Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 929

Those tall figures, if they are human merchants, should be driving a cart to buy tobacco at this time, instead of hiding on the sides of the road.

This is a robber.

Xu Feng laughed inwardly.

Blocking the way in a very peaceful and beautiful place like the Shire area, these guys are really not afraid of being hunted down by the secondary gods of the Holy White Council.

Xufeng was considering whether to walk away directly. At this time, a horse-drawn wagon came over from the port.

The horse-drawn wagons were full of goods, and they were all covered with tarps, which looked full.

Driving in front of the carriage was an old man with a long stature, wearing a gray-blue pointed wizard hat and a gray wizard robe, with a gray beard hanging down to his chest.

Although the old man's face was full of wrinkles, his eyes were full of spirit. There was a slender pipe in his mouth. The pipe was filled with fine-quality tobacco from the Shire area.

Even if it is a few hundred meters away, Xufeng can smell the charming fragrance of tobacco.

It's no wonder that even the secondary gods are going to fall.

Shire's tobacco is really well-deserved.

This gray-robed old man, naturally, needless to say, he must be a gray-robed wizard, a secondary god, Gandalf.

This is a good opportunity to get Gandalf's attention.

With a frown, Xufeng jumped to the middle of the road and shouted loudly: "This old gentleman, don't come here! There are robbers here!"

The gray-robed mage Gandalf was taken aback, and quickly tightened his horse's rein, looking at Xufeng, a very "alternative" human being dressed in confusion.


Seeing that the situation had been revealed, the bandit jumped out with their swords.

There are a total of six of them, and the headed one is full-faced. At first glance, it looks like a ruthless character who often engages in such murders.

The leader roared angrily: "Boy, why did you call us out if you went your way? We haven't planned to intercept this poor old man. How much money can the goods shipped by the Human Race to the Shire area be worth? Coax those little dwarfs! What we are going to rob is the tobacco delivered by the merchants from Charnan! We have been in ambush here for a long time, and our good deeds have been mixed up by you!"

Xu Feng said awe-inspiringly: "The hobbits of the Shire are very kind and hospitable. If you don't have enough food, you can beat the hobbits and they will be very happy to entertain you."

The leading robber roared: "I am not a beggar, I want gold! With gold, I can spend money!"

Xufeng smiled coldly, "Then I'm sorry, as fellow human race, I can't allow you to corrupt our human race's reputation like this."

"Boy! You are really looking for death!"

A thin and tall robber next to the leader yelled, holding the heavy sword in both hands, and slashed towards Xufeng fiercely.

These robbers are not ordinary passerby NPCs.

In "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", ordinary NPCs have level 40, and these powerful robbers have reached level 45.

Moreover, this robber who attacked Xufeng had very solid martial arts, and he had been trained at first glance, and ordinary human soldiers were not necessarily his opponents.

Sitting in the carriage, Gandalf frowned slightly, smoking tobacco in his mouth, but quietly pinched a cold ice magic with one hand. As long as Xufeng had trouble, his cold magic would be thrown towards that. robber.


The two figures are staggered and separated.

Gandalf's eyes lit up slightly.

Before he could see exactly what was going on, the robber who rushed up clutched the broken chain mail, and fell to the ground in astonishment.

His heart was split by a sword, and the angle and strength of the sword wound were just right, not wasting at all!

Xu Feng held the blood-drenching sword of Triton, staring coldly at the other five robbers, "Who else?"

The bandit leader looked at Xufeng with disbelief.

Xu Feng didn't have any armor on his body, and he didn't look like a swordsman warrior, but just now he lost his opponent with a single sword!

This is a master!

The robber head shook his face, "You are cruel! Do you dare to leave a name? I will find you to seek revenge in the future!"

Xufeng smiled coldly, "Okay, my name is Diedi, please feel free to seek revenge from your daddy."

The bandit leader gritted his teeth, "Diedi, you wait! We will have a period later!"

Having said that, the bandit leader and his accomplices dragged the bandit who was killed by the spike, and fled dingy.

This is just a small episode, but it can be considered a relationship with Gandalf.

Chapter 39 One Sixty-Fourth Bloodline

Xufeng walked to Gandalf's carriage and said with a smile, "This old gentleman, are you scared?"

Gandalf looked at Xufeng kindly, "My friend, thank you for your help. Although their goal is not me, your approach is really knightly and noble."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Thanks to the old man, are you going to the Southern District?"

Gandalf smiled and said, "No, I'm going to Emine Berrell to find a kid, well, he should be an old friend at his current age."

"Coincidentally, I also want to go to Emin Berrell." Xufeng smiled shyly.

Gandalf said in surprise: "But, Mr. Diego, I just saw you walked in the opposite direction. Could it be that you are lost?"

"Lost, no, no." Xufeng said with a smile: "Before I go to Emin Berrell, I have to find a friend of mine. She should be trapped near the river valley."

Gandalf smiled and said, "It turns out that this is the case. It just happens that I have a carriage, which can save a lot of legwork. Why don't I take you to find your friend."

As Xufeng got on the carriage, he smiled and said, "Oh, how am I ashamed to make you turn back?"

Gandalf laughed and said, "Mr. Diego, you are really funny. I rarely see a human being as funny as you."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Old gentleman, you don't need to call me a husband, just call me Diedi."

"Okay, then I'll call you Diego, you can also call me Gandalf." The gray-robed mage smiled kindly.

As a secondary god on the plane of Western civilization, Gandalf naturally didn't know that "Diedi" and "Daddy" were homophones. He thought that Xufeng was really called this name.

In order to better integrate into the plot, Xufeng naturally also has a relatively westernized name.

Gandalf turned around and followed the route indicated by Xu Feng to the river valley wetland.

On the way, Gandalf couldn't help asking: "Diedi, why does your friend come to this place? There is nothing here except river valleys and wetlands."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Oh, she...hehe, loves nature and the plants and trees here."

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