be careful. Basically, your equipment hasn't been enchanted yet? I just have time now. I will enchant your equipment for you."

Xu Feng said quickly: "Sister Qiluo, I have to go to the auction house in the afternoon. If I can buy suitable equipment, I will replace the equipment on my body."

Qi Luo said with a smile: "There are always a few things you can't change, right? I can enchant your important top equipment first."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Okay, thank you sister Qi Luo."

Although Xufeng can enchant himself, with his current technology, he can only enchant equipment below level 40, and the top-quality equipment on his body is basically above level 40.

"Are you finished?" Qi Luo asked.

Xufeng wiped his mouth quickly, "It's finished."

"Okay, follow me to the Crystal Chamber."

With that, Qi Luo led the way and led Xufeng into the crystal secret room.

There are many energy light balls stored in the crystal secret room, with all kinds of attributes.

Qi Luo asked: "Afeng, what attributes do you need? Strength or agility?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Naturally, power is strength. The division of labor of the Xuedi team is still very clear. My division of labor is output, so I need stronger strength, and it is best to achieve the level of killing God with one sword."

Qiluo smiled and said, "It's easy to say that it's not easy to kill God with one sword. How many power attributes do you have now?"

Xu Feng said without hesitation: "483 points."

Qi Luo blinked in surprise, "So high?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Well, after "Pirates of the Caribbean" is opened, my strength has been qualitatively improved. I also got three plane gems with strength attributes and one plane gem with agility attributes."

Qi Luo smiled and said: "No wonder your Snow Emperor team can get through "Pirates of the Caribbean". It turns out that you are all on your own for output."

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