Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 945

The hammer was startled suddenly, and then looked at Xufeng with a strange look.

Xufeng quickly said with thoughts: "Don't talk, I am communicating with you with thoughts."

The hammer replied with thoughts: "Dahha?"

Xu Feng said with thoughts: "This group of dwarves are too stupid. If we continue to develop this way, the plot of our expedition to Gushan will be stuck. Please explain to them the role of the secret key."

The hammer gave a wry smile, and said with a thought: "How do I know what that thing is for?"

Xufeng said with thought: "I know, I will teach you sentence by sentence, you can just repeat it to them."

The hammer replied with thoughts: "Well, I made a mistake about you."

"Okay." Xu Feng smiled faintly, and said with a thought: "Go and pick up the map first, and take a look at it pretentiously."

The hammer immediately stood up and picked up the yellowed parchment map from Gandalf.

All the dwarves present frowned and looked at her, wondering what this woman with a sixty-fourth dwarf blood wanted to do.

In fact, Hammer certainly doesn't have one-64th of the dwarf bloodline. It is just Xufeng's random fabrication to make the dwarves accept them.

The reason why the dwarves believe it is because of the name of the hammer and the hammer is really a master forging.

The dwarves feel that it is impossible for humans to have such forging skills. If the hammer can have such skills, there is only one possibility-the hammer really has the dwarf blood, and her forging skills are inherited from the dwarves. Past.

Now, as a human swordsman, Xufeng is naturally unable to explain the ancient runes, but since the dwarves believe that the hammer has dwarf blood, then it is logical to explain the runes through the mouth of the hammer and will not arouse suspicion. Up.

The hammer took the map to the left and looked at it again, almost turning the map over.

Only then did Xu Feng use his mind to say: "The text on this is in ancient runic."

The hammer cleared his throat and pretended to say: "The text on this is Gurunic."

Gandalf was startled, then opened his muddy eyes and looked carefully, "Well, that's right, it is indeed ancient runic. I said why it looks so familiar, it turned out to be written in ancient runic. what!"

Thorin said in a deep voice: "The ancient rune is a unique script created by our people in the ancient times. It has evolved to this day and no dwarves can understand it. Gandalf, you have a lot of knowledge, come and translate it for us. Right."

Gandalf's face blushed, "Well, I do know this is ancient runic, but let me translate... ahem, I really can't recognize these words. Oh, yes, Ms. Hammer, you just Say this is ancient runic, do you know it?"

It's time to pretend!

Hammer grinned, "Of course I know."

Xufeng said with thought: "I only know a small part."

The hammer was startled and quickly changed his words and said, "Ahem, I mean, I only know a small part of it."

"Xu Feng, you cheated me!" Iron Hammer asked with thought.

"Idiot! No one knows Guruni, if you say you know all of them, the dwarves won't ask where you learned it!" Xu Feng replied with an angry mind.

"Um, too." Iron Hammer realized that Xu Feng's mind was far more meticulous than hers this time.

Thorin looked at the hammer solemnly, "Ms. Hammer, can you translate the text on this for us?"

Xufeng said with thought: "I will try my best."

The hammer took a deep breath and pretended to think, "...Well, I will try my best."

She picked up the map, pointed at it character by character, thinking, nodding and shaking her head sometimes.

The dwarves beside them all looked at the hammer with fear, for fear that their hopes would be shattered again.

Xu Feng observed it secretly, and saw that the dwarves looked at the hammer nervously, without any suspicion at all, only then did Xu Feng use his mind to say: "Okay, it's almost done."

The hammer nodded vigorously, "Well, it's almost there."

Xu Feng said with thoughts: "The general meaning of this passage is that there is a secret road that can enter the underground hall of the Gushan Palace. This secret key is the key to open the door of the underground hall."

"Yeah! Great!"

"We can go home!"

"Enter from the underground hall!"

"Ms. Hammer, we salute you, you really deserve to be the blood of our dwarves!"

The dwarves thumped the table excitedly.

Bilbo closed his eyes and covered his heart.

Thorin frowned and said, "But... as far as I know, the door of the secret room of the Gushan Palace disappears after being closed. Even if we have the key, we may not be able to find that door."

The mood of the dwarves fell in an instant.

Gandalf took a few puffs of Shire tobacco, and then spit out a few smoke rings, "Even I can’t find the door to the Dwarf’s Secret Chamber, but I know that in Middle-earth, there are others who can Find out, don’t worry about this. What we need to consider most now is how to safely enter and investigate after opening the underground hall. My ideal person should be someone who can hide himself and have the courage to face danger. ——"

With that, Gandalf looked at Bilbo, who was covering his heart and closing his eyes.

All the dwarves' eyes fell on Bilbo.

Bilbo sensed the strangeness and opened his eyes slightly. When he saw all the dwarves were watching him, he felt a furry in his heart.

Thorin nodded and said, "We need a snitch, a brave, capable snitch."

Bilbo quickly said: "I can recommend one to you, no, I can recommend several to you! In short, I will recommend as many snatches as you want."

Thorin glared at Bilbo and said, "Aren't you the best snitch?"

"Me?" Bilboha laughed, "Stop kidding, I've said it countless times, I am a master, I am a rich man, I have money, I am not a thief, and I can't fly!"

Bahrain sighed and said, "I'm afraid to say that Master Baggins is indeed not a thief."

Wadlin also said: "Yes, he is too greedy for pleasure, not adventurous."

These words are undoubtedly derogatory, but to Bilbo, they are very useful.

The other dwarves are divided into two factions, one thinks that Bilbo can do it, and the other thinks that Bilbo will only be a burden.

Gandalf knocked on the table, but the dwarves paid no attention to him.

Gandalf stood up and yelled with a voice with magical deterrent energy: "Enough, shut up, I said Bilbo will do it, Bilbo will do it! The hobbits have light footsteps, if they want, they They can sneak where they want to go without being discovered! The dragon Smaug is already familiar with the smell of dwarves and humans, but is not familiar with the smell of hobbits, which will give us a great advantage! So , I recommend Bilbo Baggins, his ability is far better than what you can see! What he can contribute is far beyond your imagination!"

Gandalf looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on Bilbo with a face of rejection, "even though he himself doesn't know how important he is."

Gandalf added emphatically: "At this point, you must trust me."

Chapter 54

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