Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 926

"Take care, your master, I am waiting for the good news of your return."


Xufeng immediately interrupted the communication of thoughts.

He didn't tell Qiluo about Longquan's affairs. He didn't want to hide Qiluo, but this kind of thing was a trivial matter at all, and there was no need to rise to the height of wasting mental energy with mental communication.

Chapter 35 The Arrangement of the Lord God

When he was about to reach the teleportation circle, Xu Feng's thoughts moved slightly.

Xuedi's voice sounded in Xufeng's mind: "Xufeng."

"Huh?" Xu Feng quickly responded with thoughts.

You will be able to meet in the teleportation circle immediately. At this time, Emperor Xue was wasting spiritual energy to communicate with him, which shows that this matter is very important.

"I want to ask you a question, you must guarantee that you will never deceive me." Xuedi's voice was very solemn.

Is it to confess?


Xu Feng said happily, "Of course, don't worry, I will never deceive you."

Xu Feng had already thought about it. If Xuedi asked him if he loved her, he would definitely say "love". If he had to add a time limit to this love, he would say "ten thousand years".

Of course, if Xuedi asked him whether he was Ai Xuedi or the hammer, then he must answer "Aixuedi", otherwise, the boat of emotions would be overturned.


"Love! I mean, eh!"

"..." Xuedi's thoughts paused for a while, and then continued: "What is your purpose?"

"The purpose is..." Xu Feng hesitated slightly, it didn't seem to be the rhythm of expressing emotions.

Xuedi said with thought: "You said that you won't deceive me, so I want to listen to your truth."

Xufeng asked with thoughts: "Are you worried that I will deal with your brother?"

Xuedi said with thoughts: "Don't you? You are the most promising person in the entire trading city. Even Cheng Fang, the special envoy of the two-dimensional plane, promised to benefit you. If you want to deal with my brother and replace it, That is also normal."

Xufeng immediately replied with thoughts: "Xuedi, you are wrong. I have no interest in being the main god. Although the level and strength have increased, I will be subject to this system, although I only see I've been through both sides of your brother, and haven't seen your brother's face clearly, but I think I can experience the pain and helplessness of your brother. Therefore, I don't want to kill him, and I don't mean to replace him, I just want Protect yourself, protect the people you care about, including sister Qiluo, including Uncle Mi Xiu, and...you."

Xuedi's thoughts were silent for a while without replying.

Xu Feng couldn't help but frowned slightly.

The hammer who followed him asked: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Iron Hammer didn't know that Xufeng was communicating with Xuedi with thoughts, and thought that Xufeng had a headache.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Oh, nothing."

The hammer patted Xufeng on the shoulder, "Brother, don't worry, our journey to "The Lord of the Rings" will not be a problem. I will definitely be able to help you forge a heart-breaking sword. Don't be stressed."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, thank you, Hammer, you are such a good brother."

The hammer said with a smile: "As long as you don't always think about sleeping, my brother, I'm so beautiful, you're so close to me, you must wash your face more, stay sensible, lest you lose control."

"Damn," Xu Feng couldn't help laughing: "I haven't said to let you wash your face and stay sensible, so that you won't be overwhelmed by my masculine color!"

The Hammer said: "Ah! I can't hold it? I'm Murong Tie——Murong Henxue! But then again, if I really can't hold it, then we are even out. After all, you were even the last night. It took me a big advantage, and it is only natural for me to find a chance to take it back."

Xu Feng smiled helplessly: "Xing Xing Xing, who told you to be my brother? Don't fertile water flow into outsiders' fields."

Hammer smiled and thumped Xufeng's shoulder.

It hurts, but Xufeng endured it.

After all, brother.

At this time, Xuedi's thoughts and voice echoed in Xufeng's mind again, "Xufeng, I don't like your sweet words, it will make me think you are very unreliable."


Xu Feng sighed faintly, to tell the truth, can he still be regarded as sweet talk?I think Xuedi is too sensitive, right?

You are so sensitive to what I say, you dare to say that you don't have me in your heart?

Xu Feng immediately replied with thoughts: "Xuedi, in short, I will not be against your brother. You can rest assured about this."

Xuedi said with thoughts: "My brother used to have many brothers, but there are not a few who betrayed him. He told me not to trust others lightly."

Xufeng replied with thoughts: "Coincidentally, I remember your brother once said this to me when I entered the trading city. He said that the human heart is sinister. Don't trust anyone lightly."

"He was right."

"What he said is correct, but Xuedi, you can not believe me, but you must believe in your own judgment. We have experienced so many lives and deaths together, is it true that I am a cunning betrayal in your mind? A disciple?"

Xuedi was silent for a while, and replied: "No, you are not. Xufeng, I know that with my strength alone, it is impossible to help my brother. I need you...I put all the bets, It's all on you...Don't let me down."

Xu Feng was startled slightly, and then replied: "This sentence, your brother also said to me, at that time, I didn't understand anything, I thought it was just a threatening sentence he said to me, now it seems , He summoned me to enter the Survivor System, and let me enter the trading plane where you are, all of which were carefully arranged by him."

Xuedi said with thoughts: "You mean, my brother... let you help me?"

Xu Feng replied with thoughts: "Your brother is a smart and cautious person. He will not do meaningless things."

Xuedi said with thoughts: "Then I will be more at ease, Xufeng, from now on, I will completely open my heart to you, and Xuedi team will obey your orders, whatever you ask me to do, but you I must be assured that you will save my brother."

Xu Feng immediately replied with thoughts: "Xuedi, I promise you."

"Thank you, Xu Feng."

"you are welcome."

If you can agree with your body, that would be great.

Xufeng swallowed this sentence again.

The spiritual exchange between Xuedi and Xufeng immediately stopped.

Xufeng felt a little tired of energy, and was about to take the teleportation circle. Xufeng didn't want to have any problems.

So, as he walked, he took out a cup of Xingyue Tea and drank it slowly.

The hammer asked in surprise: "Well, what kind of Xingyue tea do you drink? Could it be that you really can't hold me back?"

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