Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 950

After getting dressed in an emergency, Bilbo ran all the way, not caring about his identity and politeness.

The hobbits on the road took off their hats to salute Bilbo. Before they waited for a greeting, Bilbo passed them like a gust of wind.

"Good morning, Lord Baggins, I'm here to collect yesterday's account..."

"Wait for my return!" Bilbo yelled as he ran.

"Master Baggins, where are you going?"


"Which district of the Shire is Gushan? Well, when will you come back?"

"Not necessarily, it might turn into the ashes of the dragon! Hahahaha!" Bilbo shouted excitedly.

The merchant who collected the account opened his mouth in horror, and watched Bilbo completely disappear in front of them in disbelief.

Bilbo ran all the way, his stamina was very good, and his big feet were also very suitable for running, so less than half of the time he disappeared, he caught up with the team of dwarves riding a pony forward.

"Wait for me!" Bilbo shouted loudly: "I'm here! I'm here!"

The dwarf team stopped immediately.

Thorin turned around in surprise, frowning and looking at Bilbo.

Bilbo smiled and said: "I'm here, I figured it out, I want to take an adventure with you!"

Thorin said in a deep voice: "Mr. Baggins, even though you have figured it out, I still want to tell you that this journey will be very dangerous. We all have the possibility of death, and the dwarves are not obliged to protect you. ."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, the hammer and I will protect you."

Bilbo smiled happily: "Diedi, I don't want to live a boring life anymore! I want to go on an adventure with you!"

"Excellent, Bilbo!" Whitebeard Bahrain took out the contract that had not been signed. "Please sign here."

Chapter 58: The World Is Before Your Eyes

Bilbo accepted the contract without even looking at it and signed his name directly.

Bahrain accepted the contract, verified it, and then smiled with satisfaction, "Welcome, Bilbo Baggins, you are already one of us."

Thorin said solemnly, "Find him a pony to ride."

"Little horse?" Bilbo said quickly: "No, no, I can walk by myself, I don't need to ride that kind of furry thing."

Before he could finish speaking, Kili and Fili put it up on the left and right sides, and put them on the backs of small horses.

Bilbo strongly protested: "I don't want to ride a horse. It's very uncomfortable. I prefer to walk on my own feet. I can keep up with your speed."

Thorin said coldly: "Bilbo, I don't doubt your ability, but our journey is very long, so we must save energy."

Bilbo sighed helplessly, "I suddenly began to regret it. Excuse me, can I look back now?"

Thorin said coldly: "No, you have signed it. If you leave now, you will betray our Oak Shield tribe. Our entire Oak Shield tribe will be your enemy."

Bilbo shrank his tongue, "Okay, then go ahead."

Gandalf drove the carriage and came to him with a smile, "I'm glad you can come, Bilbo, it seems that I believe you are right."

Bilbo smiled helplessly: "I don't know why I did this, it's not like me."

Gandalf smiled and said, "No, maybe, this is the real you, the real you that you haven't even realized."

At this time, Thorin at the front of the team took out a bag of gold coins and threw them to Xu Feng at the back of the team.

Xufeng took the money bag and put it into his pocket without any humility.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Li, Feili, Ou Yin, Ou Li, also helplessly took out their money bags, and threw them to Xu Feng.

Bilbo asked suspiciously: "What are they doing?"

Gandalf took a sip of Shire tobacco and said with a smile: "They just used you to bet whether you can come. The swordsman Didi said you can definitely come. Thorin said you definitely can't come. Now, Didi They won, Thorin lost."

Bilbo asked curiously: "What about you, did you win or lose?"

Gandalf laughed and said nothing.

After a short while, Dewarin threw a bag of gold coins at Gandalf, and Gandalf put them away without humility.

Although the secondary gods don't need gold and silver treasures, it is always a very happy thing to win the chips.

When Bilbo was about to express his gratitude, his nose was itchy and he couldn't help sneezing several times.

"This horsehair makes me allergic..." He took out his pocket, and then his face changed drastically, "No! No! Wait! Stop! Look back! I must go back!"

Gandalf asked quickly: "What happened?"

Bilbo said loudly: "I forgot to bring my handkerchief! I have a lot of handkerchiefs, and every handkerchief is thrown away after use, so I need to bring a lot of handkerchiefs, and they are embroidered with the Baggins emblem. Handkerchief! I must get it back!"

Dori laughed, then tore a piece from his linen clothes, "Here you are, no thanks!"

Bilbo took the greasy and dirty "handkerchief", his entire face almost distorted.

Thorin shouted in a deep voice: "Don't stop, go ahead! Before dark, we must go out of the Shire area."

Gandalf smiled and said: "Bilbo, you have to get used to it. It is no longer the easy life you enjoyed before. Everything has to be simplified. You grew up in the hills and rivers of the Shire, without strong winds or waves. But now the homeland is behind you, which will make you very uncomfortable for a while, but from another perspective, although the homeland is behind you, the world is already in front of you."

"...Okay." Bilbo tried to wipe his nose with a dirty handkerchief, but he couldn't get it off after several attempts.

The dwarves marched slowly, but they never stopped.

As Gandalf said, the homeland is getting further and further behind Bilbo.

Bilbo thought he would be sad, but in fact, he was very excited.

He can't wait to see the world outside the Shire area.

They first climbed over a hill.

Bilbo exclaimed, "This mountain is so high."

The dwarves laughed suddenly.

Bahrain smiled and said, "My dear Bilbo, where is the mountain? This is just a hill. The so-called hill is just a pile of bulging stones, and the real mountain is not only high and majestic above the surface, Deep underground, there are deeper and larger roots."

Groyin smiled and said, "Bilbo, when you get to Gushan, you will understand what a real mountain is."

Bilbo shrugged and did not respond.

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