Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 921

Zhou Zizai hurriedly bowed and said, "Welcome to you, Master Xuedi, your arrival will make our auction house alive and well."

Xuedi said coldly: "Zhou Zizai, I just heard that you will find some girls to accompany us, right?"

Zhou Zizai hurriedly smiled and said, "No, you misunderstood Master Xuedi. I mean, the service of our auction house is quite professional, nothing more."

Xuedi asked coldly, "Is there a girl?"

Zhou Zizai smiled helplessly: "Of course there are female sex workers."

Xuedi said coldly: "Is that right? What do they do if I ask them to do?"

Zhou Zizai smiled bitterly and said, "...in theory, yes."

Xuedi sneered and said: "Then call all over, and let our Master Xufeng be happy."

Xu Feng said quickly: "Snow Emperor, stop joking, how can I stand so much? No, I mean, I am an upright person. I am here for auction and purchase. Zhou Zizai, you still Don't hurry up to host your auction?"

"Yes Yes!"

Zhou Zizai hurriedly bowed and ran out of the box.

After I went out, I dared to wipe the sweat from my forehead.

In Box One, only Xu Feng and Xuedi were left at this time.

Xuedi looked at Xufeng coldly, and Xufeng smiled forcefully.

"Then what, you came quite early today." Xu Feng had nothing to say.

Xuedi snorted coldly without responding.

Xufeng smiled again and said, "By the way, did you incorporate the crystal shards I gave you? That's the communicator we will use to communicate on the same plane in the future."

Xuedi said lightly: "Oh, that thing, I threw it away."

Xufeng said in astonishment: "What? You threw it away! You...well, it doesn't matter, I'll give you one more if it's a big deal."

It was good for each of the Xuedi team to have one, but since the Xuedi's was gone, then he could only wrong Yang Gong again. Anyway, Yang Gong never needed to contact him.

As soon as Xufeng was about to take out the crystal shards, Xuedi said coldly: "Don't give it to me, I don't want it."

Xu Feng frowned slightly, "Xuedi, I know you are still angry with me, but the crystal shards are related to the overall interests of our Xuedi team. You can't take this kind of thing to get angry."

Xuedi said coldly: "Who is angry with you? I have this kind of character. I don't know how to use things I don't like."

"Why are you like a girl now!" Xu Feng smiled helplessly.

It stands to reason that Xuedi should be a very professional captain!

Xuedi said coldly: "Isn’t it, in your heart, I’ve never been a girl? Haha, that’s right, what you see is a hammer, like a hammer, is the girl in your mind? ."

"Damn!" Xufeng said helplessly, "Isn't it true that the hammer is not a girl! Also, it's not about the hammer, it's clearly between you and me! Xuedi! I never did it. I'm sorry for you, it doesn't matter whether you are in the Xuedi team or outside the Xuedi team!"

Xuedi don't turn around, "...you are so rare that you are worthy of me? Humph."

Xu Feng stood up angrily and pushed Xuedi on the soft sofa.

Xuedi roared angrily, "Xu Feng, what are you doing!"

She wanted to push Xufeng away forcefully, but Xufeng's current strength was enough to completely crush her!

Her hands and feet were easily clamped by Xufeng!

Immediately afterwards, Xu Feng used his free hand to lift the Snow Emperor's mask in a nearly crude manner!

Xuedi suddenly felt flustered, opened his cherry mouth wide, his face flushed, his green eyes kept dodge, trying to yell, but he couldn't make a sound shyly.

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "Xue Di, you have to dare to speak coldly to me again, I am like this, lift up your mask, do you understand?"

Xuedi nodded desperately in horror.

That state, unlike the indifference and rejection of others thousands of miles away, was completely different.

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "I ask you, did you really lose the crystal shard?"

Xuedi blinked his big watery eyes and replied timidly: "No, no, I, I'm in."

Xu Feng was startled, then frowned and asked, "Then you just said you threw it away?"

Xuedi's face was red and his ears were red, and he bit his mouth tightly without saying a word.

Of course she did not throw away the crystal shards, and of course she knew the importance of the crystal shards to the entire Snow Emperor team.

And the reason why she said she threw the crystal shards away was nothing more than to stimulate Xufeng.

But I didn’t expect that Xu Feng would be "irritated" by her cold stimulation, and she would directly...

This power was too strong, pressing on her body almost made her breathless.

When Xufeng saw Xuedi's tears flow down again, the anger in his heart suddenly disappeared completely.

He quickly removed Xuedi, and then put on a mask on Xuedi, "You said you were just joking with me, I thought you really threw the crystal shards."

Xuedi hid behind the mask, his whole body was shaking, and he dared not speak for a long time.

Although I have put on the mask, but...

Xu Feng's crushing power really impressed her too much.

Seeing that Emperor Xue didn’t speak, Xufeng said with a hippie smile, “Hey, I was angry with me? I was in a hurry just now, come on, smile for the uncle, or forget it, your face is hidden behind the mask, you smile I can’t see it either, so why don’t I give you a smile, uncle.”

As he said, Xu Feng made a face at Xuedi.

Xuedi chuckled, then hurriedly stopped the laughter.

"Hahaha!" Xu Feng laughed happily: "Xuedi, you laughed!"

"I didn't!" Xuedi roared angrily...

"Don't admit it? Let me uncover your mask to see?"

"Dare you!" Xue Di firmly covered his mask.

Chapter 31 Xu Feng's Advice

"Yo, so lively?"

Gong Yang came in again, "Should I wait a while before coming in?"

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