Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 940

Bilbo said in horror: "You let me steal something under a dragon!"

"It's to help us regain our country!" Dewarin thumped the table.

Bilbo shook his head, "I'm sorry, I'm really not interested, and you, can't force me! There are so many hobbits in the Shire area, you can ask another clever!"

Gandalf waved his hand, "Don't discuss this topic, everyone is hungry, let's eat first!"

The dwarves then picked up the food and ate it.

The whole restaurant was in a mess, full of loud quarrels, table beating, and a dwarf with a Mediterranean hairstyle stood on the table and danced.

Bilbo was really going crazy, he wished the day would end sooner.

Waiting until the dwarves were full and started to pack the tableware, there were several heavy knocks at the door.

The dwarves present all pricked their ears.

Gandalf smiled relievedly: "He is finally here."

Bilbo said angrily: "I won't open the door again."

All the dwarves gathered at the door, and Gandalf opened the door himself.

Outside the door, a middle-aged male dwarf with a majestic face in a black fur coat stood there.

"Gandalf, long time no see."

The man walked in with vigorous steps and said with a faint smile: "I remember you said that it's easy to find here, but I didn't expect it to be so easy to find. Your noisy voices can be heard several kilometers away There, and there is a mark on this door, I don’t think I can get lost."

"Mark?" Bilbo looked at his clean door in amazement, "Where is the mark?"

Gandalf smiled and said, "That is a magic mark, only dwarves can see it."

Bilbo said in horror: "Gandalf! Why are you doing this!"

Gandalf smiled and said: "Of course it is to bring everyone together! Let me introduce to you, this is Thorin Oakshield, the grandson of King Thor Oakshield, a true prince, he Also the captain of this lone mountain mission."

Bilbo was surprised to find that the noisy dwarves in the room had become extremely quiet at this time, and they were all bowing to this Thorin Oak Shield.

Although the oak shield country has been occupied by the dragon Smaug, the old king died in battle, and the legal crown prince (thorin's father) was also missing in the war with the orcs, but all the dwarves of the oak shield tribe are all in sight To the attitude of the prince to face Thorin Oakshield.

Only Thorin's blood is the real royal blood, and only Thorin's leadership can they complete the great cause of rejuvenation.

Bilbo took a deep breath, bowed and said, "Sorry, I didn't know you were a prince."

Thorin looked at Bilbo with a smile.

Despite the smile on his face, his deep black eyes still unconsciously put a great pressure on Bilbo.

This is the inherent aura of the king!

Thorin said lightly: "So, you are the hobbit recommended by Gandalf?"

Bilbo quickly said: "Recommend? I don't want to be recommended. I don't need money. Actually, it's fair to say that we hobbits do not have a royal family, but if there is a royal family, then I should be a prince."

Thorin smiled and said, "Tell me Bilbo, have you fought a war? How many people have you killed? With an axe or a sword? Do you have the most confidence in that skill?"

Bilbo opened his mouth and decided to answer the last question first: "I have the most confidence in the art of sleeping."

Thorin looked at Gandalf in surprise, "He said he has confidence in the art of sleeping, Gandalf, did you find us a duck?"

Bilbo exclaimed, blushing and shouted: "No! I am not a duck! I am not! I just said, I like to sleep! The longest time I can sleep 36 hours!"

Gandalf laughed hahaha.

Thorin also laughed, "Sorry, Bilbo, I misunderstood."

Gandalf pointed to Xufeng and Iron Hammer and said, "These two are mercenaries I invited temporarily. This is called Didi, and this one is called Iron Hammer."

"Mercenaries?" Thorin frowned slightly, "I don't trust human mercenaries."

Gandalf said: "This lady hammer has one-64th of the dwarf bloodline. You can trust her. As for this human swordsman, he is very strong, and most importantly, he is upright. A sense of justice is full, and it will definitely be of great help to our Gushan mission this time."

Thorin first looked at the hammer, and finally nodded slightly, which was considered to have recognized the identity of the hammer, then Thorin raised his head and looked at Xufeng again.

In terms of Thorin's height, he is definitely tall among the dwarves.

The average height of the dwarves is 1.5 meters, and Thorin's height is 1.7 meters!

This height is about to reach the average height of a human being.

Xufeng's height was close to 1.9 meters, so when Thorin looked at Xufeng, he could only look up.

"Are you a swordsman?" Thorin asked.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Yes."

"What sword to use."

"A good sword."

"Take it out and let me see."

"Sorry, no." Xu Feng bluntly refused.

All the dwarves present roared with dissatisfaction, and Xu Feng refused their prince's request. In their opinion, it was extremely disrespectful.

Thorin raised his hand and motioned to the dwarves to keep quiet.

"Why?" Thorin asked in a cold voice, "Could it be that your sword is too bad. I'm sorry to show it to others?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "A swordsman's sword is not used to show off good-looking and unsightly, but to kill."

The corner of Thorin's mouth raised, "Well said, swordsman!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "You can call me Diedi."

Thorin smiled and said, "Unfortunately, it's useless to just say it. After all, this Gushan mission is about the survival of my tribe. I can't just entrust my destiny to someone I don't trust."

Xufeng asked: "Then what do you want?"

Thorin said coldly: "Let's fight a game."

Chapter 49

The dwarves cheered suddenly.

There is a clear difference between dwarves and hobbits. Hobbits don't like adventure and like a comfortable and peaceful life, while dwarves like drinking and fighting.

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