Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 927

Xufeng laughed, "Yes, I feel dry when I see you."

The hammer laughed and punched Xufeng.

Soon, the two came to the teleportation circle.

Iron Hammer was surprised to find that Emperor Xue was also drinking Xingyue Tea. When Iron Hammer and the others arrived, Xue Emperor had just finished his last sip.

Iron Hammer asked wonderingly: "What's wrong today? Why did you two drink Xingyue Tea to replenish your energy before it started? Hey, you two, are you doing something shameful behind me?"

"Idiot." Xuedi said coldly: "Everyone is here, then let's start."

Chapter 36 Enter the plot!

Lin Hai and Duke Yang walked over from a distance no longer, and the Xuedi team gathered on the teleportation circle, standing on a corner each.

The Snow Emperor skillfully activated the teleportation circle, everyone concentrated their minds and summoned the portal together.

Soon, a dazzling blue portal slowly formed in front of them, and on the other side of the portal, a beautiful pastoral scene could be vaguely seen.

"Well, the portal has been summoned successfully." Xuedi said lightly: "This time our strength is obviously stronger than last time, so our portal opened smoothly this time."

"Take advantage of everyone's time to rest, let me briefly tell you a copy of our plot this time."

"The story copy we chose this time is still a series of reward mission copies. The difficulty is definitely stronger than that of "Pirates of the Caribbean", so everyone must pay more attention to it and don't be careless."

"This copy of the plot is the first stage of the "Lord of the Rings" series, "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey". The story of the entire unexpected journey is actually not complicated. It is a Huo named Bilbo Baggins. The Bitters were suddenly invited to join the Lonely Mountain Expedition composed of twelve dwarves. The Lonely Mountain was the former kingdom of the dwarves. There were a lot of gold and silver treasures hidden in it, and there were many enemies on the road. The purpose of our first stage reward is actually not difficult. , That is to ensure the survival of Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakshield, and help them find the entrance of the Lonely Mountain Palace. Did everyone remember clearly?"

"Remember it clearly."

"Very well, everyone must remember that "The Lord of the Rings" is a high-strength and high-magic plot plane in the Western Middle Ages, the strongest villain Morgoth, the strength is equivalent to 90, the sleeping creator god, the strength is equivalent to 100 Level. Of course, fortunately, in the entire "Lord of the Rings" plot, only mentioning them, they will not actually appear."

"However, we still can't take it lightly. The strongest villain that may appear in "The Lord of the Rings" is the Dark Lord Sauron. Sauron is the creator of the Lord of the Rings, and he himself has a part of Morgoth's spiritual power. The four great wizards of the Saint White Council are not Sauron's opponents. If Sauron appears as an ontology, his strength will reach level 80."

"Of course, Sauron had his fingers cut off before the start of our entire plot, and his body was wiped out. Therefore, even if his soul is recovering a little bit, the ultimate strength he can reach is only 70. Saruman, the white-robed wizard of the Holy White Council, has the strength of level 60, and the gray-robed mage Gandalf and the brown-robed mage Ridagast have the level of 55. The half created by Sauron himself The orcs command Ahsog, and they have level 58 strength."

Duke Yang took another breath, "What about ordinary creeps? It's not level 50, right? If even the creeps are level 50, we will be trampled to death casually!"

Xuedi said coldly: "The Orcs unit is the most powerful unit in "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey". The average strength of those Orcs soldiers is about 48. Ordinary soldiers, That's about level 45. The average NPC in Middle-earth is only level 40, which is why I must make you all reach level 40."

Gong Yang breathed a sigh of relief again, "I'm relieved."

Xuedi continued: "Our task is to help Bilbo and Thorin find a way to enter the Gushan Palace. To go to the Gushan, you have to pass through the intricate misty forest. To cross the misty forest, we need all kinds of help. Including the brown-robed mage Ruidagast, as well as the Elf King Elrond. Therefore, this time, we still have to divide our troops. I will bring Uncle Lin Hai and Duke Yang to find the brown-robed mage, Xu Feng. Take the hammer to find Bilbo, and we will meet in Rivendell, the territory of King Elrond."

Iron Hammer blinked in surprise, "Xue Di, you let me be with Xu Feng? This is not in line with your personality."

Xuedi said coldly: "Idiot, Bilbo and Thorin are the targets we need to protect, and I don’t worry about you taking Duke Yang to find the brown robe mage Rui Dagast, so I can only take Go, I will take away Duke Yang and this burden, so that you and Xufeng can better protect Bilbo and Thorin."

Xufeng nodded and said, "This strategy is very correct."

Xuedi nodded and said: "Then it's settled. After we enter the dungeon, we will separate directly. You can find the hammer, Xufeng, and then go to the Shire area. We use mental communication to keep in touch."

"Good." Xu Feng said immediately.

Xuedi asked, "Do you have any other questions?"

Gong Yang raised his hand again.

Xuedi said coldly: "Since there is no more, let's start-pay attention, you must protect yourself, don't let yourself get involved in too many dangers. Once you have any problems, you can use your respective crystals. Fragment, communicate with Xufeng."


"Xufeng, you can cross first." Xuedi said softly.

Since she communicated with Xufeng, her attitude towards Xufeng has also changed obviously.

Xu Feng grinned, "See you in Middle-earth."

"Well, see you in Middle-earth." Xuedi nodded at him.

Xu Feng immediately jumped and jumped into the portal with scorching blue light.

Suddenly, strange lines crossed before his eyes, and he couldn't tell whether he was upside down or the whole space was upside down.

It stands to reason that such a traversal will make people feel extremely uncomfortable. After all, the dazzling sensation brought by the traversal of this difficulty level of the story will also increase, but Xufeng has an arcane crystal in his heart, and the arcane crystal is for him Most of the vertigo is offset.

Xu Feng only had a slight discomfort, and he quickly adapted to this slight discomfort.

At this time, a line of bronzing characters appeared before his eyes:

"It is detected that you have entered a new world of plot, and the system tasks are adjusted."

"New system task: The fangs of the ogre."

"Task objective: Obtain an ogre fang as a trophy."

"Task reward: 1,000 shadow power points, or direct payment of 2000 shadow power points is considered complete."

"Failure penalty: downgrade (-2) level."

... Fuck, this punishment is really cruel.

The system task is for the main god of the plane, if you don't do it, you have to pay the corresponding shadow energy points.

For the sake of insurance, many survivors did not do system tasks, but chose to pay fines.

Xufeng is not willing to pay the shadow energy points, so if he can do it by the way, then do it by the way.

The bronzing characters immediately disappeared in front of him, and Xu Feng's eyes immediately turned white. Then, he fell on a soft ground.

Chapter 37-The Reclusive Bilbo

"Where is this?"

Xufeng stood up with an old cypress tree and looked at the surrounding environment.

The climate here is very good, the air is very fresh, the vegetation is quite lush, and the temperature is like spring.

Xufeng judged that this should be the Shire area.

The Shire area is an area where hobbits live. It has a suitable climate and is very suitable for growing tobacco. Shire's tobacco is exported to the entire Middle-Earth Continent. This kind of tobacco is only grown in the southern part of the Shire. There are only planting and drying methods. Hobbits will, therefore, hobbits who like to grow tobacco make their fortunes.

The number of Hobbits is not small, but they are definitely not many compared to the human races, dwarves, and elves.

However, the Hobbits are the race with the highest per capita wealth in the entire Alliance race. While normal humans are still worrying about food and clothing, the Hobbits have banquets every day, and they like to enjoy food very much. Need to eat fourteen meals.

Of course, they don't eat much at each meal. After all, their average height is only 1.2 meters.

Because of the wealth of the Shire area, many bandits coveting the wealth of the Shire area have also attracted.

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