Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 939

Dewalin righteously said: "Your feet are all mud, which will stain the floor of the room. Look, there is an old carpet under your feet. Rub the old carpet against the sole of your shoes before you come in."

Qi Li and Feili said at the same time: "Yes!"

Bilbo exclaimed: "No! That's my grandpa's grandpa's grandpa..."

Before the words were over, Kili and Fili had already finished rubbing the mud.

Chapter 47-The Heart of the Mountains

Bahrain smiled and said, "Kili, Fili, it's great to see you two, come, come and help, move this table to the dining room, otherwise, after everyone is here, I will definitely not be able to sit down. of."

"Good Uncle Bahrain!"

Kili and Fili acted immediately.

Bilbo hurriedly chased after him and said, "Everyone? Are you here? How many people are there!"

Before the words fell, the knock on the door rang again.

Bilbo couldn’t stand it anymore and shouted loudly: "No! Don’t come! There is no one in the house! There are so many dwarves in my house that I can’t hold it anymore! I swear, if this is a prank, I, Bilbo Baggins, one of the richest people in the Hobbit, I must make him pay for it!"

With that, Bilbo opened the door of the room.

The five dwarves huddled together and fell to the floor under Bilbo.

Gandalf stood behind them, bent over and smiled at Bilbo: "Are you all ready?"

Bilbo said angrily, "Gandalf! It really is you! What did you get these dwarves to do in my house? Do you want to open a firework fair?"

Gandalf smiled faintly: "Fireworks fair? Maybe, but we have to feed all of us first, our dwarf friends, but came here a month ago, and I just used a magic letter Dominating their specific positions, these guys are lost, I have to bring them here myself, oh right, where are my two friends? Are they all okay? Are you embarrassing them?"

Xufeng walked out of the living room and smiled and waved to Gandalf, "Gandalf, here we are, Bilbo is a hospitable hobbit."

Gandalf smiled: "Yes, every hobbit is hospitable!"

Bilbo wanted to die.

The dwarves rushed into his restaurant, and the dining table was set up. All kinds of food were placed on the table. The dwarves took their seats. Xufeng, Hammer, and Gandalf also sat in the primary and secondary positions. The real owner of this house, Master Bilbo Baggins, is standing at the dining table.

Bilbo roughly counted them. A total of twelve dwarves came to his house, including Xufeng, Hammer, and Gandalf, that's fifteen guests.

This is already making history.

Since he lived alone, he had never served so many guests in his entire life, and he felt like he was going to collapse.

Of course, there were also places that made him feel gratified. He saw a seat next to Gandalf.

Most of the annoyance in Bilbo's heart disappeared suddenly, and he walked over, preparing to sit in that position.

Dewarin next to him said in a deep voice, "Sorry, Lord Baggins, this is not the seat reserved for you."

Bilbo's eyes widened suddenly, thinking he was joking.

But Devarin's expression was very serious.

Gandalf also said: "He's right, Bilbo, this is really not a seat reserved for you. One of our companions has not come."

Bilbo suddenly wanted to lift the table!

In his own home, he can't even get a seat!

Gandalf looked around the dining table and read the names of these dwarves one by one: "Dewalin, Bahrain, Fili, Killi, Noli, Oli, Doli, Ouyin, Groin, Pangbo, Beaver, Bo Eph-twelve dwarves, the most crucial one is missing."

Devarin smiled and said: "He will come. He just went to the north to have a meeting with our kinsmen. He will definitely come. He is our star, our light, and our only hope."

Gandalf nodded, "Well, well, let me introduce these two friends first-Didi and Hammer. I think you must have met each other. For this quest, Didi and The Hammer will act as a mercenary and act with us."

The dwarves present suddenly communicated quietly.

Obviously, these dwarves are very conservative and don't want people from human races to get involved.

Gandalf didn't pay attention to the dwarf's whisper, and then said: "In addition, you have all seen this Bilbo Baggins. He is also a member of our Lone Mountain mission, and he is still an important one. "

"What?" Bilbo was taken aback.

Bahrain raised his glass and said to Bilbo: "Yes, we need a snitch, you will be a good snitch."

Bilbo angrily said: "Listen, I don't know what you are talking about, but I am Bilbo Baggins! I am the heir of the Baggins family and the Tucker family! I have money, and I have more money. , Can, can bury you all! I don't need to be a thief! No need!"

All the dwarves present were startled, and then laughed.

Gandalf smiled and said, "Bilbo, you are misunderstood. Snitch is not a thief, but a profession with special skills. Just like Diego, they are mercenaries, so are Snitch. There is also a more slurred word called A stalker means a person who walks quietly. Such a person can perform special tasks."

"Like stealing things?" Bilbo asked.

Gandalf thought for a while, "Well, it seems to be so."

Bilbo said angrily, "I said, I am rich! I need to be a thief!"

Gandalf smiled and said, "What we asked you to vote for is not a treasure of gold and silver, but a treasure that can help the dwarf restore the country-do you know Lonely Mountain?"

"Gushan?" Bilbo frowned slightly, "it seems to have such a slight impression."

Gandalf said: "Lonely Mountain, far away from here, so far away that you have to pass through a dangerous misty forest. Lonely Mountain is the territory of the Oak Shield Dwarf tribe. More than two hundred years ago, Thor Oak Shield was in Gushan built an immortal palace. The wealth of their kingdom was so great that the entire city could be submerged, but they did not stop the acquisition of wealth. They kept digging into the depths of the Gushan Mountain, and almost the entire Gushan Mountain was covered. They hollowed out, and he went all the way down, and unexpectedly dug a colorful gem-the heart of the mountain. Thorin was deeply fascinated by the energy of the heart of the mountain, he felt that someone would come to grab his heart of the mountain, So it turned the Lone Mountain into a closed military fortress, cutting off contact with other dwarf races.

"In this way, year after year, King Saul became suspicious and sensitive. He suspected everyone, even his own son. A few years later, a fire suddenly struck Gushan Castle. The root is a giant dragon, that is a magical creature created by Morgoth himself, and it is also the last giant dragon-Smaug."

"All dragons have one characteristic, that is, they like to sleep on hard and shiny treasures. The treasure and geographical location of the lonely mountain deeply attracted the dragon Smaug, who flew to the top of the lonely mountain and used himself The dragon's breath fire burned the entire fortress."

"The dwarves are naturally not Smaug's opponents. They can only prepare to retreat, but the old king Thor doesn't want to leave. His treasure is here, as well as his mountain heart. He wants to get the mountain heart on his throne. , Ran back to the palace despite the opposition, but Smaug was sprayed to death by a breath of dragon's breath."

"Gushan fell completely, and the heart of the mountain was buried under countless treasures, and was crushed by Smaug under his huge dragon body."

The dwarves present listened to Gandalf's account, and a painful expression appeared on everyone's face.

They were originally the nobles of the richest country in the world, but now they have to leave their homes and live the painful days of working for others and being separated.

Chapter 48-You Can Call Me Diedi

"It's a tragic story, but..."

Bilbo shrugged, "What does this have to do with me?"

Gandalf said: "Of course it does matter. Gushan is the territory of the Oak Shield tribe for generations. It has been 50 years since Smaug occupied Gushan. The Oak Shield tribe wants to return to their homeland every moment. If you want to fight against the mighty Smaug, and want other tribes to recognize that they still have the right to rule and inherit the Lone Mountain, they must get the token of the Oak Shield tribe-the heart of the mountain."

Bilbo frowned. "You just said that the heart of the mountain was under Smaug?"

Gandalf smiled and said: "Yes, but Smaug is asleep. He is full of gold. His nose is very sensitive to dwarves and humans, but he doesn't have any feeling for Hobbits. So you are the best snitch. Candidates."

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