Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 947

"What to eat, shouldn't the dwarves prepare it?"

"They prepare theirs, we prepare ours."

"what is the difference?"

"Of course." Xu Feng grinned, "You don't need to ask too much. By tomorrow, you will naturally know."

The hammer curled his lips, "I don't know it rarely--remember, you must hold it when you sleep in a room with me, and don't do stupid things that make your lower body hot. I always hold the hammer in my hand. "

"I know, I know, good night." Xufeng yawned and soon fell asleep.

On the contrary, Hammer didn't fall asleep for a long time.

Chapter 55 What a nightmare!

In the early morning of the next day, warm sunlight poured on the hammer through the blurred stained glass window.

Hammer stretched his waist beautifully, buried his head in the velvet pillow, and continued to sleep comfortably.

I have to say that the living conditions of Lord Baggins are really good, and even the hammer has fallen a bit.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in her ears.

This rustle seemed to have appeared early, but she only realized it now.

The hammer immediately opened Xing's eyes vigilantly, and grabbed his hammer.

She quickly turned over and sat up on the bed, and saw Xufeng sitting on the couch in front of the window, holding a pen in her hand, writing and drawing on the paper.

The Hammer said with shame, "Are you drawing me?"

Xu Feng was taken aback, "Are you awake? Just so..."

The hammer said angrily: "I treat you as a brother, but I didn't expect you to do such a shameless and nasty thing while I was sleeping!"

Xufeng said dumbfounded: "What nasty thing have I done? I didn't secretly paint you!"

The hammer said angrily: "Do you dare to show me your drawing?"

Xufeng handed it up without hesitation, "I just want to show it to you."

The hammer took a look at the painting, then was stunned.

This is indeed not her portrait, but a simple mechanical drawing.

The drawing is crooked and crooked, but fortunately the mechanics are not complicated, and you can see it at a glance.

If the hammer is correct, the simple machine that Xufeng drew should be a hand-cranked noodle machine.

"...You drew such a thing after facing me all night?" Hammer didn't know if he should be angry or laugh.

Xufeng smiled and said: "I have observed that there is no noodles in Middle-earth, and there is no noodle pressing machine. We can use this advantage to make a batch of instant noodles that are easy to carry."

"Huh?" The hammer was completely stunned.

"Instant noodles," Xu Feng explained with a smile: "It's the kind of twists and turns that can be eaten in hot water."

"Good food?" Iron Hammer said in an angry tone: "Your instant noodles are good food!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "I am used to eating instant noodles. Instant noodles are naturally not delicious. However, when I haven't eaten instant noodles for a long time, I still feel a little panic."

The hammer sneered, "If there is fish, meat and bread, I don't know how to eat instant noodles!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Okay, you don't want to eat it. I will eat it myself, right? You can help me build a noodle press first."

The hammer curled his lips, "Don't do it."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I said in front of the dwarves that you are a master forging. If you can't even make a noodle machine, it will make the dwarves look down upon."

The hammer thought for a while, "That's fine, but forging materials and forging sites, you have to prepare for me."

There is no blacksmith shop in the place where hobbits live in the Shire area. All the iron tools of the hobbits are purchased from the nearby dwarf tribe.

Hobbits don't like the clanging sound, much less the billowing smoke from the forge.

However, this is not a difficult task for Xu Feng.

Bilbo’s yard is very large and can be used as a temporary blacksmith's shop, and the dwarves of Bilbo’s family will carry some forging equipment on their bodies.

What's more, the noodle pressing machine does not require too complicated craftsmanship. With the forging technique of a hammer, it is not difficult at all.

So the two went out of the room, borrowed a few tools from the dwarves, and went to the street to buy some metal utensils.

Xufeng also took the opportunity to buy ten bags of good flour, as well as various vegetables, condiments, jerky and so on.

At the checkout, Xufeng reported the name of Bilbo Baggins.

The name was really easy to use. The sellers didn't ask for any paperwork, so they helped Xufeng transport everything to the bottom of Bilbo's bag.

The hammer immediately set up the fire, and then clanging in the courtyard to build the parts of the noodle machine.

The dwarves were attracted by the fire and the sound of iron strikes.

They watched the hammer's proficient ironing skills, and they all danced with excitement.

Kellett couldn't help but stepped up and asked: "Dear Ms. Hammer, good morning, may I ask, are you here?"

"Strike iron." The hammer said without looking back.

"I can see it," Kellie smiled awkwardly, "I wanted to ask, what are you hitting? Do you need me to help? I'm still very confident in ironing."

The hammer shook his head, "No, it's just a gadget. Give me half an hour and I can handle it."

Kili glanced at the blueprint in front of the hammer, and suddenly opened his mouth in astonishment.

He had never seen such a strange device.

"what is this?"


"Uh, I want to ask, what is drawn on the drawing?"

"Oh, noodle press."

"Noodle pressing machine..." Kili can say every word of these words, but when they are connected, Kili is completely blinded.

Hammer smiled and said: "When I build it, you will understand."

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