Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 948

At this time, Bilbo was lying on the sofa in his living room. He fell asleep from yesterday to now. In his sleep, he had a nightmare. He dreamed that a large group of dwarves broke into his home and ate his things. He beat his table, and finally invited him to die with him, and he also set up a blacksmith shop in his yard, clanging iron.

What a nightmare.

Bilbo rubbed his temples, faintly relieved, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Jingle bell, jingle bell.

Bilbo frowned. Why did he wake up from the nightmare, but the sound of iron strikes and the laughter of the dwarves still did not disappear?

He quickly rubbed his eyes and saw that the house was still messy!

Gandalf was smoking Shire, sitting on the opposite side of the sofa, looking at him with a smile.

"Are you awake?" Gandalf said with a pleasant smile.

Bilbo exclaimed, "What! This is not a dream!?"

Gandalf smiled and said, "Haha, of course this is not a dream. I know, this is really an exciting thing for you. One sixteenth of the wealth of the Gushan Palace, you know, that means What is it? It means that your wealth will increase fivefold!"

Bilbo shook his head quickly, "No, no, I have enough money! I don't need to take risks anymore! Gandalf, I beg you, you should leave my house with the dwarves brothers, the big deal, I just donated a portion of the money. For you to use on the road! Oh, I can also donate a cart of tobacco to you! Good Shire tobacco!"

Gandalf laughed, "If there is a car of good Shire tobacco, it would be a great thing, but...I would rather not have tobacco, and I have to ask you to come."

Bilbo crumbled and asked, "Why? Why must it be me? If you need hobbits, why not go to the other hobbits in the Shire?"

Chapter 56-The Truth of Bloodline

Gandalf took a few puffs of tobacco and spit out a few smoke rings quietly.

Then, he slowly said: "Hobbits are born to like easy life, to follow the rules, and not to take risks. If you are unwilling to take risks, then other hobbits are even more reluctant."

Bilbo said helplessly: "But why is it me? What if there are other hobbits who want to take risks more than me? One sixteenth of the treasure of the Lonely Mountain Palace, maybe someone will be tempted."

Gandalf grinned, "I like you not because you have huge wealth, but because of your blood. You are the blood of the Baggins family and the Tucker family, and the Tucker family is among the Hobbits. The family that loves adventure most and has the most sense of justice. One of your ancestors has seen the Supreme Lord of the Rings built by Demon Lord Sauron. The Supreme Lord of the Rings can deceive people, even if it is a secondary god like me, Don’t dare to look at the Supreme Lord of the Rings. But the ancestor of the Touk family can resist the temptation of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, because he is content with Changle and has no other desires in his heart. And you, as the blood of the Touk family, In your bones, you also have this kind of non-greedy spirit."

Bilbo looked at Gandalf in surprise, and seemed to understand why Gandalf had to look for him.

He has an ancestor of heroes, the blood of ancestors is flowing in his body, he should not be ashamed of the blood of these heroes.

The adventurous spirit in Bilbo's heart was awakened, and he began to seriously consider the feasibility of participating in Operation Lone Mountain.

...No way.

... absolutely not!

After only serious consideration for a second, Bilbo had the answer in his mind.

That's going to cross the Misty Mountains!

That is to face the fire-breathing dragon!

I have such a good life, why do I have to die?

Isn't that the biggest fool in the world?

No, I don’t want to be the best fool in the world!

Bilbo shook his head vigorously.

Gandalf took another bit of tobacco, and then slowly said, "Bilbo, you live in seclusion here and don’t like to deal with hobbits. You probably don’t like the Hobbit’s conformist lifestyle, right? So you Always maverick, unwilling to be tacky. But do you know? Even though you are a maverick among the hobbits, in the eyes of us outsiders, you are still a hobbit, you You are polite, even if you are not hospitable, you never directly drive away uninvited guests. Instead, you take out so much food for everyone to eat. Like other hobbits, you don’t like adventures, you just like a comfortable life. ."

"Perhaps, I really shouldn't pin all hope on you, and I shouldn't bring dwarves to bother you." Gandalf knocked his pipe and said with a faint smile: "If this is the case, I want I apologize to you, don’t worry, after we have prepared the supplies here, we will stay one night temporarily and leave the next morning."

Bilbo opened his mouth, and then said, "...That would be great. I can support you with any supplies if needed."

Gandalf smiled and said, "Thank you, well, I should go out to work, too, so you can continue to rest."

With that, Gandalf got up and left the bottom of the bag.

Bilbo breathed a sigh of relief, he felt that the matter was finally resolved.

But don't know why, he always feels a little uneasy and guilty in his heart.

He was not ashamed of Gandalf, but ashamed of his ancestors.

The bottom of his bag, almost every piece of furniture, are family heirlooms. He has always valued his bloodliness, but...now think about it, he only values ​​the surface of bloodlines, and doesn't really respect bloodlines. The truth.

Bilbo looked out the window with a rather complicated mood.

A chubby dwarf happened to see Bilbo and immediately waved hello with a smile.

Bilbo quickly avoided, not wanting to communicate with the dwarf whose name he could not remember.

The dwarf was a little lost, but didn't mind anything, and soon turned his attention to the "noodle press".

The hammer really lived up to expectations and easily built and assembled a hand-cranked noodle press.

This noodle pressing machine is as high as one person, and it is considered a relatively large noodle pressing machine. The connection in some places is very rough. One is because there is no real blacksmith shop in the Hobbit area, and the other is because Xufeng is completely The drawings drawn from impressions only draw a few key points, and other small details are made up by the experience of the hammer.

"This is the noodle pressing machine!" Qi Li exclaimed.

Philip asked suspiciously: "Can this thing smash the city wall?"

He thought it was a trebuchet for siege.

"Where do you put the stones?" Fei Li turned the pasta machine around.

Xufeng smiled and said, "This is not for siege, but for food."

"For food?" Philip blinked in disbelief, "Such a big machine, used to make food? What a waste! Besides, the food made by such a big machine is so big, who can Eat it!"

The other dwarves nodded.

Xufeng smiled, and didn't explain anything to them, but found a big pot and mixed the flour and water in a certain ratio.

"Kili, you guys, wash your hands, come and knead the dough for me!" Xufeng pointed out a few young and strong dwarves to work.

Kili and others thought it was fresh and fun, so they all washed their hands and rushed to knead the dough.

Bilbo also felt novel, and couldn't help standing at the door, leaning on the door frame and watching.

When the noodles were almost kneaded, Xufeng put the noodles into the top entrance of the noodle maker.

"Kili, Feili, shake it up, you two!" Xu Feng said.

Kili and Philip looked at each other, and then started a dwarf dance.

"So if you want to eat noodles you have to dance first."

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