Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 928

Even several human kings wanted to fight tobacco in the Shire area.

However, Shire's tobacco is protected by the White Council.

The Saint White Council is also the most authoritative council in the entire Zhongdi District. The participants in the council are all Maya, which is a secondary god.

Among them are five secondary gods, who are the main leaders of the Holy White Council.

Of course, the Holy White Council now has only three main persons in charge. The former black-robed mage Sauron has fallen into the Dark Lord and has been destroyed in his physical form.

The other blue-robed mage was missing.

Among the remaining three wizards, the white-robed mage Saruman has the highest status and the strongest mana, and is also the actual controller of the Holy White Council, while the gray-robed mage Gandalf was originally slightly stronger than Saruman. But Saruman asked Gandalf to use some of his power to make the mana ring, so Gandalf's strength was weakened a lot.

And Gandalf does not pursue strength, he prefers to travel and make friends.

Gandalf has a human appearance, but as a secondary god, he is not a human at all, so he treats everything in Middle-earth as an equal.

Gandalf has a very good relationship with the Tucker family, and the Tucker family is equivalent to the royal family of the Hobbits. The Hobbits are not keen on rights, so they have no government, no army, and no royal family. There are only a few large families combined. Governing the entire Shire area, the harvest is equally shared by everyone, and there is almost no contradiction.

The Tucker family sends Shire's tobacco to Gandalf every year. This tradition continues from the First Age to the Third Age.

Gandalf is obviously Maya, a secondary god, but Gandalf is so fascinated by the Hobbit's tobacco that he can barely leave his hands.

White-robed mage Saruman often laughed at Gandalf’s “degenerate” behavior, and even got it to the Holy White Council to say that until one time, Gandalf gave Saruman a bag of tobacco. Never laughed at Gandalf again.

In the beginning, Saruman only smoked secretly, but later the amount got bigger and bigger, and he was embarrassed to ask Gandalf for it, so he had to go to the Tucker family shyly.

The Tucker family is very friendly. In addition to sending tobacco to Gandalf, it also sends it to Saruman every year.

Saruman was very satisfied with these little hobbits, and therefore stipulated that no forces could violate the Shire, and the surrounding kingdoms were also obliged to protect the peace of the Shire area.

This is also true. During the fiercest fighting in the Middle-earth Continent, the Shire area was always peaceful.

Those who want to fight the Shire Tobacco idea, because of the relationship of the White Council, they dare not make a mistake.

Of course, on the way to the Shire, there will still be bandits who take risks. After all, if you grab a bag of Shire's tobacco, you will not have to worry about spending a month.

Xufeng sniffed the air and didn't smell any tobacco. So this should not be the southern district where tobacco is grown, nor is it Linhe district.

Xufeng had seen a map of Middle-earth before. He probably remembered that the Shire area was divided into several small areas, including the southern area, the northern area, the Linhe area, the stagland, and Emin Berrell.

The southern area is where tobacco is grown, the northern area is for enjoying the scenery, Linhe area is a port, the Bucks Land is the territory of the Bucks family, and Emin Barrier is the most densely populated, most prosperous and lively area, similar It's the same with Wangdu.

Of course, the hobbit does not have a king, so there is no capital.

For the sake of convenience, the Hobbits set up a mayor in the same way as the human race. The mayor has no real power and is elected every seven years on the summer solstice to handle foreign affairs and coordinate and contact the major families.

The largest family of the Hobbit, or a family similar to the royal family, is the Tucker family, followed by the Bucks family, the Baggins family, the Stark family, etc. The male number one in this plot, the Hobbit Bilbo. Baggins is the heir of Bongo Baggins and Belladonna Tucker, and he is the blood of two big families, so in this respect, Bilbo Baggins is the Hobbit prince, not count For the sake of-if the hobbit has a kingdom.

According to the original book, Bilbo Baggins lived in the area of ​​Emin Berrell, but he never liked to communicate with his people. He felt that his people laughed all day long, like a big fool, he He doesn't like this, he likes a serious and orderly life, so he bought a piece of land in the most prosperous place. There are no buildings within one kilometer around, and no one is allowed to enter. He built a huge and luxurious bag bottom. Cave, the food stored in it is enough for him to eat for a month.

He called this kind of life: seclusion.

Xufeng is currently not the southern district, nor is it Linhe district, nor the lively Emmenberel district, it may be the northern district or stag land.

The scenery of the North District is very good, and it is the only place to pass from the Territory of Human Race to Aming Berrell. Xufeng felt that this should be the North District.

At this time, his mind moved slightly.

The hammer said with a thought: "Xufeng! Where are you? Why am I full of water! I hate water! I hate water!"

"It's all water?" Xu Feng said quickly with thoughts: "Are there any ships near you?"

The hammer replied: "No, there is only a river valley wetland besides water."

Xufeng said: "You should be in Linhe District, I should be in the North District, you set off a smart firework, and I will look for you.

"Good!" The hammer immediately interrupted the communication of ideas.

After a while, a group of fireworks that only Lingshi could see rose in the northern sky.

Xu Feng then walked in the direction of the fireworks.

Chapter 38

Just a few steps away, Xu Feng's thoughts moved again.

"What's the matter? Just wait for me there." Xu Feng said with thought.

The Snow Emperor's voice immediately appeared in his mind, "It's me."

"Oh, Xuedi, I thought it was the lost hammer, how about you?"

"My side is basically assembled. We are going to take the boat and go directly to the place where Rhidagast is, which is faster."

"Okay, after I find the hammer, I will go to Bilbo as soon as possible."

"Um... keep in touch."

"Okay, keep in touch."

Xu Feng interrupted the communication with Xuedi and continued to walk in the direction of Lingshi Fireworks.

After walking for more than half an hour, Xufeng saw the low-lying valley area.

Obviously, he was very close to the hammer.

This place belongs to the territory of Hobbits, but there are not many Hobbits here. Xufeng walking on the main road, only saw a few hobbits.

They look very friendly. Even if they have never seen Xufeng, they did not look at it with suspicion, but bowed and nodded in greeting, as if they had met between friends. As long as Xufeng opened his mouth, they would definitely invite Xufeng Go home as a guest, and then call the neighbors around to hold a welcome banquet for Xu Feng.

Xufeng didn't dare to waste time on these enthusiasm, so when a hobbit politely bowed to him, eager to talk to him, he always smiled politely and nodded.

The hobbit knows how to take the initiative, and if the stranger does not take the initiative to talk to them, they will not disturb the stranger.

Xufeng walked hurriedly along the path. Suddenly, he felt a few strange figures lurking not far ahead.

These figures are tall and tall, obviously not hobbits of about 1.2 meters, but humans rushing from the port.

It stands to reason that it is not impossible for humans to enter the Shire area.

The Shire is protected by the Holy White Council, so no race can send troops to the Shire. However, the Shire does not have an army and other races are welcome to visit the Shire. Therefore, there are humans or dwarves visiting the Shire. It's normal.

Human merchants will bring many things that are not available in the Shire, such as books, porcelain, lamb and bear.

Human merchants can also take away all kinds of crops from the Shire area, the most famous of which is naturally the tobacco in the Shire area.

This road is the only way from the Southern District to the port, and many trade transportation goods are naturally transported from here to the port, and then transported to all parts of China.

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