Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 944

They did not think about this.

He only thought about how powerful the dragon was and how brave he was, but he never thought about it. There are other people who have witnessed that they are staring at their wealth.

If, if Smaug is really dead, or aging is not what it looks like, then those who have nothing to do with it will flock to the Gushan Palace.

"So, in any case, we have to walk in front of everyone. We will be the first to enter the Gushan Palace. We have to announce to everyone that our Oak Shield tribe is back, and Gushan still belongs to Oak Shield. , Anyone who covets the wealth of Oak Shield is an intruder that the Alliance has to punish!"

Thorin slammed his fist on the table, making a loud noise.

"Are we waiting for others to take away the wealth that belongs to us, or do we make a desperate move to retake the property that belongs to us?" Thorin asked loudly.

"Taking back the property that belongs to us!"

"Never let those profitable villains get ahead of us!"

"Smaug is not terrible at all! After so many years, it has been old and weak!"

"Maybe, when we enter Gushan, we will only see a big flying insect that can't even stand!"

The dwarves screamed excitedly, and the whole bag bottom hole was rumbling.

Bilbo covered his ears in pain. He usually likes to be quiet. Such noise is really not acceptable.

Bahrain said anxiously: "But have you forgotten? The front of the Gushan Palace has been blocked by broken rocks. Without the strength of thousands of troops, it would be difficult for us to open the front door from the outside."

The dwarves present suddenly calmed down.

Bahrain sighed, "We have no other way to enter the Lonely Mountain except for gathering the forces of the Seven Kingdoms of Dwarves."

Gandalf took a sip of Shire tobacco, spit out a large smoke ring, and said with a smile: "That's not necessarily true, my dear Bahrain."

Bahrain asked in surprise: "Do you have a way to let us in?"

Gandalf raised his hand, and a chic metal key appeared on his fingertips.

The key is about fifteen centimeters long. The key is extremely exquisite in workmanship. The key handle is also engraved with the emblem of the oak shield tribe.

"This is the key to the Lonely Mountain Palace!" Prince Thorin recognized it instantly.

However, he only recognized the royal emblem of the oak shield, but he didn't know which door lock in the palace was opened by this key.

"This is the key to the back door of the Gushan Palace." Gandalf said with a smile.

Thorin's eyes widened in astonishment, and he asked in a deep voice, "Gandalf! Where did you get this key?"

Gandalf smiled and said, "Naturally your father Thorne gave it to me."

Thorin frowned and said, "During the battle between us and Azog the Orc, my father had disappeared! And that was 30 years ago!"

Gandalf nodded and said, "Yes, your father has indeed been missing for a long time. He gave it to me for safekeeping one day before the war."

Thorin's face became more ugly, "In other words, you have held the key to the back door for at least thirty years!"

Gandalf said without denying: "Yes."

Thorin said angrily: "Gandalf! You obviously could give me this key thirty years ago! Why didn't you take it out until now! Are you a friend of our Oak Shield tribe!"

Gandalf spit out the smoke ring helplessly, and said faintly: "Of course I am a friend of your Oak Shield tribe, and a very loyal friend. Thorin, you calmly think about it, if I took it 30 years ago What will you do with this key?"

Thorin said without hesitation: "Organize an expeditionary force and fight back to Gushan!"

Gandalf said, "But you and I all know that this was no different than going to death thirty years ago."

Thorin was startled slightly, and exhaled silently.

Gandalf was right.

Let alone thirty years ago, even today, such an action is tantamount to death.

The difference is that today, sixty years later, Thorin is already stronger, more mature and stable mentally, and most importantly, the signs of prophecy have also appeared.

It can be said that now is the best time to get everything ready.

Seeing Thorin calm down, Gandalf said with a smile: "Torrin, trust me, I am a loyal friend of your Oak Shield tribe. I am guarding this key for your father, and I know the key on my shoulder. The burden is very heavy. I watch you all the time, and wait for the opportunity all the time. Now that the time has come, and the signs of prophecy have appeared, then I can return this key to you for your father."

Thorin excitedly took the key to the oak shield emblem and said gratefully: "Gandalf, I'm sorry I spoke to you like that. It turns out that you are a reliable friend. If you are someone else, you may secretly Hide the key, or sell the key for a good price, but you have chosen to keep your promise. You are a noble wizard. Please accept my highest respect."

After speaking, Thorin held his heart and bowed his head respectfully to Gandalf.

The other dwarves followed Thorin and saluted Gandalf.

Gandalf smiled and said, "You are welcome, you are welcome."

Philip blinked and asked, "Gushan Palace...is there a back door?"

The dwarves look at me, I look at you, all shrugged and shook their heads.

Thorin recalled it carefully, but did not think of any clues about the back door of the palace.

Gandalf also hesitated, "Thorn only gave me this key and this map, and said nothing else. I thought you dwarves should know where the back door is."

...This is embarrassing!

The dwarves were all staring.

They finally felt that they had caught hope, but suddenly realized that there was no hope at all.

Xufeng probed the map and immediately understood.

There is a line of text written in Gurunic on the map, which is exactly how the secret key is used.

Of course, the ancient script is the ancient script of the dwarf tribe in the First Era, let alone the dwarves of the Third Era. Even the lower god Gandalf cannot understand these messy symbols.

And Xufeng has the ability to understand all the languages ​​of all planes, plus he is familiar with the plot, so he can understand it at a glance.

He just opened his mouth to explain, but then stopped again.

He cannot speak rashly.

A human swordsman can actually understand Gurunic, which is unexplainable anyway.

Not only does it fail to explain, it will backfire and cause suspicion.

Xu Feng thought about it quickly, and then used his mind to communicate with the boring hammer.

Chapter 53


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