Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 943

This group of dwarves knock on the table when they are angry, and knock on the table when they are excited.

Bilbo couldn't help it anymore, "You, you want to kill a living dragon? Hahaha! Are you just a few of you? I only have four words for you-a good journey."

The dwarves all turned back, frowning and looking at Bilbo.

Bilbo shrank his tongue suddenly, not daring to sneer.

Chapter 51 Dwarves like to shoot the table

In fact, everyone knows that Bilbo's remarks are not entirely ridicule.

With the number and ability of thirteen dwarves, wanting to pass through the dangerous Misty Mountains is a matter of life and death.

There are all kinds of dangerous monsters in the Misty Mountains, these monsters are left over from the Morgoth period, and have not been eliminated by the Holy White Council and the Alliance army.

After defeating Morgoth and Demon Lord Sauron, the alliance quickly collapsed. After all, when there is a strong hostile target, everyone can stay in the same boat. After the biggest hostile target dies, everyone only thinks of themselves. No one wants to consume their own strength and contribute more to the alliance.

Therefore, although the two demon heads of Morgoth and Demon Lord Sauron are all finished, the monsters they left behind have not been completely eliminated. Most of these monsters have gathered in the Misty Mountains.

In recent decades, there has been a growing trend.

Therefore, just crossing the Misty Mountains is already a very dangerous thing, let alone facing the dragon Smaug created by Morgoth himself.

The Seven Kingdoms did not want to send soldiers to help the Oak Shield tribe, but it actually made sense.

The ancestor of the Oak Shield tribe, that is, Thorin’s grandfather, King Thor, has become a lunatic outright in the late reign. The seven dwarf kings also have reason to worry that the current Prince Thorin is probably also a madman .

They will not give their fighters to a madman who is eager to restore the country.

"...Bilbo, please brighten up the light here." Gandalf cleared his throat and took out an old map.

Bilbo hurriedly went to find candles. He also knew that what he had just said was a bit hurtful, so he tried to make up for these "poor" dwarves.

The dwarves didn't care about Bilbo any more, they all looked at Gandalf's map intently.

Gandalf said: "In the far east, across countless rivers and mountains, across endless forests and deserts, there stands this lonely mountain proudly. This is the land of the Oak Shield tribe for generations-the lone mountain, which is also ours. The destination of this operation."

A red-bearded dwarf Oli said: "Yes, my brother Ou Yin is a prophet. Through divination, he predicted that the time has come!"

Ou Yin, the dwarf sitting next to him, took a deep breath and closed his eyes and said: "Yes, I saw a black raven flew back into the lone mountain, as described in the prophecy! The prophecy said, When the old birds return to Ereber, the rule of the beast will be ended."

Ouli said: "Although the prophecy did not say how the beast was terminated, and by whom, it was all terminated!"

The dwarves knocked on the table excitedly again.

The dwarf named Dori stood up and announced loudly: "Let's find the damning fire-breathing dragon. I want its chrysanthemum to taste the dwarf iron rod!"

"Good point! Doli!"

The dwarves applauded Dori.

The elderly Bahrain said anxiously: "If you want to deal with Smaug, an entire army may not be able to do it. What's more, we have only 13 people, and we are not the most outstanding 13 people, nor the smartest 13 people. "

Kili frowned and said, "Uncle Bahrain, what do you mean by that? Is it possible that you are scared and don't want to participate in this operation?"

Bahrain said quickly: "Kili, you have misunderstood me. I am in a dying year. I have not been alive for a few years. I can fight to death for the Oak Shield tribe. Personal glory is small, and whether we can restore our country is great! What we want is not to die in glory, but to regain the lonely mountain! Therefore, we must thoroughly analyze every step, including our resources, and The strength of the enemy."

The dwarves present nodded.

Philip said: "Yes, we should indeed plan carefully, but everyone knows that this task itself is an impossible task. Knowing that it is impossible, we have to do it because we are all warriors who would rather die than surrender. We can't continue to live like this anymore! Some things, worry about a thousand times, it is better to just rush forward and do it!"

Kili said: "Also, everyone, don't forget, this mission, we have a powerful wizard with you! There is also a good swordsman, and a lady with a 64th dwarf bloodline! Oh, also There is a hospitable snitch!"

The dwarves knocked on the table excitedly again.

Bilbo waved his hand quickly and said: "It's not me, don't talk nonsense, I am not!"

He is the equivalent of a prince among the hobbits!Worry-free!Admired!

Why go on an adventure with a group of dirty dwarves?

Moreover, we still have to face an ancient dragon that can breathe fire!

Haha!A fool will go!

"Don't worry, our friends," Ou Yin said with a smile: "Our wizard Gandalf is the archmage of the Holy White Council. With his ability, he can kill hundreds of dragons by himself."

The dwarves present suddenly cheered.

Gandalf said quickly: "Well, I actually...cough cough..."

The wizards of the Holy White Council are indeed powerful, but Gandalf's current strength is not the strongest. He separated at least half of his strength and handed it over to the white-robed mage Saruman to make the mana ring.

So his current strength is not as strong as others thought.

Of course, even if he did not surrender this half of the mana, his strength would not be able to destroy hundreds of giant dragons, even one would be difficult to destroy.

The dragon is a monster made by Morgoth himself.

Morgoth is one of the fifteen main gods, and the wizards of the Holy White Council are only secondary gods.

When Morgoth made the dragon, it was made with the characteristics of the strongest combat effectiveness. When the secondary gods were made, the focus was on work ability, not combat ability.

Therefore, in terms of fighting alone, it is difficult for Gandalf to kill a dragon alone, and it is difficult for a dragon to kill a sub-divine wizard alone.

However, this kind of rational analysis would definitely not be recognized by the dwarves.

They placed their hopes in Gandalf, and Gandalf did not want to disappoint them.


When the dwarves were arguing that Gandalf could kill a few dragons, Thorin hammered the table.

The whole bottom hole of the bag buzzed and vibrated.

Why do dwarves like to shoot tables so much?

Bilbo closed his eyes heartily, heartbroken over the long table passed down by his grandfather's uncle's aunt.

Thorin looked around majesticly, and when all the dwarves calmed down, he said majesticly: "There are rumors that the dragon that occupies our Lonely Mountain Palace has not been seen by anyone for 60 years. Up."

"There is a lot of speculation about Smaug."

Thorin said coldly: "Some people say it is still alive, some say it is dead, but as time goes by, more and more eyes are staring at the Gushan Palace, they are thinking, wandering, hesitating. Weighing the pros and cons! Once they feel that the time is right, they won't care who Gushan belongs to! They will carve up our wealth, leaving us with an empty palace!"

Chapter 52 The Dwarf's Secret Key

All the dwarves present frowned.

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