Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 941

Whether you lose or win, the winners and losers will be like brothers.

"What, fight? No!" Bilbo said loudly, "I will never allow it! Because this is my home!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Bilbo is right. We can't fight in his house. Let's go to the yard."

Thorin laughed, "Okay!"

Bilbo shouted loudly: "No! The yard is also my home!"

Xu Feng shrugged, "You can fight in the yard or in the house. You can only choose one."

Bilbo opened his mouth, "Okay, okay, go to the yard! Hmph, there are no lights in my yard, you can only discredit the fight!"

"It's easy!" Gandalf took a sip of Shire tobacco and said with a smile: "Don't forget, I brought a car of fireworks."

"Fireworks?" Bilbo sneered. "Fireworks are fleeting and can only light up for a while."

Gandalf smiled and said, "That's other people's fireworks, my fireworks, you can stay as long as you want to stay in the sky."

With that, he walked into the courtyard and took out an ordinary firework from the carriage.

Then, a blue light appeared on his hand, and the blue light was attached to the firework, directly igniting the firework.

The fireworks dragged their long tails to the height of the courtyard, and then exploded with a bang.

Stars and dots of light spread in the night sky, gradually brightening, illuminating the entire yard, and-lasting for a long time.

Bilbo said in astonishment: "What, what, what brand of fireworks is this?"

Gandalf smiled and said, "Magic."

"Magic card..." Bilbo breathed in admiration, staring at the night sky for a long time.

Xufeng's brow moved slightly.

Ordinary fireworks, after being attached by Gandalf's magic, turned into magical fireworks--or in other words, there was no fireworks at all, but Gandalf used the fireworks as a cover to covertly use lighting magic.

Anyway, you have to find a way to get a firework that has been attached to Gandalf's magic.

This shouldn't be difficult.

Thorin Oak Shield took off the outer fur cloak, picked up a huge two-handed axe, and laughed coldly: "Swordsman, you seem to be a little distracted. If you are on the battlefield, I will cut it off just now. Your head is gone."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Yeah, I admit that I am indeed distracted, such a wonderful firework, who can not be distracted by watching it."

Thorin said coldly: "I won't be distracted by watching it. No matter how beautiful the fireworks are, it won't affect my will to restore the country."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Speaking of which, even if I am distracted, you can't hurt me."

Thorin sneered, "Every human being I know is so arrogant."

As he said, Thorin roared, his whole body leaped into the air, raised his hands with axe, and slashed at Xufeng fiercely!

This move is extremely fast and powerful!

Even the surrounding air has become extremely cold!

Xu Feng was also secretly surprised-Thorin Oak Shield's personal strength level, I am afraid it has reached the level of 52!

And Xufeng's current personal level is only 40, plus the equipment attribute bonus, I am afraid it is only 50!

Don't despise this dwarf prince!

He really has an almost fanatical heart to restore the country!

Xu Feng didn't dare to neglect, and moved quickly in a crane shape.

Thorin's sharp axe slashed heavily, almost wiping Xu Feng's body.

All the dwarves thought this hit was a must, and some even started to regret Xufeng, but what was hit by the axe was only the afterimage of Xufeng.

Thorin was taken aback and hurriedly turned around and slashed again, but Xu Feng's speed was significantly faster. Xu Feng used the Wing Chun boxing day to punch his fist, and beat Thorin's side ribs with extremely fast fists. on!

Thorin was beaten up immediately!

There is full of power in the air, but at this moment it is completely unable to play, and the axe cannot be swung!

Xu Feng shouted: "Sword out! Go straight!"

Thorin broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly stepped back.

He felt that his heart had been hit, but the force was extremely light and there was no harm at all.

He took a breath of astonishment and found that Xufeng didn't draw a sword at all, but instead hit him in the heart with a fleshy fist.

This speed, this angle!

It's like the reincarnation of the God of War!

Although the strength is weak, the strength is weak, indicating that the opponent does not want to hurt himself.

If it was not a fist but a real sword, Thorin would have died at this moment!Talk about the great cause of restoration!


The dwarves present saw that Suolin was repelled by Xufeng with bare hands, and suddenly exclaimed, Qi Li and Feili wanted to come up to help.

Thorin quickly raised his hand to stop them.

His face is not very good-looking, but it is by no means annoyed, but the set of Japanese punch punches just now. It seems that the force is not strong, but it hits the key points of his side ribs, making him half of his body Hemp.

Thorin took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "I have already lost before the swordsman can use the sword. I admire and admire you. You are the most powerful of all the opponents I have ever seen."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Thank you, you don't need to call me a swordsman, just call me Diedi."

At this time, Xufeng did not forget to take advantage of Prince Thorin.

Gandalf smiled and said, "How about Thorin, is this mercenary I temporarily selected okay?"

Thorin nodded heavily, "Welcome to join my Lonely Mountain Adventure Team, but I said the shame on the front. This mission is extremely dangerous. It's not just the kind of little jokes we just did. If you can't bear it. It’s dangerous, so it’s too late to withdraw now. If you give up your mission and run away at a critical time, you will be pitted to us. My brother and I will never let you go."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry."

Lao Tzu is the one who wants to offer rewards!Even if you all run away, I have to complete the task!

...Xu Feng secretly complained.

Gandalf smiled: "In this case, let's go in and discuss the details of the contract."

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