Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 922

Xuedi hurriedly sat up straight, and said in a cold voice: "Dong Yang, what are you talking about, come in quickly! Standing sneaky at the door, what does it look like!"

"Yes, hehe." Duke Yang walked in again, winking.

After a while, Iron Hammer and Uncle Lin Hai also came to VIP Box 1.

After everyone greeted each other, the auction house announced the official start of the auction last week.

As soon as he came up, Zhou Zizai solemnly introduced Xu Feng's arrival, which also caused a warm applause in the court.

These survivors who desperately applauded may not love Dai Xufeng more, but Xufeng's strength was there, and they couldn't help but not applaud.

To put it bluntly, strength is king.

Immediately afterwards, the auction began.

The first few pieces of equipment are very mediocre, and Xufeng has always been bored.

There are a few pieces of equipment in the middle, but Lin Hai and Gong Yang are eager to bid again.

At this time, Xu Feng's mind suddenly moved.

This is a signal that someone wants to communicate with him through crystal shards.

Xufeng immediately accepted the signal silently.

In my mind, the voice of Axe, the chairman of the Abyss Guild, emerged: "Master Xufeng, can you hear it? I am communicating with you with my mind now."

Xu Feng frowned slightly, and replied with thoughts: "I can hear it. Next time, don't ask if you are there or if you can hear it. Just say things directly, so that everyone will waste their energy."

"Yes!" Els hurriedly replied: "Master Xufeng, the chairman of the Guild of Dawn, Marin, has already arrived. We are in the No. 4 box. What do you think? What should I tell him? "

Xufeng immediately replied with thoughts: "You first hold him steady, and you say you need to go to the bathroom first, and then you remove all the guards standing outside the door. I will go over now. After I have a talk with Marin, I'll notify you again."

"Okay, the subordinate understands."

In the VIP box No. 4, Axe, who had interrupted the exchange of ideas with Xufeng, also had confidence at this time.

On the sofa next to him, sat an old man with a white cloak, short golden beard and no hair on his head—Marin.

Marin said coldly: "President Acres, you invited me here, and you can see that you don’t tell me anything, what does this mean? If you have nothing else, then I’ll leave. Up."

Ax hurriedly said with a smile: "Brother Marin, don't worry! I really have something to find you, but... I suddenly feel cramps in my abdomen, I have to go and make it easier, please. Don't worry, wait here for a while."

"You..." Marin couldn't stop him either, and could only watch Ax rush out of box four.

After Ax got out of the box, he immediately said to the two Abyssal Guild guards at the door: "You two, come and do me a favor."


The two guards immediately followed Aix away.

At the same time, Xu Feng found an excuse to leave Box No. 1 and turned around and flashed into Box No. 4.

"Have you come back so soon?" Marin looked up, then startled.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Hello, President Ma Lin, I'm sorry to venture in."

Ma Lin said in a deep voice, "I know you, you are Xufeng."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "I didn't expect that President Ma Lin actually knew me."

Marin grinned coldly, "Hehe, your name is like a thunderbolt now! When you killed Gauss in the first place, Wendell under me also persuaded me that you must be brought in. I felt like A young junior like you will not succumb to an ordinary guild. As expected, now that the four major guilds are unable to recruit you."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "It seems that President Ma Lin is really farsighted."

Marin sneered: "You let Ax get me here, and Ax is obedient to you and willing to be your pawn. This shows that the relationship between you and Ax is not as simple as it seems. what."

Xufeng smiled and said: "I invited President Marin to come today, not to discuss the relationship between me and other presidents, but to discuss the relationship between you and me."

Marin laughed, "Brother Xufeng, what you said is funny. You and I have always kept the waters off the river. You are your son-in-law, and I am the president of my small guild. No one hinders anyone. No relationship is required."

He said that Xufeng was a "passenger-in-law", which obviously refers to the relationship between Xufeng and the special envoy Peris.

This time Xu Feng came to him, he took it for granted that Peris wanted to win him through Xu Feng.

Xufeng smiled faintly, "President Marin, I think you have misunderstood. I am not from Peris."

Ma Lin was startled first, and then said coldly, "I have heard about your revenge against Hanguang Guild and Oasis Guild. Don’t think I don’t know. You are actually weakening the sly woman Peris. The power of several major guilds."

Xufeng smiled and said: "I don’t talk secretly in front of the Ming people. I have indeed done something to weaken the power of several major guilds on behalf of Peris. But, President Marin, please think about it. Is it the power of the Great Guild? Of course not. I am just a tool. Without my tool, Peris would use other tools."

Marin raised his head and said arrogantly: "In short, you and Peris are in the same group, you are Peris's lackey."

Xufeng was a little bit dumbfounded, he didn't expect that he would be called a "running dog" sometimes.

It is said that Marin is very bad at dealing with people. Almost everyone has offended him. With Marin's current way of speaking, this must be inevitable.

Xu Feng didn't get angry with Marin either. After all, he could see that Marin was definitely not the same with Peris.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "President Marin, don't say it too early, time will prove everything."

Marin smiled coldly, "Okay, I'll wait."

With that, Marin stood up and prepared to leave.

"Please wait a moment." Xu Feng smiled slightly and stopped Ma Lin.

Marin frowned and said, "Why, you still want to keep me forced?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Why then? I saw President Marin this time, just to remind you of President Marin. Now, three of the four major guilds are basically in a state of being deposed. Only your Dawn Guild is still strong, and Peris’s next target of suppression is definitely your Dawn Guild."

Marin said coldly: "Is this a threat?"

Xufeng smiled helplessly, "This is not a threat, but just a reminder——President Marin, if Peris finds an excuse to deal with your Dawn Guild during the time I leave the Trade City, you must not be impulsive. With the strength of your own guild, you can't fight Peris by recklessly. You can go to my master Qiluo, Qiluo will help you."

Ma Lin was startled slightly, "You..."

You know, Keiro never cares about the nostalgia in the trading city!

And Xufeng actually said that Qi Luo would like to take action when the Dawn Guild was in trouble?!

Ma Lin couldn't help wondering if he had made a wrong judgment. Is this Xu Feng really not Peris's person?

"Remember my words, we will have a period later."

Before Marin could react, Xufeng disappeared.

Malin couldn't help but took a breath-so fast!

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